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Question 1
This result proves to me that the majority
of our audience does prefer to acquire
music through a digital platform such as
Itunes. This may be because the audience
are used to having technology and
products instantaneously and
downloading is the more simplistic and
cost effective method. This is an example
of the uses and gratification model
through technology. A large proportion of
the audience does however prefer to own
a solid copy of the product and purchases
music through a store such as HMV. This
could be through many of the audience
growing up with hard copies of CDS and
the recent proliferation of records/LPs.

Question 2

I received a mixed set of results for this

question. The majority vote was in favour
of spending around 6-8 on an album.
The potential reason behind this result
could be the lack of money associated
with this demographic as they are not
usually committed to working full time
and acquiring a high salary and
henceforth do not have the income to
spend a great deal on recreational
products. Similarly a large part of this
audience would be students who also do
not have the funds to spend over this

Question 3
This question seemed to cause an anomaly
in my results. Despite the major percentage
of my audience admitting to being more
inclined to purchase music through digital
platforms, the majority would prefer to own
a physical copy. This may be due to the costeffectiveness and simplicity of access
associated with music. This could be an
example of the hypodermic needle theorem
as the young audience have been exposed
to the idea of consuming all forms of modern
technology which has developed into a
disregard for the more classical formats. In
saying this, these opinions do correlate the
recent surge in interest with records and LPs
within a new modern indie movement.
This is an example of the uses and
gratifications model as the audience are
inclined to feel pleasure through ownership
and use of a physical edition of a product
rather than a digital copy as it creates a
sense of individuality.

Question 4

These results are fairly mixed but the

majority of answers lead towards the
social media aspect of advertisement.
While the majority opted for social
media, the other options were
television commercials and
magazines. This truly testifies just
how significant the proliferation of
technology is for advertisement and
inclines me to include a social media
side to my digi-pak such as website
and social media information on both
the album and magazine

Question 5

This result correlates with the

previous one and shows that my
audience does prefer to have an
artist promote themselves via
modern technology such as television
and social media. This follows the
idea of a young audience relying
greatly on the proliferation of
technology and also adheres to the
necessity of virtual marketing within
a digi-pack.

Question 6

This result also tells me that social media is a

key aspect of the mundane life of my target
audience which convinces me to acquire
social media advertisement on my printbased media to directly appeal to the young
audience. Social media is also where a the
major use of the hypodermic needle is
applied as it is usually a main source of
information for this audience.

Question 7

The responses from this survey regard the

artwork of my album cover. From this result I
can confirm that the audience like to visualize
an image of the band on the front cover and
also abstract art. This may be as it present a
sense of identity associated with the band as
appearance is an extremely significant aspect
of the music industry in the 21st century, this is
also because the audience is used to being sold
the artists face through artwork and



Question 1
This results is somewhat varied as the majority
of voters opted for either watch between 1-2
music videos per week or more than 8 videos
per week. What I can conclude from this result
however is the fact that music videos are still
largely popular within my target audience and
play a significant role in their mundane lives as
no one admitted to not watching any music
videos in a typical week.

Question 2
I can assume from this that narrative videos
appeal to the target audience more than
conceptual videos. This may be because of
the popularity of films and television
narratives due to the proliferation of video
hosting sites such as Netflix and
PrimeTV. From this result I can interpret the
idea of having my product feature a narrative
to appeal to the majority of my audience who
undeniably have an interest in such a

Question 3
I selected this question in order to gain
knowledge on just how much institutional
branding effects a music videos success.
Judging by this result I can safely say that
it varies from person to person within my
audience. This even result truly justifies
the significance of branding associated
with a product and henceforth would lead
me to include branding on my product
simply to appeal to those who find its
inclusion beneficial.

Question 4

This question will benefit my product

greatly. By asking this particular
question I was able to conclude the
setting for my product. The result points
towards having an urban/industrial
landscape for my product and majorly
processes the prospect of the setting
being outside. From this result I will
incorporate these settings in my own

Question 5

In this survey, the majority vote went

towards a performance aspect being
essential within a pop-punk video. This
works accordingly to plan as many poppunk genre products do feature a
performance side which proves a
correlation between my target audience
and current real media texts.

Question 6
I can conclude from this result that my
audience is aware that they are part of
the demographic of which pop-punk
products are targeting. This provides me
with enough evidence to target this
audience with reliability knowing they
have had experience with this genre
before through their awareness of being
the central target for major institutions.

Question 7
I created this question to try and receive
an insight into what themes and
symbols are expected of me to include
in my own product. What I have found is
that my audience expects a mixture of
many different themes which mainly
centre around the prospect of rebellion,
youth culture, love, danger and freedom
of expression. This is largely because of
the verisimilitude it creates within my
product as these themes can directly
relate and appeal to the demographic as
they are relevant to their own social

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