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Service Level Agreement:

Developing and Managing

Customer Expectations
Salha Abdullah & Maryati Mohd. Yusof

Managing operational and tactical aspects of
an organizations IT activities is critical to long
term success
Service-level agreements between
customers and suppliers are an important
tool, creating and managing expectations
These agreements can be used within the
firm, with ASPs, with Web-hosting providers,
and in many other critical relationships

Tactical and Operational Concerns

In a distributed computing environment, server
failures can ripple throughout the organization
Not only are a firms computer operations vital,
they also help to establish its image internally as
well as externally
Computer operations are judged on a day to day

Several key operational processes must be

managed well in order to succeed

Customer Expectations
Manager performance is judged by how
well expectations are met
Managers must explicitly set expectations
SLA spell out commitments and expectations
Managers must choose valid measurements
of service levels
Failure to attain service levels must force the
organization to look for process improvements
and address planning / production issues

The Disciplined Approach

Disciplines are management processes
consisting of procedures, tools, and
people to govern important facet of
computer systems operation
The goal is to meet customer expectations
Must be judged against specific, quantifiable
criteria for a successful and quality services

Expectations are set in SLA

Management reports are essential tools for
operations managers

The Disciplines
1. Problems, defects or faults in operation that are causing
missed services levels and additional resource expenditures
must be corrected
2. System-wide changes must be controlled because
mismanaged changes create problem and impair services
3. Plans for recovering from the service disruptions that
inevitably occur due to system performance defects or
uncontrollable outside events must be made
4. Batch & network systems must be scheduled & processed.
5. System performance or throughput must be maintained.
6. Capacity needed to meet workload demands must be
planned but this require disciplines 1-6 to function correctly
These tasks need not only take place in IT, but are useful in
management practices throughout the firm

The Disciplines of Problem, Change,

and Recovery Management
Problem, Change, and Recovery Management
focus on departures from acceptable
Correct current deviations
Identify root causes for deviations
Change process or procedures so that
deviations do not recur

Problem Definition
Problems are incidents, events, or failures
that result in a department being unable to
meet their SLAs
The focus of problem management is to
manage the problems associated with
maintaining and delivering satisfactory
customer service

Problem Management
Problem management is a method of
detecting, reporting, and correcting the
problems that affect SLAs
External vendors

Problem Managements Scope

Scope of problems span the enterprise
Most problems are multifactorial and
require analysis to ascertain the root cause
Because firms are creating integrated
systems, faults may occur due to several
systems under specific conditions.
These can be the most difficult problems to
correct because they happen infrequently and
are very difficult to reproduce.

Processes, Tools, and Techniques

The problem management process relies on
incident reports, problem logs, and resolution
A trouble ticket is created and stays active until
The ticket is used to track all corrective actions
taken to resolve the problem
The contents of the resolved problems become a
store of known fixes and can be used as data for
anticipating future problems

Problem Report Contents

Problem Management and

Problem resolution procedures include
action plans and estimated resolution dates
During the period from initiation to
termination of a problem, scheduled
meetings are used to discuss and focus on
unresolved problems
Major problems require additional reviews
Focus on root causes, impact, and prevention

Problem Management Process


Problem Management Reports

Reporting from the process can reveal trends
and indicate problem areas
Reports help managers establish service
level targets
An aged problem report is useful in evaluating
responsiveness of the organization
Reporting systems lend credibility in SLA
processes and helps increase cooperation
between supplier and consumer

Managing Batch Systems

Batch systems processing involves
receiving and aggregating incoming
transactions and distributing the resulting
output data
Regularly scheduled applications
Applications are commonly executed on
centrally located computer facilities
Accounts payable, inventory, ledger

Applications commonly use computer

scheduling because of interjob dependencies

Network Systems Management

Networks form the basis for many well known and
emerging businesses
Amazon, eBay
Users view networks as a unified entity, so the SLAs
must treat applications, computer and network hardware,
network links, and user workstations as an integrated
Automated tools that help manage and operate networks
Gather statistics from routers and switches
Exist as hardware embedded in the network to create
diagnostic logs
Monitor network usage and performance

Performance Management
Techniques for defining, planning, measuring,
analyzing, reporting, and improving on
infrastructure performance
Defining performance
the volume of work accomplished per unit of time
CPU throughput, network transmission bandwidth,
number of transactions posted

Performance planning
establishes objectives for human/ computer
system throughput
average rate of successful message/data delivery
to all terminal over a communication channel

Performance Management
Measuring performance
response time and system throughput
under a variety of workloads
Analyzing measurements:
network managers must monitor performance to
exceed SLAs

Reporting results
System tuning (optimization)
to create performance increases without capital

Capacity Management
Process by which IT managers plan and control
the quantity of system resources needed to satisfy
user needs
The goal is to match available system resources
with those needed to meet service levels
Must also anticipate future needs and plan for
increased usage
Must also identify obsolete or underutilized hardware
and services

Service-Level Agreements
A standard tool to establish and define
customer service levels
SLAs help to reduce conflicts between users
and suppliers and establish user expectations
With outsourcing, IT has been forced to create
SLAs in order to compete to keep operations
Creating these agreements requires
negotiation and discussion.

Service-Level Agreements
SLA negotiations are an iterative process
IS/IT organization initiate SLA but client and IT
manager must negotiate them.
Requirements evolve as discussions become focused
New technology can offer benefits to the parties

The end product of SLA discussions is a written

Other contingencies (uptime, throughput)

Service level agreement

A good SLA addresses five key aspects:
What the provider is promising.
How the provider will deliver on those
Who will measure delivery, and how.
What happens if the provider fails to
deliver as promised.
How the SLA will change over time.

What the SLA Includes

Negotiation of SLAs occur while a firm is
preparing its operational plan
At this time near-term requirements for IT
services are becoming clearer
Stable services like payroll have better forward
visibility than quickly evolving services
Evolving services may need to renegotiate SLAs
on a more frequent basis; the trigger for
renegotiation must be included in the agreement

What the SLA Includes

Effective date of agreement

Agreement duration
Type of service provided
Service measures

Service quantities

Resources needed or costs

Reporting mechanism

Schedule and Availability

Describes the period when the system and
its application programs must be running
Includes weekends, holidays
Must allow for scheduled downtime
Should take into account seasonal
fluctuations, periods of high demand

The most effective agreements are

produced by negotiators who understand
system capabilities, limitations, and user

How quickly users receive output data
For batch operations this can be measured in
Will the data be available at the start of the day
following an overnight run?

For interactive sessions, it is the lag between

request submission and result generation
Response times under 0.3 sec appears to the user
as instantaneous
The result of many factors interacting
Network speed, capacity, database access delay

E-Business Customer Expectations

E-business operations dramatically change
the firms IS infrastructure and add new
dimensions to system management
ERP systems form the heart of e-businesses
They integrate critical data from the beginning to the
end of the value chain
E.g. Purchasing, customer ordering, inventories,
service customers, support salespersons,

Supporting systems are also critical

E.g. Sales analysis, E-mail, security, funds transfer

All of the above systems must be always on

and have high expectations of availability

Contracts with Outside IT Service

When creating arrangements with outside
vendors, a contract is created
Within the firm these are termed agreements
denoting the fact that they do not have legal

Money flows outside the firm in exchange for
Stipulates measurable rights and obligations
of both provider and service users.
Give parties legal recourse

Contracts with Outside IT Service Suppliers

In addition to the items in internal SLAs
Unambiguous description and the duration of the
service provided
Key metrics of system reliability, availability, and
Eg. Reliability
Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF): Amount of
time system is operational and without failure
Mean Time To Repair (MTTR): Amount of offline
time before system is operational again

Contracts with Outside IT Service Suppliers

In addition to the items in internal SLAs (contd)
Payment terms
Termination conditions
Remedies and indemnification
Firm Legal counsel must be consulted

Types of Service Contracts

According ASP Industry consortium, there are
four distinct types:
1. Application Service Contracts
2. Hosting Contracts
3. Network Contracts
4. Customer Help Desk Contracts

Range from simple outsourcing to full scale eoutsourcing

Trust factor between parties is important

Types of Service Contracts

1. Application Service Contracts
Measure applications performance
Deliver one/more classes of services, parameters and
performance levels, provide measurement transparency
Defines penalties for non-performance
Must identify who owns the applications because if the
firm disengage from supplier, the software, software
upgrades and license complicates matter.
2. Hosting Contracts
Cover third-party services (e.g. computer operations)
provided by ASP (ASP subcontract to a third party)
Especially if rely on hosting firm to operate firm hardware
Term and conditions related to operation, maintenance,
upgrade, replacement of hardware or software.

Types of Service Contracts

3. Network Contracts

Telecommunications links between firm and service

Metrics include reliability, availability, capacity,
termination device

4. Customer Help Desk Contracts

Outside supplier handles firms problems, change,

and recovery management.
Also provide specific training for certain personnel.
Include problem resolution and trouble ticket
turnaround (A trouble ticket is created and stays
active until resolved, The ticket is used to track all
corrective actions taken to resolve the problem)

Workload Forecasts
Accurate forecasts are critical to meeting internal SLAs and
purchasing appropriate levels of external services
Contracts must address workload fluctuations
Daily, weekly, monthly from average

Seasonal peaks must be anticipated

Network-centric, peak and lull period, year-end
Transnational firm globally

Unanticipated demands often occur when new applications or

services are more successful than planned
Potentially lead to unresponsiveness

Structural changes in the firm (mergers, etc) make invalidate

previous forecasts
Increase or decreased workload

Workload Considerations When

Accurate workload forecasting is important
when outsourcing
Outsourcing firms generally have contingency
clauses that stipulate charges for incremental
Pricing mechanism fair to all parties
In cases where demand is significantly
underestimated, these charges can exceed the
initial contract price
In cases of underestimation, monthly charges
inflate final application service cost

Measurements of Satisfaction
Providers and users must agree on explicit,
transparent, and credible metrics
Accurate data creates trust with clients and builds a
Suppliers should measure performance from the
clients perspective
Metrics should be gathered from across a clients
network, so that site specific problems can be
identified and overall performance accurately reported

Measurements of Satisfaction
Aside from meeting SLAs, providers must gather
data on user perceptions of service
Well crafted user satisfaction surveys help to detect
problems sooner
Unsatisfactory results must be addressed and the
roots of the difficulty found
Focus groups, targeted surveys, etc
This becomes another method to strengthen
communication between users and providers

Management Information Reporting

Reporting is an essential role it creates
transparency to IT operations
The intent of reporting is to
Improve operations
Promote organizational learning
Engage customers in dialog that generates results

Communication increases trust and confidence

between participants
Reports are essential not only to providers but
also customers

Linking Plans to Service Levels

Periodically the performance and capacity
management processes must be reviewed
to assess their effectiveness
Did forecasts agree with actual demand?
Did capacity needs match capacity resources?
Were service levels met?
Were budgets adequate?
Are customers satisfied?

SLA creates respect and communication
between providers and clients
There exists a strong link between system
performance and system capacity
Quality IT business processes must be an
overriding consideration in the IT

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