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Lecture 3

Learning Outcomes

We will examine ways to identify variables that would

be relevant to the problem situation
We would be able to develop a literature review.
We would be able to developing specific problems

Steps 1 to 3
The broad problem area
Preliminary data gathering
Problem definition

The Research Process

Research Musts
Problem must be clearly recognized
Determine information already available and what
further information is required, as well as the best
approach for obtaining it
Obtain and assess information objectively to help
inform the decision

Six Phases of Research


Problem definition


Literature review


Selection of research design, subjects, and data collection



Data gathering


Data processing and analysis


Implications, Conclusions, and Recommendations

What is broad Problem area?
Broad problem area refers to the entire
situation where one sees a possible need
for research and problem solving.
The specific issues that need to be
researched within this situation may not be
identified at this stage

The specific issue might not be very clear.

Such issues might pertain to
(1) problems currently existing in an organizational setting
that need to be solved,
(2) areas that a manager believes need to be improved in
the organization,
(3) a conceptual or theoretical issue that needs to be
tightened up for the basic researcher to understand
certain phenomena, and
(4) some research questions that a basic researcher wants
to answer empirically.

Examples of broad problem areas that a manager

could observe at the work- place are as follows:

1. Training programs are perhaps not as effective as

2. The sales volume of a product is not picking up.
3. Minority group members in organizations are not
advancing in their careers.
4. The newly installed information system is not being used
by the managers for whom it was primarily designed.
5. The introduction of flexible work hours has created more
problems than it has solved in many companies.

6. The anticipated results of a recent merger have not been

7. The management of a complex, multi departmental team
project is getting out of hand in the R & D department of a


Current existing problem: (The removal is essential as it can

effect the routine operations of the organization)

People are not regularly attending their work.

Require Improvement: (The situation needs to enhanced to

ensure a better performance of the organization)

People might come but do not always show a 100% commitment to

their work

Conceptual Issue: (Define the concept, performance)

What is performance (org performance / Employee performance

How to measure )

Empirical: (Test empirically )

Attendance and performance related.

Broad Problem Areas



of complex



The nature of information needed by the researcher for the
purpose could be broadly classified under three headings:
1. Background information of the organizationthat is, the contextual
2. Managerial philosophy, company policies, and other structural
3. Perceptions, attitudes, and behavioral responses of organizational
members and client systems (as applicable).

Background information of the organization that is, the contextual


The origin and history of the company when it came into being, business it
is in, rate of growth, ownership and control, and so on
Size in terms of employees, assets, or both
Charter purposes and ideology
Location regional, national, or other
Resources human and others
Interdependent relationships with other institutions and the external
Financial position during the previous 5 to 10 years, and relevant financial

Managerial philosophy, company policies, and other structural aspects

Roles and positions in the organization and number of employees at each

job level
Extent of specialization
Communication channels
Control systems
Coordination and span of control
Reward systems
Workflow systems and the like

Perceptions, attitudes, and behavioral responses of organizational

members and client systems (as applicable)

Nature of the work

Workflow interdependencies
Superiors in the organization
Participation in decision making
Client systems
Rewards provided by the organization, such as pay raises and fringe benefits
Opportunities for advancement in the organization
Organizations attitudes toward employees family responsibilities
Companys involvement with community, civic, and other social groups
Companys tolerance of employees taking time off from the job

(For problem definition)

Good literature survey ensure that:

Important variables that are likely to influence the problem situation are not left out of the
A clearer idea emerges as to what variables would be most important to consider
(parsimony), why they would be considered important, and how they should be
investigated to solve the problem. Thus, the literature survey helps the development of the
theoretical framework and hypotheses for testing
The problem statement can be made with precision and clarity
Testability and replicability of the findings of the current research are enhanced
One does not run the risk of reinventing the wheel that is, wasting efforts on trying
to rediscover something that is already known
The problem investigated is perceived by the scientific community as relevant and


Narrow down the problem from its original broad base and define the issues of
concern more clearly.
It is critical that the focus of further research, or in other words, the problem, be
unambiguously identified and defined.
No amount of good research can find solutions to the situation, if the critical issue or
the problem to be studied is not clearly pinpointed.
A problem does not necessarily mean that something is seriously wrong with a current
situation that needs to be rectified immediately.
A problem could simply indicate an interest in an issue where finding the right
answers might help to improve an existing situation.
It is fruitful to define a problem as any situation where a gap exists between the actual
and the desired ideal states.
Is this factor I have identified an antecendent, the real problem, or the consequence?

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