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Ramiro Armenta
SBS 318

In the beginning there was chaos

and it was bad

The pace of land reform continues to stagnate in Chiapas, culminating with

thousands of indigenous being forced off arable land and into the sparsely
populated Lacandon jungle.1928-70
Plan de Ayala created by the Chiapas-based National Coordinating
Committee two dozen peasant communities declare themselves
independent of the government. 1979
The new governor of Chiapas, General Absalon Castellanos Dominguez,
increases military repression in the face of indigenous rebellion his forces
kill 102 campesinos, 327 more disappear, 590 imprisoned, 427 kidnapped
and tortured, 407 families forced to move and 54 communities are overrun
by security forces in an attempt to quell rebellion.
Carlos Salinas, PRI, steals the Presidential election from Cauhtemoc
Crdenas. 1988
President Salinas reforms Article 27 of the Mexican Constitution to allow
for privatization of ejidos (community landholdings), effectively ending land
reform 1992
The EZLN grows to 1300 armed members. 1989 forms in 1983


January 1, 1994 uprising because of (NAFTA) North

American Free Trade Agreement
First Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle, and the
municipalities of San Cristbal de las Casas, Ocosingo, Las
Margaritas, Altamirano, Chanal, Oxchuc, and Huixtan are all
taken by the rebels. 1994
Peace talks resume in San Andres 1995
Zedillo rejects San Andreas Accord 1996
Acteal Massacre 45 - woman, man, and children murder.
Attacks on EZLN 1998
March to Capital 2001
Tenth anniversary of uprising 2004

Hey, were did you go?


swifts as war on drugs

Hurricane Stan hits Chiapas 2006
Attacks on Zapatistas increase by
Gov, and not safe to travel because
of drug cartels taking over
indigenous land 2008-11

Dont follow the leader, leader


25, 2014 Subcomandante

Marcos steps down from highest
position in EZLN
His persona became a distraction to
the movement

Marcos Galeano

To Infinity and tomorrow


Identity Subcomandante
Continue working towards their
acceptance and ownership of land
and way of life

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