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Nowadays, education officials are inclined to make the curriculum and the
school instruction methods more student-centered than teacher centered.
They seek to connect the classroom to real-life and focus on comprehension
and understanding rather than memorization, exams and drills.
It proposes that learning environment should encourage students to be
active learners; that the is need for them to interact and work with other
students; and the use of meaningful tasks and original materials.

Functional Participation
Classroom learning requires students
to pay attention, observe, memorize,
understand, set goals, and assume
responsibility for their own learning.
Teachers must help students become
active and goal-oriented by
encouraging them to work on their
natural desire to explore,
understand, and master new things.

Social Paricipation
The establishment of a fruitful,
participative, and cooperative
atmosphere is essential to school
learning. Social collaboration can
boost student achievement, provided
that the kinds of interactions
encourage contribution to learning.
Social activities are interesting per se
and help keep students involved in
the academic work.

Learning with a Purpose

Teachers can also make activities
more meaningful by situating them
in real-life contexts

Relating New Lessons to What is

Already Known
For a student to comprehend,
remember, or learn something totally
unfamiliar, some form of prior
knowledge or basic idea is necessary
for a new lesson or task to be
understood. Learners need to have
their prior knowledge activated, and
should then use this for
understanding and learning.

The Strategy Game

Strategies is important because they
help students understand and solve
problems in ways appropriate to the
situation at hand. They can also
improve and hasten learning. The
broader the range of strategies and
approaches children can use
appropriately, the more successful
they can be in solving, reading, text
comprehension, and memorizing.

Self Regulation and

Self regulation involves the development
of specific strategies that help the
learners assess their learning, check their
understanding, and correct errors when
necessary. It requires reflection in the
sense of being aware of ones own beliefs
and strategies.
Reflection is the ability to distinguish
appearance from reality, common beliefs
from scientific knowledge,etc.

Reforming Prior Knowledge

Students must learn how to solve
internal inconsistencies and
reorganize existing ideas when

Understanding vs.
Superficially memorized information
is easily forgotten, which is why
students must understand what they
are being taught and should be given
the opportunity to think about it with
other students, and with teachers,
and to clarify and understand how it
applies in many situations.

Helping Students Learn in

Learning becomes more meaningful
when lessons are applied to real-life

Practice Makes Perfect

Learning is a complex mind activity
that cannot be rushed.

Learning Preferences
Children learn best when their
individual performances are taken
into consideration.

Motivating Learners
Learning is critically influenced by
learner motivation. All teachers want
to have motivated learners in their

Teacher must help students become

active and goal-oriented be
encouraging them to work on their
natural desire to explore, understand,
and master new things.

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