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Analysis of my own music

magazine Kerrang.

By Molly Sheridan

Masthead: The Masthead is in bold cracked font, this

appears as though the rock music is so loud that it has
cracked to letters. This onomatopoeia demonstrates the
sound of a guitar strum, this is clever of the publishers as it
creates the feeling music blaring as soon as your eye catches
the cover page. The exclamation mark added to the end of
Kerrang! is in every issue showing that this fixed Masthead
connotes loud, exciting personality's.
Medium Long Shot (MLS): This medium long shot shows
the 3 males holding each other, this can say how close they
are as a band and how much they get along. This is good for
the audience as it reassures them that they wont be splitting
up anytime soon. Stereotypically bands and groups of singers
tend to split up after a few years of making music, this may
either be as they dont get along or have had an argument.
Cover lines: The cover lives show the genre is rock/indie soft
rock. This is because the bands mentioned produce rock
music. he cover lines in this magazine cover are very
informational and get the audience excited for what is inside
of the magazine. This publisher of the magazine has done a
good job at selling it as it has the main news articles on the
front cover, this draws in an audience who want to know more
about tour dates and new gigs listed. There is a puff used,
this includes an unseen Nirvana, this intrigues older fans that
love old school rock. Also the main member of the band Kurt
Cobain dies years ago and the caption lost photos appear!
this lets the audience have exclusive information about
Nirvana that none knows yet, making them feel special. This
makes the magazine more approachable as they must have
exclusive and famous people getting the stories.

Icon: ADTR (as the fans call them) are well liked and have a
incredibly big following off boys and girls, this is good as it makes
them an inspiration to others. This may follow through as other
young artists may follow their dreams and become artists too.
These fans are stereotypically screaming girls who obsess over
everything they do. This is good in a way as they will never get not
have fans, this is also a negative point as fans may not want to go
to gigs as screaming girls may annoy them. This represents the
band as being well liked.
Colour Scheme: The colour scheme is reds, yellows and blacks.
Strong bold colours are used to connote the rock genre. Yellow
used in combination with red and black create the bold statement
that men mostly read these Kerrang magazines. Bold colours
usually connote males as they're stereotypically the more confident
and outgoing. These primary colours allow every part of the
magazine to stand out, making the whole cover page bold and
easy to read.
Mise-en-scene: The mise- en- scene on the magazine front cover
shows worn backgrounds and ripped paper designs. This may
show that the rock genre is different and make there own style.
This may also represent that rock is old fashioned being brought
back to life. This may stereotype the rock lovers into being messy
and not put together, as this magazine is
Direct Address: One out of three of the band group members are
looking directly at the audience. This means that this band member
may be more serious than the rest. As the viewer sees this front
cover you can see that this band is fun and playful. This can
suggest that inside this magazine may be more fun information
about them, intriguing fans to buy this to know about the exciting
news inside.

Main Cover Line: The main cover line includes exclusive

information of 3 famous bands joining forces. They're all easily
seen and clear. All Time Low + Blink- 182 + A Day To Remember
= Pop Punk Overload! this main cover line is interesting as these
three popular bands are uniting for a tour that will be like no
other. Fans will buy this magazine to get the tour dates for that
particular once in a lifetime tour. This will enable them to get
there tickets secure and go to the gig to support their favourite
Model/group: This 3 man group are well known artists that make
up the band A Day To Remember. These models are all pretty
confident looking, showing that they have been round a while and
they dont have to set high first impressions for people. Also the
way they're standing shows that they're close friends and have
been for a while. Theyre comfortable with each other.
Barcode: The barcode is added to this magazine cover on its
side at the base of the magazine. This includes the date and
issue of the magazine. This will allow the audience to know if
they're buying a new issue or not.
Genre: The genre of this magazine is rock/ soft rock. This is clear
as rock and indie bands are spread about the page. Also the
festivals Reading and Leeds are mentioned at the header of the
magazine, majority of the fans that attend these festivals are rock
and indie lovers. This headline is powerful and bold as it is
important. The viewers will grab this magazine as it has exclusive
news inside again. This is good as then it stands out from their
magazines and there publishers.

Target Audience Profile/lifestyle: Gender Male,

Age 15/ 17,
Interests music, festivals, concerts, skateboarding, pop punk
culture. Fashion Indie clothing, piercings, tattoos.
Optimistic, young and impressionable. Wanting to change the

Target audience: Kerrang as a magazine seems to be aimed at

males more than females, this is demonstrated as Kerrang use
content such as hard rock and metal music. They also usually use
models with angry expressions and body language. Females are
usually attracted to Kerrang as they have their favourite bands and
posters of their idols inside.

Niche Market/target audience: The niche market would be girls,

this is because many girls of this generation love the band A Day
To Remember and fan girl over the singers. This smaller target
audience would be the fans of the artist on the front cover page.

Mode of Address: This magazine speaks the audience as it isn't

completely formal written. The writing is slightly slanted all over
showing that it isn't completely polished. This is good as people
aren't perfect and they love to read things that influence them and
make them feel better in general. If a magazine can do this to
them then it is more than likely going to be purchased a couple of
times by that person with different issues.

Layout: The layout of this magazine contents page is organized.

There is 3 smaller pictures on there that seem to be taken
Fonts: The fonts are varied and different. Also the sizing of the
words are different. This is more enjoyable for the audience to
read as it gives alteration and diversity to the written text. These
fonts give the reader the impression of the genre, this is because
bold and reckless fonts are used. Capital letters are used in
order to make the fonts easier to read. Black and white fonts are
only used., this use of primary colours are able to be seen
clearly on any other colour but there own.
Mode of Address/Language used: This magazine speaks to
the audience as it is commonly used speech. Very chatty and
informal, bringing the audience more closer into the magazine.
Article Titles/content: Article titles are written using descriptive
adjectives in order to attract an audience to reading that article.
The ultimate Reading & Leeds festival. this article header is
used off the first cover page, this makes the audience know that
the publisher was organized making this magazine. This is
because if there is an article on the front page of the magazine
then the spectator will want to know exactly what page it is on.
They would also appreciate a bit more information on the
contents page, as given.
Date/issue number: The date and issue number are told
together at the top of the article. This is to highlight the Date this
magazine was published and to help the audience figure out if
they have the correct magazine they were looking for. The high
issue number lets people know that Kerrang is very well known
and popular as, they magazine has had sales, this is evident as
it is still going and making more issues. This piece of information
is slanted, creating separation between the rest of the magazine.

Main Image: This main image is a picture of the singer out of

Twenty One Pilots. This is intriguing for the audience as they
may like this band. He is wearing floral clothing that is original
and different.

Page numbers: The page numbers aren't made too apparent

on this magazine. They're quite vague and just put where they're
needed. This is good as then the audience wont get distracted
by the page numbers and they will just read about the content of
first glance. On many occasions the page numbers are very
bold and they take away the attention from the content,
therefore this is very good. Also the audience would know that
the publisher has thought about their needs and what they want
to see.

Rule of thirds: This cover goes against the rule of thirds, this is
because the main image is on the left hand side and the writing
is on the right hand side. The main image would usually be in
the middle with lines about the inside information on the sides.

Pictures linked to articles featured in the magazine: The

pictures linked to the articles added into this contents page
show big and clear images. This is intriguing for the audience as
they have information and images to compare with the content
inside making them either want to buy it, or not want to. The
pictures also show the genre as the models in the images show
artists from he same genre as the magazine is based on. This
links the magazine well as it allows the audience to get a clear
understanding of who the magazine is aimed at.

Shot types: The main image inside this contents page is a

medium shot of a rock artist. Medium shots are used in order to
show the viewer the body language of the person/object.
Medium shots are used by showing the body up to the middle of
the torso, this allows us to see props added into the image but
also the small intricate details, even down to the facial
expressions on the models face. These expressions show how
the artist are feeling and will generally show happy and excited
feelings, this is handy for a selling point as the buyer will be
happy as other people are happy in front of them.
Masthead: This Masthead connotes originality in a bold form.
This is done by adding an artistic value to the contents section
of this issue. Sketched fog horns, skulls and beer bottles have
been added on the Masthead to show the stereotypical
iconography of the rock genre once again.
Sub-headings: The subheadings added the page number
information are emboldened to show the importance of first look
at this magazine. The yellow colour is used to alert the user as
yellow connotes a warning. This yellow shade is used to make
the audience aware of where to look on the page to find the vital
information quickly.
Captions in pictures: In the picture to the top right of this
magazine page, there is a very informal speech said by a man
(who I consider would be very well known in rock) making the
magazine more personal. This bit of talking is added to allow the
reader to feel as if the magazine has been specially instructed
for them and written with them in mind. The publisher is very
clever as he does this to add the exact effect that he wants the
audience to feel. This is approachable for the audience as this
makes them feel as if they're not too far away (relatable) to their
supposed idols and heroes.

Basic layout can you see a grid?: Yes I can see a grid. In the top shelf of the grid remain all
the faces of the models present. Also stating the reason why this page is here (to do with the 3
band tour.) The second line of the grid shows the body of the models and on the last row the
magazine shows the text of the page. This double page spread is good as the picture is large and
the writing is not intimidating. The image on this double page spread could be classed as a long
shot this is because their whole body are added into the frame.
Column width and positioning: There is only 2 columns that do not take up much space
throughout the whole double page spread, this is very odd as the magazines main double page
spread would have an immense amount of writing on. This is also intriguing to the reader as a
large amount of he readers would be younger persons. This is not so intimidating to them as there
is a lot of picture space. Stereotypically teenagers are not attracted to masses of writing as
they're too lazy to read the entire lot this goes against the stereotype as it eases the young minds
into masses of writing through starting with a little bit.
Font and type size: The font size of the main masthead of the double page spread is shown to
be a mixture of fonts and sizes. Meanwhile the masthead type of the page is massive the body of
text at the base of the pages is small and dainty. This mixture of fonts and multiple sizes give
variety and difference to this magazine issue. This doesn't allow the audience to get bored of the
same font throughout the issue.
Colours: The colours on this double page spread are used in order to show that this band are
patriotic of their home country. America. The colours in this magazine double page spread are
very bleak and grey, the only pop of colour includes the writing Make America Skate Again this is
a pun that shows that they use a skateboard. It also implies that they're going to make America
great again. This funny and well put together heading will attract the audience as they want to
know how they will make America great (skate) again. They all have brunette hair this ties them all
up together as it looks attractive to the eye even from a far distance, the more pleasing to the eye,
the more customers will read on and enjoy this cover of Kerrang!
Representation: The heading of this double page spread shows that America may have made
skateboarding more popular. Or even brought it up. The props used also correspond to the
speech spoken about.

Profile/target audience: The target audience is shown in multiple ways throughout this
magazine spread. The clothing that the artists wear show that the target audience is aimed at
skaters and those that like that style of clothing. On the pages there is a reoccurring colour of
black throughout their cloth9ing, this may imitate that people that wear black are cool and are
invited to read this cool magazine. The tattoos also show that rockers are invited to want the
magazine showing that the majority of rock artists are having tattoos as a fashion craze.
Use of images: The wide shot image shows the males slouched and enjoying their seat. The
use of this wide image shows that these three men are close, maybe in friendship or even
family. They're comfortable with each other and want to be at this supposed photoshoot. This
wide shot may connote that the males are relaxed and easy going, the wide shot releases the
thought that the publisher has made it a wide shot to show the chill vibe.
Page numbers: At the top of the page it shows three bands all welded together in word form. At
the base of the pages it shows the page numbers in a very small and dainty way. This shows
that the publisher wants the audience to keep their eye on the images and the main text. The
non valid text such as the page number, isn't important enough to be massive in font size.
Denotation: The hidden meaning within this may contain that being weird is okay. This
meaning may occur as they are pulling weird faces and acting a little strange for a photo. The
facial hair on these men allow them to look even more sultry and not very excited. This adds to
the essence of being mysterious.
Design: The design of this magazine double page spread is very simplistic and easy to read.
This is good for the reader as it shows that the publisher knows exactly what to do in order to
make an audience grow.
Mode of Address/Language: The speech in this piece of writing looks as it has a informal
lexis. This approaches youngsters as it invites them in by showing them that they can have
something relatable about them both. Also they probably use American slag and sound cool for
the younger generation. This also shows the students as the main target audience.

These 3 items of the magazine may be all linked together by the fact that they have the same colloquial language used. This allows
the target audience, preferably younger people to buy and enjoy this magazine in order to continue purchasing it and enjoying its
issues. The language used attracts the reader and allows her/him to feel more involved with the magazine and its publishing crew.
Another way the three items connect together is through the small invalid information. The publisher has made the invalid
information small and basically unable to read. This may be good as then the audience doesnt get distracted by the small stuff that
they dont need to know. This is good as this company has done this for a reason. Able to manipulate and be able to get the
audience to read what they want is very good as they can wrap the whole public around their little fingers next.
Either red or yellow colours are used throughout this magazine. This is because red and yellow connotate danger, warning and
mischief. This is good as it projects the target audience to be rock as they're stereotypically ruthless and do what they want. Also
the4 monochrome colour help to get a sense of what the publisher is like. Black and whites show simplistic thoughts and no harm.
Whereas mismatched colours show that this person doesnt know what they're doing. On the other hand multiple fonts are used on
every page. This is very clever as it doesnt allow the audience to get even a little bored, this is good as too much font would cause
confusion and want the reader to throw away the magazine.

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