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The Operation of

Fuzzy Set

Introduces various operations of
fuzzy sets
Introduces the concepts of
disjunctive sum, distance, difference,
conorm and t conorm operators

Material sources is taken from First Course on Fuzzy Theory and Application

Classic/Crisp/Boolean Logic

Logical AND ()

Logical OR (U)

Truth Table



Crisp Intersection


Truth Table

Crisp Union

Stndard Fuzzy Operations

(Fuzzy Union, Intersection, and

In Fuzzy Logic, intersection, union and

complement are defined in terms of their
membership functions
Fuzzy intersection and union correspond to
AND and OR, respectively, in
classic/crisp/Boolean logic
These two operators will become important
later as they are the building blocks for us to
be able to compute with fuzzy if-then rules

Standard Operations of
Fuzzy Set
Complement set A



Suppose we have the following (discrete) fuzzy sets:

A = 0.4/1+0.6/2+0.7/3+0.8/4
B = 0.3/1+0.65/2+0.4/3+0.1/4
The union of the fuzzy sets A and B
= 0.4/1+0.65/2+0.7/3+0.8/4
The intersection of the fuzzy sets A and B
= 0.3/1+0.6/2+0.4/3+0.1/4
The complement of the fuzzy set A
= 0.6/1+0.4/2+0.3/3+0.2/4

Example 1: (cont.)
Lets show the fuzzy sets A and B









Example 2
Given two fuzzy sets A and B
a. Represent A and B fuzzy sets graphically
b. Calculate the of union of the set A and set B
c. Calculate the intersection of the set A and set B
d. Calculate the complement of the union of (A or B)
A 0.0 / 2 0.3 / 1 0.6 / 0 1.0 / 1 0.6 / 2 0.3 / 3 0.0 / 4

B 0.1 / 2 0.4 / 1 0.7 / 0 1.0 / 1 0.5 / 2 0.2 / 3 0.0 / 4

Example 2 (cont)

Example 2 (cont)
Union max (A, B) 0.1 / 2 0.4 / 1 0.7 / 0 1.0 / 1 0.6 / 2 0.3 / 3 0.0 / 4

Intersection min (A, B) 0.0 / 2 0.3 / 1 0.6 / 0 1.0 / 1 0.5 / 2 0.2 / 3 0.0 / 4

Complement of (A B) 1 - max(A, B) 0.9 / 2 0.6 / 1 0.3 / 0 0.0 / 1 0.4 / 2 0.7 / 3 1.0 / 4

Operations on Fuzzy Sets:

Intersection (figure from Klir&Yuan)

Operations on Fuzzy Sets: Union

and Complement (figure from

Characteristics of standard
fuzzy set operators

Characteristics of standard
fuzzy set operators

Note that the two characteristics of

crisp set operators does not hold in
fuzzy set.

The reason for this occurrence is that

the boundary of complement of A is

Example 4: Graphical representation of

the Fuzzy operations (taken from J.M.
Mendel, Uncertain Rule-Based Fuzzy Logic Systems,
Consider the fuzzy sets A = damping ratio x considerably
larger than 0.5, and B = damping ratio x approximately
equal to 0.707. Note that damping ratio is a positive real
number, i.e., its universe of discourse, X, is the positive
real numbers 0 x 1
Consequently, A ( x, A ( x)) xX and B ( x, B ( x)) xX
where, for example, A(x) and B(x) are specified, as:

A ( x)

1 ( x 0.5) 2

if 0 x 0.5

if 0.5 x 1

B ( x)

1 ( x 0.707) 4

0 x 1

Example 4: (cont.)
Figure (a): A(x), B(x)

Figure (b): AUB(x)

Figure (c): AB(x) Figure (d): B(x), B(x)

Example 4: (cont.)
This example demonstrates that for fuzzy sets,
the Law of Excluded Middle and Concentration
are broken, i.e., for fuzzy sets A and B:

A A X and A A O

In fact, one of the ways to describe the

difference between crisp set theory and fuzzy
set theory is to explain that these two laws do
not hold in fuzzy set theory

Standard Fuzzy
(Continued ...)

Fuzzy Complement
(Requirement for complement
Complement set of A ( ) carries the
sense of negation.
Complement function C maps the
membership function
of fuzzy
set A to [0,1] (written by
Fuzzy complement function should
satisfy two axioms:

Fuzzy Complement
(Requirement for complement
Axioms C1 and C2 are fundamental
requisites to be a complement function.
These two axioms are called axiomatic
Additional axioms are:

Fuzzy Complement
(Requirement for complement
The four axioms for complement hold in
standard complement operator

Example of Complement
The standard function and and its visual representation
is shown in figure below:

Standard complement set function

Illustration of standard complement set function

Example of Complement
The following is a complement function
satisfying only the axiomatic skeleton.

Example of complement set function

Example of Complement

The following complement function is

continuous (C3) but not holds C4

When a = 0.33, C(0.33) = 0.75 in this function. However since

= 0.15 0.33, C4 does not hold .

Popular Complement
Yagers Function
When w = 1, the Yagers function
becomes the standard complement
function C(a) = 1 a.

Yager Complement Function

Fuzzy Partition

Fuzzy Union
In general, union of A and B is specified by a function

This union function calculates the membership

degree of union A and B

Fuzzy Union

(Axioms for Union Function)

Union function should obey next axioms

Fuzzy Union

(Axioms for Union Function)

It is often desirable to restrict the class of fuzzy union by considering various
additional such as:

The standard operator Max is treading on those six

Fuzzy Union

(Axioms for Union Function)

Visualization of standard union operation

Yagers union function

Yagers union function holds all axioms except U6

The shape of Yager function varies with parameter

For instance,

Yagers union function

What if w increases?
Supposing w , Yager union function is
into the standard union function

The example of Yagers union


The example of Yagers union


Example : lets reconsider the example: If set A

be young and B senior, the union of A and B
is young or senior. In the sense of meaning,
the union and OR logic are completely identical

Other Union Operations

(1) Probabilistic sum A B (Algebraic sum)

It follows commutativity, associativity,

identity, and De
Morgans law. This operator holds also the
following :

Other Union Operations

(2) Bounded sum A B (Bold union)

This operator is identical to Yager function at w

= 1.
Commutativity, associativity, identity, and De
Morgans Law
are perfected, and it has relations,

But it does not idempotency and distributivity at ab

Other Union Operations

Fuzzy Intersection
In general, intersection A B is defined by
the function I.
The argument of this function shows possibility
for element x to be involved in both fuzzy sets A
and B.

Fuzzy Intersection

(Axioms for Intersection Function)

The most important additional requirements:

Fuzzy Intersection

(Axioms for Intersection Function)

Standard fuzzy intersection completes the
above 6 axioms

Fuzzy Intersection

(Axioms for Intersection Function)

Visualization of standard fuzzy intersection set

Yagers intersection

Yagers intersection

Example of Yagers
Take Yager function at w = 1 for example.
Providing a = 0.4
and b = 0.6, then

Example of Yagers

Example of Yagers

Other Intersection
1. Algebraic product A B (probabilistic

Operator is obedient to rules of

commutativity, associativity, identity, and
De Morgans law

Other Intersection

2. Bounded product A B (Bold intersection)

Identical to Yager intersection function

with w = 1

commutativity, associativity, identity, and

De Morgans law hold in this operator . The
following relations

are also satisfied, but not idempotency,

distributability, and absorption

Other Intersection

3. Drastic product A B

4. Hamachers intersection A B

Other Operations in
Fuzzy Set

Disjunctive Sum
Disjunctive sum is the name of operation
corresponding exclusive OR logic.

Disjunctive sum of two sets

Disjunctive Sum
1. Simple disjunctive sum
disjunctive sum in fuzzy set is allowed just like in
crisp set.

Disjunctive Sum
1. Simple disjunctive sum (cntd..)
Here goes procedures obtaining disjunctive sum
of A and B

Example of simple disjunctive


Disjunctive Sum
2. Disjoint sum

The key idea of exclusive OR is elimination

of common area from the union of A and B.
An operator for the exclusive OR disjoint
sum as follows.

If we reconsider the previous example,

we have

Example of Disjoint Sum

Example of disjoint sum (exclusive OR sum)

The difference in crisp set is defined as follows

Difference in Fuzzy Set

1. Simple difference

If we reconsider the previews example, A

B would be,

Difference in Fuzzy Set

1. Simple difference

If we reconsider the previews example, A

B would be,

Difference in Fuzzy Set

2. Bounded difference

For novice-operator , define the

membership function

bounded difference of preceeding two

fuzzy sets is as follows

Difference in Fuzzy Set

2. Bounded difference

Distance in Fuzzy Set

The concept distance is designated to
describe the difference. But it has different
mathematical measure from the difference
introduced in the previews section
Measures for distance in fuzzy setare
defined in:
1. Hamming Distance
2. Euclidean Distance
3. Minkowski distance

Distance in Fuzzy Set

1. Hamming Distance
Example : Following A and B for
A = {(x1, 0.4), (x2, 0.8), (x3, 1),
(x4, 0)}
B = {(x1, 0.4), (x2, 0.3), (x3, 0),
(x4, 0)}
Hamming distance; d(A, B),

Distance in Fuzzy Set

1. Hamming Distance (cont...)
Hamming distance contains usual
mathematical senses of distance.
(1) d(A, B) 0
(2) d(A, B) = d(B, A)
(3) d(A, C) d(A, B) + d(B, C)
(4) d(A, A) = 0

Distance in Fuzzy Set

1. Hamming Distance (cont...)

Assuming n elements in universal set X; i.e., |X| =

n, the relative Hamming distance is,

might rename Hamming distance as symmetrical

distance and written as below by using operator ,

This operator doesnt hold distributivity. In addition,

disjoint sum using operator introduced before
may be applied to this symmetrical distance.

Distance in Fuzzy Set

1. Hamming Distance (cont...)

Distance in Fuzzy Set

2. Euclidean Distance

Euclidean distance between sets A and B

used for the previous Hamming distance is

and relative Euclidean distance is

Distance in Fuzzy Set

3. Minkowski Distance

Generalizing Hamming distance and

Euclidean distance results in Minkowski
distance. It becomes the Hamming distance
for w = 1 while the Euclidean distance for w

Cartesian Product of
Fuzzy Set

Power of fuzzy set

Second power of fuzzy set A is defined as

follows :

Similarly mth power of fuzzy set Am may be

computed as,

This operator is frequently applied when

dealing with the linguistic hedge in expression
of fuzzy set

Cartesian Product of
Fuzzy Set

Cartesian product

Cartesian product applied to multiple fuzzy

sets can be defined as follows.

the probability for n-tuple (x1,x2,...,xn) to

be involved in fuzzy set A1 x A2 x ... x An is,

t-norms and t-conorms

t-norms and t-conorms

There are two types of operators in fuzzy
t-norms (triangular-norm)
t-conorms (triangular-conorm) or also called as

Definitions for t-norms

Now can easily recognize that the following

operators hold conditions for t-norm.

Definitions for t-conorm


There are examples of t-conorm operators

t-norms and t-conorms

When computing the t-norm and t-conorm,
operands in most cases are values of membership
. An alternative symbol for these
functions is *. And in other cases symbol * is used
for t-norm, while symbol
for t-conorm,

t-norms and t-conorms

t-norm is sometimes called s-norm.
In practical, sometimes could not determined which
operator is appropriate to the application In that
case, put the symbol * as a tentative operator.
When we know that a t-norm operator can be used
without selecting a specific operator, we put the symbol
All t-norm and t-conorm functions follow these relations.

t-norms and t-conorms

Some operators following the above properties

Duality of t-norms and tconorms

Duality exists between t-norm and t-conorm. Let function

T represent a t-norm operator. If we define Ts as

it becomes a t-conorm.
and again
for x, y [0,1], presume
complements of x and y as
and complement of result from operation as,
then following relations are held, and they
can be apprehended by De Morgans law.

Example Case 1

Example Case 1

Example Case 1
1. The set of loadings for which one expects that either material B or
material D will be safe.
2. The set of loadings for which one expects that both material B and
material D are safe.
3. The set of loadings for which material D and material B are unsafe,
4. The set of loadings for which the ductile material is safe but the brittle
material is in jeopardy.
5. The set of loadings for which the brittle material is safe but the ductile
material is in jeopardy.
6. Asserts that the loadings that are not safe with respect to both
7. Asserts that the loads that are safe for neither material D nor material

Example Case 1

Example Case 1


Continuing from the chemical engineering case described in Problem
above. Suppose the selection of an appropriate analyzer to monitor the
sales gas sour gas concentration is important. This selection process
can be complicated by the fact that one type of analyzer, say A, does not
provide an average suitable pressure range but it does give a borderline
value of instrument dead time; in contrast another analyzer, say B, may
give a good value of process dead time but a poor pressure range.
Suppose for this problem we consider three analyzers: A, B and C.

represent the fuzzy set showing the pressure range suitability of

analyzers A, B, and C (a membership of 0 is not suitable, a value of 1 is

represent the fuzzy set showing the instrument dead time suitability of
analyzers A, B, and C (again, 0 is not suitable and 1 is excellent).
1. Show the analyzers that are not suitable for pressure range and
instrument dead time, respectively
2. Show which analyzer is most suitable in either category
3. Show which analyzer is suitable in both categories


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