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Character profiles

and casting

James Parker-Harvey- In this thriller opening sequence,
James will be playing the role of DCI James Parker-Harvey.
James is suited to play this role because his appearance
shows of the characteristics of a detective and with the
right costumes he can look like a detective.
James took media in GCSE which makes him experienced
in making videos. He achieved a B which also contributes
to his experience. He had to make a music video in this
time, so he knows how to edit a video using adobe
premiere. He also will know how to film properly and have
a keen eye for decent shots as he had to do the same
James comes across in the film as being a strong,
independent, intelligent person. He is judgemental and he
is very professional and serious about his job, and
therefore feels he cannot give up on a case.

Lewis is playing the role of the victim, who is murdered while in
the woods(there is a chase scene) and discovered in the woods
the next morning.
Lewis took media for GCSE and made a music video, he
achieved a C as an overall grade, but for the video he got an A,
which shows he has a keen eye for shots and knows how to
edit properly, this makes him important to the team as he has
a range of skills with videos.
He has been chosen to play this role as he looks like a victim
and has a thin body type so can look like a weak character. He
is fairly short so would not be likely to fight back against a
larger person as he would be overpowered. His body type and
appearance is great for his role.
In the film, we wonder if Lewis is a troublemaker, as we wonder
why someone is chasing him and why he gets murdered or if
Lewis was caught up in something bad, where he was
completely innocent, this adds more of a mystery to the case.

Jason Nguyen- He has no experience with media in
general however he has used adobe premiere for
editing the prelim task so he has some idea for
making a video. He did not take GCSE media however
Jason has a creative side as he did take Art as a GCSE
option, this would by having two people who took art
in GCSE this allows us to get great views on shots.
Jason will be playing the role of the murderer and a
forensic person, we can do this as his face is not
shown as the murderer and we are lacking in actors.
Jason is correct for the murderer role as he is tall built
and will create an effect of him being more
threatening because the victim is small and the
murderer is tall.

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