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Tiare Bernal
Names Alison Castillo
Maribel Escobar
Evangelina Glv
Sabina Godoy


m, song, etc.
e, or
ajob, etc.

The incorporation of the child
to market goods and services
is, today, an indisputable fact.
The child It is consumer and
defined as such for three
points as: the primary market
with the possibility of Shopping
with own money, as the
subject of influences when his
preferences affect the
Consumption or foreign
spending and, finally, as a
future market when acquiring
knowledge And attitudes about
brands and products that are
not yet within reach.

This facet of the child as

consumer entails, among
other things, also to become
part of the advertising
communication as a subject or
specific target. In other words,
the appearance growing
children's products (clothes,
videos, food products, bank
offers, etc.) is accompanied by
advertising campaigns that
are aimed to this audience
and, therefore, can be defined
as children's advertising.

psychologic vision
In infancy ads have great
influence in promoting child
consumerism and generating
pressure on parents to buy
certain brands. Research has
shown that young children under
8 are cognitively and
psychologically defenseless
against advertising. Many
preschool children do not
understand the difference
between a program created to
entertain and a commercial
created to sell. In economically
vulnerable populations exposure
to commercial breeds frustration
and violence


Children tend to
imitate the behavior of adults and appeal to
them toys that allow them to approach these
behaviors. Kitchens, beauty salons, doctor or
mechanic games are ideal professions who
want to imitate the children and have been
well received by children with adult approval.
In analyzing this feature, the means and
behaviors of adults around the child play an
important role in their behavior as the child
imitates what he sees. If we see in
commercials or movies, characters drinking,
smoking or exercising violence, vulnerable
child will want to emulate that behavior.

Social Vision
being young and
teens a susceptible
public, but no more
than children,
could make an
analogy with a
sponge, absorbing
everything which is

According to Lorenzo inesta

from marketing and advertising
dictionary"Many companies
have now recognized that
younger generations
everywhere are being shaped by
global influences and not just

Social Vision
Children are
innocent and not
so mature. When a
advertises a
product on
television, they do
not understand
that it is a business
and their main aim
is to sell.

imitated presenting
situations is based
on the in
stereotypes that in
some cases, the
child may

Educational Vision
imitation, also known
as vicarious or social
learning is the first
learning mechanism
that children are not
able to select what
they imitate and
therefore do both
real models as
people on television
or cartoons.

"Many companies have now

recognized that younger
generations everywhere are
being shaped by global
influences and not just

Educational Vision

exposure to
violent behavioral
patterns can lead
to increased
feelings of
desensitization to
the pain of others,
increasing the
likelihood to
interact and
respond to others
with violence.

In a prospective study of
predictors of Bullying in
12,666 school children, it was
shown that early cognitive
stimulation (example: walks,
reading, games, parental role
in teaching the child) and
emotional support (example:
meals with parents , parents
call children while they work)
as protective factors, and
exposure to TV as a risk
factor, they were each
independently associated with
school-age behaviors bully

Politic Vision

In Chile the policy

control in
advertising is
relatively low. there
are rules regarding
according to age
group, however, it
does not prevent
the negative

Young people are most commonly used by
advertising, promoting a more dynamic and
consumerist youth characters. Also uses deception,
to bring them closer to their products, how to relate
to the product with certain benefits that are not
Children are the most helpless there before the
public advertising persuasion, as they are very
vulnerable emotionally, hence it should be regulated
especially advertising that is directed to them,
makes them an especially simple promotional item.

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