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Adultration of milk( 1

.To detect any adulteration of milk

:Introduction and principle

One of the most common adulterants in milk

is added water, which increase the bulk of
the milk but decrease it's specific gravity.
Normal whole cow's has a specific gravity
of( 1.027-1.035), while the specific gravity
of the skim milk produced from this by
removal of fat is 1.042. since the milk fat
globules have a specific gravity of less than
1, their removal in the manufacture of skim
.milk causes an increase in specific gravity

specific gravity may be measured

using a specific gravity bottle, taking
care to carry out the whole procedure
at a certain constant temperature,
since specific gravity is dependant on
Another way of detecting adulteration
by water is to determine the total
.solids content of the milk

Normal whole cow's milk contains 11.5%

The specific gravity of a milk adulterated
with water might be maintained at a
normal value by the addition of starch,
another form of adulteration. Starch is
easily detected by it's formation of a
purple complex with iodine, I2

Pasteurization, a precisely specified heat

treatment, is the only means commonly
.permitted for the preservation of milk
The growth of microorganisms may also be
, prevented
however, by the addition of numerous
prohibited preservations, for each of which
there is a specific method of detection.
Alternatively, milk might be boiled in order
to improve it's keeping quality. Such
treatment destroys the native structure of

an enzyme present naturally in milk.

Lack of peroxidase activity indicate
.excessive heat treatment of the milk
Unpasteurized milk left at room
temperature suffers an increase in
its acidity. This is caused mainly by
the fermentation of the milk sugar,
lactose, to lactate by bacteria
.present in the milk

Cows milk consist

water,fat,lactose,casine and mineral
Fat 3-3.3%
Solid not fat 8.5%
Total solid 11.7%

:Determination of specific gravity


.weight an empty specific gravity bottle- 1

.fill it with distilled water and weight- 2
.empty the bottle and dry it in an oven-3
.fill it with milk and weight- 4
calculate the density of milk as- 5
weight of milk in S.G bottle
Weigh of water held in S.G

:B( Determination of total solid

.take a weight of crucible- 1
weigh 5 g of milk in a crucible- 1
.put a crucible in a water bath until dryness- 2
after complete dryness put the crucible in- 3
.an oven, and weigh after cooling
.determination the percent of total solid- 4
Of total solid = wt of crucible of the wt of%
crucible/ wt of sample * 100

:C( Test for peroxidase

.prepare 2 test tubes- 1
in tube 1 add 3 ml milk, 5 drops of dilute- 2
acetic acid, and a few drops of alcoholic
guaicium solution then add 1 ml of 3%
.hydrogen peroxide
in tube 2 add the same but use boiled- 3
a blue color develops in tube 1, this- 4
indicate the presence of peroxidase
.enzyme which is destroyed by boiling

Determination of fat in( 2

The amount of fat in milk is a chrematistic
.property that is measured in this experiment
:Introduction and principle
The determination of fat content in milk is
based on releasing the fat from proteins
present. Then the fat is extracted by diethyl
ether. The ether extract is heated to
evaporate the solvent leaving back the fat to
.be weighed

Add 2ml of 0.8% ammonia, 3 ml ethanol,- 1
and 4ml distilled water to 8 g of milk in a
.long Stoppard boiling tube
Slightly warm the contents and shake, for 7 - 2
min release the pressure, then cool, transfer
.into a seperatory funnel
Add 25 ml diethyl ether and 25 ml- 3
petroleum ether. Extracted by gentle
shaking, then take aweight of beaker,
transfer the ether layer the upper layer to
.the beaker

Evaporate the ether water - 4

Dry the flask in the oven for 2-3 hours - 5
and after cooling in a desiccators,
Calculate the fat content from the . 6
.weight of material held in the flask
Of fat= wt of flask after drying wt
empty flask/ wt of sample * 100

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