Tie-Break Systems

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Tie-break systems

Tie-break systems

Systems using the players own results

Systems using a teams own results

Systems using the results of opponents

Systems using ratings

Tie-break systems
Systems using the players own results
The Koya System for Round Robin

Tie-break systems
Systems using the players own results

Number of games won

The greater number of games played
with the black pieces
Direct Encounter

Tie-break systems
Systems using a teams own results
Match points in Team Competitions
decided by game points
Game points in Team Competitions
decided by match points
Combined match and game points
Direct Encounter

Tie-break systems
Handling of unplayed games
If a player will have a point coming from a
bye or
if he had a + or a - score,
all these scores will be counted to be point
for calculation of tie-break points for his

Tie-break systems
Handling of unplayed games
To calculate Buchholz or Sonneborn-Berger
points for tie-break purposes, a virtual
opponent is used.
This virtual opponent has the same number of
points as the real player at the start of the

Tie-break systems
Handling of unplayed games
Then the result of the round is added.
Finally the virtual opponent is added half a
point for each subsequent round.

Handling of an unplayed
game in round 5 of a 9
round tournament
player "A" virtual opponent
1. in case of a bye
points before the round

result of the round 1

points after the round

points at the end of the tournament

Handling of an unplayed
game in round 5 of a 9
round tournament
player "A" virtual opponent
2. in case of a result + / -
points before the round

result of the round 1

points after the round

points at the end of the tournament

Handling of an unplayed
game in round 5 of a 9
round tournament
player "A" virtual opponent
3. in case of a result - / +
points before the round

result of the round 0

points after the round

points at the end of the tournament

Tie-break systems
Systems using the results of opponents

The Buchholz system

The Median Buchholz
The Buchholz Cut
The Sum of Buchholz

Tie-break systems
Systems using the results of opponents

The Sonneborn-Berger system

for individual tournaments
for team tournaments

Tie-break systems
Systems using ratings

The average rating of opponents

The average rating cuts
The tournament performance rating

It is recommended that playofs only be
arranged for disposition of the first place,
a championship or qualifying places

A guideline for organisation of tie-break

matches you find in FIDE Tournament

Tie-break systems


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