SSI 3013: Information and Communication Technology in Science

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SSI 3013:


Data Logging
Group members:
1.Chu Wei Wei ( D20161073968)
2.Fitriana binti Mohd Fadli( D20161073971 )
3.Rathnahsre (D20161073969)

Have u ever wondered
how fireworks works?

What makes hot air

balloon rise to the

Do you know that the

shooting of rocket
involve a reaction ?

Candle and sensors inside the
bell jar were set up as the
diagram above.
Sensors was connected to the
Oxygen sensor was allowed
to take time to stabalise.
The results was recorded for
3 minutes.
The candle was lighted up and
covered with bell jar.
When candle has
extinguished, air was readmit
into the bell jar.

Results & Discussion

oxygen sensor used to monitor the

oxygen level
the candle extinguished at 1.60
minutes with 16% of oxygen from
outside getting inside the bell jar.
The candle still light up when 20 %
of oxygen is supplied.
temperature sensor is used to
measure the temperature inside the
bell jar
when 7% of oxygen from outside
getting in, the temperature at the
top is higher than the temperature
at the bottom

temperature at the top will

increased slowly and started
decreased at 1.40 minutes.
temperature at the bottom of bell
jar is constant until three minutes.
Humidity sensor will measure the
water vapour produced
With 13% of oxygen getting in, it
shows that the water vapour
increase from 50% to 90% inside
the bell jar.
The higher the temperature, the
more water vapour it can contain.

To operate the systems in industry work such as in burners,boiler system and
Can design new methods to generate process heat without environmental
Combustion of fuel in low-efficiency stoves and lamps
For cooking and lighting purposes
Can be very dangerous and risky at the same time

Every time we strike a match, burn a candle, build a
fire or light the grill are the applications of combustion
Heat from hydrocarbon:
Many furnace and engine system rely upon the combustion of
hydrocarbons because it release large amount of heat.

Energy from alcohols:

Ethanol, is now mixed with gasoline for used in standard
internal combustion engines.

Power without carbon:

Many scientists assert that rising levels of atmospheric carbon
could lead to devastating climatic consequences.

Unique Feature of This Activity
Regardless of combustion deals with three sensors at one go, but through
data logging the experiment were made to be conducted easily and more

A step to re-enlighten public on the importance of combustion in our daily


Came to a realization where the importance of combustion had a big

relativity with its application as well.

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