Case Presentation

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Background Information

Gender: Male
Race: Bi-Racial (African-American & Caucasian)
Age: 11
Grade: 5
Lives with grandparent and younger siblings

Problem Statement

The consumer displays behaviors of verbal aggression, physical

aggression, property destruction, leaving home without permission,
low respect for authority, theft, lying / manipulation, defiance, self
harming behaviors, suicide attempt, inappropriate sexual behaviors,
multiple school suspensions and low academic performance
(Referral Behaviors for Multisystemic Therapy).

& Life Experiences

Molested while in foster care

Molested by mother's boyfriend
Experienced mother drug habits
Absentee father
Mother In and out of life

Decrease and eliminate the referral behaviors of verbal aggression,

physical aggression, property destruction, leaving home without
permission, low respect for authority, theft, lying / manipulation, defiance,
self harming behaviors, suicide attempt, inappropriate sexual behaviors,
multiple school suspensions and low academic performance.
Identifying and implementing 3 positive coping skills weekly
Sharing feelings in individual and family sessions weekly that contribute
to the tension between him, his grandmother, grandfather, and sisters
Implementing problem solving techniques and conflict resolution skills in
order to manage interpersonal conflicts
Participating in at least one pro-social activity weekly to promote positive
peer interactions and increased self-esteem


296.99 (F34.8) Disruptive Mood

Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD)
314.01 (F90.2) Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Combined Presentation
V61.20 (Z62.820) Parent- Child
Relational Problem
V61.8 (Z62.891) Sibling Relational
V62.3 (Z55.9) Academic or Educational

Personal Biases

The consumer would not understand many of the questions because

he is young.
The consumer would not open up.
The consumer does not understand his own behaviors

Strengths and Limitations

Consumer: "I am helpful

and friendly".
Consumer's grandmother: "He is
helpful and Intelligent".

Does not take ownership

of behaviors, projects blame onto
Grandmother is overwhelmed
with caring for
her young grandchildren

Personal Values

Consumer Values

Family and Friends are important

to the consumer

Relationships with my family and

My future

Competencies Used
Competency 1
Competency 2
Competency 3
Competency 4
Competency 5
Competency 6
Competency 7
Competency 8
Competency 9

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