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Someone's gottodo it!

A digitalsetpipeline

By Josh Audsley-Smith

Someone'sgot to do it!Is a short
womancalledBarbara and her job. Throughout the
short Barbara will be talk about her cleaning job
and what she does, as well as seeing some of her
own home along with a client's home.
Barbara is notjust a normal house cleaner though.
She works for a company that cleans up after
murders and suicides, which will be revealed at the
end of the short by seeing her first job.


Barbara comes from a family of 4. Barbara's father die when she is 2 in a car accident,
leaving her mother to raise her and her two brothers. Barbara is a middle child, with an
older brother and a younger brother. She gets on well with both of them now, but when she
was child her brothers used to tease her abit. They called it character building. When they
all hit their teens years, her two brother start to look out for her more as well as pushing
her to focus on her studies. Barbara's older brother Mike pushed her to became a A star
student, he always said to her "you can do anything you set your mind on, you just need
determination". John her younger brother only by a year, looked out for her in the sense of
the guys she was dating, like her father would have if he was still alive.
When Barbara finished school she was not sure on what she wanted to do. With her mother
working two jobs to support the family Barbara stayed at home to help tidy and clean. Mike
moved out to go to police academy and John moved in with his girlfriend. Barbara's mother
quit one of her jobs so she could spent more time with her children, as well as to catch up
on quality time with them as she missed out when they were younger. Barbara spent her
day cleaning and tidying to help out around the house as well as going out and see her
friends. Barbara did not really like spending too much money so she wouldnt go out too
much. She tried a few different jobs over a year, but none of them stood out as a career.
So she did a bit of volunteering, helping out where she could and whoever she could.
Mike came around one day to see Barbara with a job opportunity. Mike told her about a
cleaning job, a crime scene cleaning job. Becoming a crime scene cleaner does not require
a college degree or certification Mike said. He then went on to say, More than anything, it
is important for crime scene cleaners to possess the following, Compassion, Integrity,
commitment and attention to detail. Barbara listen more and decided to give it ago,
finding out that she liked the work she was doing she kept the job. Barbara moved out of
her mother's place and into her own place.

Peoplethatgave meinspiration

When Iwas thinking aboutBarbara and

what she could be like, multiple things
came to mind as well asmultiple
accents. But when it came down to
finding a voice over artist I went with
the Essex accent and these two came
to mind.Barbara has Amy Childs
openest and Babs dim-witted

Bed frame x1
Bedroom mirror x 2
Wardrobe x 1
Bedside table x 2
4 drawer chest x 2
4 drawer tallboy chest x 2
Desk lamp x 2

Design bible

tv x 1
Tv stand x 1
Side table x 2
Coffee table x 1
Surround sound x 1
Book shelf x 2
Wide bookshelf x 2
Sofa x 2
Sideboard x 2
Small sideboard x 2
Lamps x 2

Design bible

Gaming chair x 2
Tv x 1
Tv stand x 1
Coffee table x 1
Tall narrow bookshelf
Tall wide bookshelf x
Surround sound x 1
Lamps x 2

Design bible

Test assets andlighting

Minor project outcome

Barbara'srooms andcontentsmodeled
Voice over
Art of(Barbara'srooms and contents)

Majorprojectto dolist
Modelcrime scenehouseandcontents
Texturecrimescenehouseand contents
Lighting forCrime scenehouseandcontents
Lighting forBarbara'shouse
Animate (camera)
Complete Art of

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