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Chapter 2

Atomic Structure &

Interatomic Bonding

Fundamental Concepts
Atoms consist primary of 3 basic subatomic particles: protons, neutrons, and
Each atom (D=10-10 m) consists of a very small nucleus (D=10 -14 m) composed
of protons and neutrons, which is encircled by moving electrons.

Mass of proton = 1.673X10-27 kg

mass of neutron = 1.675X10-27 kg
Mass of electron = 9.109X10-31
Protons are electrically positive charged (charge = + 1.602X10 -19 Coulombs)
Electrons are electrically negative charged (charge = - 1.602X10 -19 Coulombs)
Neutrons are electrically neutral (no charge)

Atomic Number is the number of protons in the nucleus of an

atom of an element. It is also equal to the number of electrons
in the neutral or complete atom.
Atomic Mass is the sum of masses of protons and neutrons
within the nucleus. Although the number of protons is the
same for all atoms of a given element, the number of neutrons
may be variable.
Isotopes are atoms of some elements that have two or more
atomic masses.

The atomic mass unit (amu) is (1/12) of the atomic

mass of carbon.
In one mole of a substance there are 6.022X1023
(Avogadros number) atoms or molecules.
1 amu/atom = 1 g/mol
Example: atomic weight of iron is 55.85 amu/atom or
55.85 g/mol.
Example: 1 mole of aluminum has a mass of 26.98 g
and contains 6.022X1023 atoms.

Electrons in Atoms
Understanding the behavior of electrons in atoms requires
quantum mechanical concepts.
Bohr atomic model represents an early attempt to describe
electrons in atoms, in terms of both:
Position (electron orbitals)
Energy (quantized energy levels)

Wave-mechanical model consider the electron to exhibit both wave-like

and particle-like characteristics (electron cloud).
Every electron in an atom is characterized by 4 parameters called quantum
Principal quantum number (n)
Subsidiary quantum number (l)
Magnetic quantum number (m1)
Electron spin quantum number (ms)
The size, shape, and spatial orientation of an electron is specified by these
quantum numbers.

The principal quantum number (n) is related to the distance of

an electron from the nucleus or its position. It represents the
main energy levels for the electron. The values for n are
positive integers and range from 1 to 7.
The subsidiary quantum number (l) is related to the shape of
the electron subshell (s,p,d,f orbitals for I=0,1,2,3).
The magnetic quantum number (m1) specifies the spatial
orientation of a single atomic orbital (-1,0,+1). m 1=2l+1
Electron spin quantum number (ms) specifies two allowed spin
direction for an electron spinning in its own axis
(clockwise(+1/2) and counterclockwise (-1/2)).

The Periodic Table

All the elements have been classified according to
electron configuration in the periodic table.
The elements are situated, with increasing atomic
number, in 7 horizontal rows called periods.
All elements arrayed in a given column or group have
similar valence electron structures as well as physical
and chemical properties.
Valence electrons are those electrons that occupy the
outermost shell. They participate in the bonding
between atoms and many of the physical and chemical
properties of solids are based on them.

Group IA elements are termed alkali metals.

Group IIA elements are termed alkaline earth metals.
The elements in the three long periods, Groups IIIB through
IIB, are termed transition metals.
Groups IIIA, IVA, and VA display characteristics that are
intermediate between the metals and nonmetals.
Group VIIA elements are sometimes termed the halogens.
The elements positioned in group 0, the rightmost group,
are the inert (noble) gases, which have filled electron
shells and stable electron configuration.

Types of Atomic Bonds

Primary Atomic Bonds:
1. Ionic bond: found in ceramic materials.
2. Covalent bond: found in polymers and some ceramic
3. Metallic bond: found in metals
.Secondary Atomic Bonds:
1. Permanent dipole bond
2. Fluctuating dipole bond

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