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Prepared by :


I)History of tourism
II)Tourism in Limerick city
III)Marketing strategy
IV)SWOT analysis
V)Prospects for the future

City Limerick is located in the Mid-West Region also known as the Shannon
Region, because the River Shannon flows through the city into the Atlantic Ocean.
The part of the river below the city is known as the Shannon Estuary, it's length is
97 km.
The city was founded by the Vikings in 922 AD, when they sailed up the Shannon
and settled on an island, later known as Kings Island. Now on this island is
situated one of the main attractions of Limerick - majestic King John's Castle.
The citys population is 95,894, with almost 50% under the age of 30.
Limericks motto is a quote from Virgils Aeneid an ancient city well versed in the
arts of war.
The song "Limerick you're a lady" (number one in Ireland in 1979) by local singer
Denis Allen is traditionally associated with the county.
Limerick today has a reputation as a vibrant, living, cosmopolitan city. It is known
as a destination for culture, heritage, sports, shopping and leisure activities.

1901 - Limerick is an agricultural town with a population of 38,000. Main industry is food
1959 - the Shannon Free Zone (first in the world) is established, which attracted a large
number of multinational companies to the region.
1991 - a new city tourist information office and a visitors centre in King John's Castle are built.
1995 to 2000 - the years of the Celtic Tiger, when the city enjoyed a prosperous period of
rapid real economic growth. The city administration heavily invests in tourism, refurbishing
various areas of Limerick and restoring its old buildings.
Early 2000s - a number of shopping centres & retail parks opened, for example the "Crescent
Shopping Centre", the largest shopping centre in Ireland (outside of Dublin).
2006 - 5 new hotels are opened with over 1,000 new beds.
From 2008 - a dramatic decline of the economy, with unemployment levels rising drastically
when many multinational companies left Limerick.
From 2012 - unemployment becomes a major problem across the city with the unemployment
rate at 28.6%, almost twice the national average. The city administration does maximum
efforts to promote Limerick as a travel destination. There are various festivals, events,
concerts, sporting events, etc.
2014 - Limerick becomes Ireland's first National City of Culture.



One of the best preserved Norman castles in Europe, built on the orders of King John
in 1210. There are games and treasure hunts for kids, also they can try on historic
costumes. The tallest turret offers spectacular panoramic view.



Situated 21 km from Limerick city, Lough

Gur is one of Irelands most important
archaeological sites.
There are stone circles, ancient dwellings
and megalith tombs to see here. Guided
tours are available.

Lough Gur summer solstice festival

first was held in 2012 as a part of the
Week of Welcomes for the Ireland
Reaching Out project.
There are various artistic performances
and sport activities, as well as free
access to the Heritage Centre.

Adare Manor

Adare Manor, situated in the village of Adare, is a 19th-century manor house, the
former seat of the Earl of Dunraven. Now it is a luxury hotel and golf resort. Adare
is considered to be one of Ireland's prettiest villages and is designated as a
Heritage Town by the Irish government




The Foynes Flying Boat Museum contains

memorabilia from the era (late 1930s - early
1940s), when Foynes was one of the biggest
civilian airports in Europe, with flights
departing to the United States and Canada.
The main type of aircrafts used at the time
was called "flying boats". They were landing
on the water instead of expensive landbased runways.

Here the famous Irish Coffee cocktail

was invented by Joe Sheridan, a head
chef at the airport. When a group of
American passengers disembarked from
a Pan Am flying boat on a very cold
winter evening, he added whiskey to the
coffee to warm the passengers, and
when they asked if this is Brazilian
coffee, he answered that it is "Irish



Based in Foynes, Shannon Estuary

R.I.B Tours offer licensed boat trips
on the beautiful River Shannon for
sightseeing, bird watching and sealife exploration.

Most interesting activity here is dolphin

watching. The dolphins of the Shannon
estuary are the only known resident
group of bottlenose dolphins in Irish
waters and one of six such groups in
Each year calves are born between May
and August and during this period some
new born calves are observed on quite a
number of trips.

2.Tourist services

3.Destination popularity
Performance in terms of number of visitors
Length of stay
Money spent
Competition from other destinations
Comparison between Limerick City and Stockholm :

Dirty and Untidy
Noise and Light
Water Pollution
Air Pollution

Limerick city




4. Impact of Gathering 2013

The Gathering is an injection of lifeblood into these villages and towns (qui a dit?)

2013 was a good tourism year in terms of economic and cultural development
Growing number of overseas visitors and domestic holidaymakers
Diversification of types of tourists
Over 120 events in county Limerick
Good impression after visiting Shannon region
The most popular reasons to visit the region were history, culture and outdoor activities.
The most popular accommodations were hotels and B&Bs
Tourists and local population are happy, with festive mood
International relations
RAJOUTER SUR LIMERICK CITY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Picture: An Tailteann Nua at the University of Limerick

5. Sustainable development

-Noise and light pollution is high (62,5)(according to; no neighbourhood noise limits
- Significant progress in CO2 reductions :
CO2 Reductions required and reductions achieved : Energy related emissions : 164 required, 142
CO2 /capita (inhabitant) : 3.1 required, 2.7 achieved
- The Limerick Clare Energy Agency (provides energy solutions for sustainable development )
Ex. The campus of the Limerick University uses energy in two forms: Electricity for lighting, motive
power etc.; Natural gas for space heating, water heating, laboratory use . Occupancy detectors to
control light switching were installed at the University.
Waste and litter
- Prohibition of burning litter (The Waste Management (Prohibition of Waste Disposal by Burning)
Regulations 2009 ). The Litter Pollution Acts 1997-2009 (in case of any breaches of the law - a fine
of 150 or even 4,000 )

You are breaking law if :

You create litter in a public place.
You present your household waste for collection in a manner that creates litter.
You own or occupy land visible from a public place and you fail to keep it litter free.
You burn any materials on your lands including household waste, hedge clippings, tree branches,
You own or occupy land within a speed limit area and fail to keep footpaths, pavements or grass
verges along the road in front of your property litter free.
You own, hire or drive a vehicle and litter is dropped from it.
You place household waste into a street litter bin.
You own or hire a skip and fail to take measures to prevent litter generation.
You fail to clean up after your dog in public areas.
You place advertising flyers or notices on vehicles.
You place unauthorised notices or advertisements on structures such as poles, trees etc visible
from a public place.
You create litter due to a business activity, and/or associated with loading, transporting or
handling of goods.
You present your commercial waste for collection in a manner that creates litter.
You dispose of any waste materials by burning.
You operate a mobile outlet and fail to provide a litter bin or fail to collect /dispose of litter
resulting from your activity

Water usage and quality

- Water conservation project
- Wastewater treatment (removing contaminants)
- Educational sites visits
-The drinking water quality is very high
Local Biodiversity plan
- Protection of nature for future generations
- Promotion of the importance of biodiversity in the city
- Prevention of garden waste
- Reducing invasive species

Sustainable tourism innovations

- Green Limerick (2011) first sustainable event in Limerick city (cooperation of local
businesses to make of Limerick City an Irelands sustainable capital)
- Smarter travel (20 weeks of change : cycling, walking, public transport, car sharing; the big
Travel Action change (the Kick-Off Workshops; Coca cola zero bike)

The Smarter Travel Areas proposal (Limerick City and County Council in partnership with the
University of Limerick). The aim development of sustainable way of travelling.

Improvement of cycling ways

Secure cycle parking

Walking facilities, especially for pedestrians

Lower speed limits

Travel planning at school and at work


Car clubs

UL Welcomes 9 Million Funding As Limerick Designated Smarter Travel Area

6. Impact of tourism development on

the host community


Development of Sustainable tourism by diversifying of tourism product

- business tourism
- culinary tourism
- festivals and events (ex. themed trails)
- Smarter travel (new tourism behaviour)

Investment in marketing development

Tourism facilities (quality accomodation, infrastructure)

Tourist attractions opening hours

Redevelopment of tourist attractions (redevelopment of King Johns Castle and Nicholas

street as tourist destination, promotion of cultural quarters Johns Square, the Georgian
Quarter, the Commercial Core, the Medieval Quarter and the Docklan)

Promotion of Tourism signage

Target market
- Age group :
- socio-economic background:
- origin :
Overseas travellers : Britain, Europe, USA,
Domestic travellers (locals) for Smarter travel,


Strong Cultural identity
Creative and friendly people
Plan of sustainable development
High water quality
Tourism progress in terms of visitors
Tourist loyalty

Development and promotion of the Wild
Atlantic Way
Development of tourism business
New foreign investors
Attracting of new targets
More cultural activities
Other partnership
Job creation, economic development and
increased expenditure due to tourism
Sport tourism environment

Rainy Climate
High Noise and Light Pollution

International competition
National competition (ex. Dublin)



Success of sport tourism (Hosting for the Rugby World cup 2023)
Protection and development of biodiversity
Reducing CO2 emissions
Growth of renewable energy
Wild Atlantic Way in 2030???

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