Train Up A Child

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Train up a Child

Elder Dan Thorward

August 13, 2016

Train Up a Child
Train up a child in the way
he should go, and when he
is old he will not depart
from it.
Proverbs 22:6

Time is Short
What we say matters
I am not a pastor, but sermon
titles matter!
What does the bible teach about
training up a child?

Train Up a Child
Time is short your
decisions matter
Becoming a father
Parenting the church

Becoming a Father
Meet Palmer

Becoming a Father
I am not an expert
Perspective and Attitude
The story of Joseph
(Genesis chapters 3941)
How to respond to hate
Matthew 18: 21-22
Matthew 5: 38-42

Parenting the Church

Be the example you want to set
Look to the example of Christ, not the
example of Man
Be less concerned about being right,
and more concerned about loving others
How to be a citizen of Heaven today

May the God of hope fill you with
all joy and peace as you trust in
him, so that you may overflow
with hope by the power of the
Holy Spirit.
Romans 15: 13 (NIV)

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