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Of a Thriller

The Thriller of
Murderous Passion.

The usual plot of a thriller encompasses a love triangle, stereotypically between that
of a husband, wife and a lover. The consequences of this scenario, is that of one or
two participants in the triangle plot to murder the other participant. With the
incentive of greed or passion; hence the title of the sub-genre.

Fatal Attraction
is a Film That
Incorporates this

The summary of the plot is the protagonist, Dan Gallagher, a married man with a
daughter, and the antagonist, Alex, share a weekend affair. However, the intention
of this was not to establish an official affair, but a simple mistake; a mistake he
would regret greatly. Alex, decides that one night was not enough and his rejection
from continuing to pursue an affair leaves her psychotic. Her pursual becomes more
and more sinister as she threatens the welfare of her family.

The Political Thriller.

This usual occurrence of a political thriller, is encompassed within an internal strife

with regards of politics as the backdrop. Within this extralegal plots are arranged in
a bid to overthrow the opponent.

Notorious is a film
that incorporates
this sub-genre.

The summary of Notorious is the power struggle between the Nazis and the US
Government. In a bid to rectify this situation, the protagonist T.R Devlin enlists
Alicia Huberman, however Hubermans father is that of a declared German spy. As
the movie prevails, Devlin and Huberman start to become emotionally attached in a
passionate sense. It later transpires that Huberman has been assigned to capture the
affections of a nazi in Brazil, Alexander Sebastian. The crisis occurs when
Sebastians intentions become serious and Alicia appears to be slipping undercover.

The Thriller of an
Acquired Identity.

The protagonist is commonly a villain with the intention of bettering themselves, so

they incorporate crime in their bid to acquire a new identity, more often than not
murder. They then acquire the deceased victims identity. However, karma comes
back to bite the protagonist, as the movie transpires they are punished or murdered

Seconds is a film
that encompasses
this sub-genre.

Seconds protagonist is Arthur Hamilton, a banker who receives an unexpected

phone call from an old friend who was believed to be dead. It transpires that his
friend simply faked his death, due to his appointment of a new identity by a
company who specialise in distributing new identities and lives. Hamilton is tempted
by the newly acquired identity and undergoes the process, with the new identity of
Tony Wilson, a Malibu artist. However, the transformation is not as simple as he

The Thriller of

The sub-genre encompasses a trauma stemmed from a love affair, crime or intrigue
that affects the protagonists mental stability; with usual effects of a psychotic
nature. The protagonist is always the character affected by these events.
Contrastingly the protagonist may also be a criminal.

Marnie is a film
that encompasses
this sub-genre.

Essentially Marnie follows the lives of Mark Rutland and Marnie Edgar, after
Marnie meets with Edgar to solicit a position. Unbeknown to Rutland, Miss Edgar is
the mysterious thief of a business that Rutland is accustomed to. Marnies intention
follows the same strategy as her position before, to purloin his business. However,
the obstacle of Rutlands obsession towards Marnie, results in a marriage one which
Marnie was blackmailed into. It is not until their marriage that uncovers Marnies
psychological traumas associated with thunderstorms, red and to his surprise men.
His strives to rectify her traumas, but takes a sexual approach to do so.

The Thriller of Moral


This sub genre is structured around the conception of a conflicting angel and devil
on the shoulders etc, however one character is manifested as innocent, virtuous
individual and the other evil and sinister. A parallel is encompassed with this subgenre, between elaborate dualities of the characters, most commonly the victim and
the criminal.

The Innocent-on-theRun Thriller.

As the title suggests, the film embodies an innocent victim on the run from a police
force, in addition to this they are often on the run from the criminal depending on
the situation. The innocent on the run is the protagonist, and within their venture
for righteousness they encounter another individual, whom they must place their
ultimate trust within.

The Fugitive is a
film that
incorporates this

The protagonist Richard Kimble, has unwarrantedly been convicted of the murder of
his wife. Despite his innocence, he is pursued by the U.S Marshals who are insistent
on capturing and bringing to what they think is justice. Not only is Kimble on the
run, but he also is determined to extricate himself by divulging the real killer. In his
attempt to do so, he also uncovers the motive into the death of his wife.

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