Monitor: How To Read A Monitor Ad

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How to read a
monitor ad

By : Ami Rizqi
Amin Pujiarto

O Monitor is one of the hardware of the

computer, which is used to display

images on the screen. Physically, the
monitor has the shape as well as
television screens and functions to
display the data and information that is
useful for computer users. Moreover
monitor is also a useful tool for
computer with the user / users are
known by the term user. So that the
monitor can be said to be one of the
most important hardware of a computer.

1. Monitor CRT (Cathode
Ray Tube)
CRT / cathode ray tube is a vacuum tube
containing an electron source that is used to view
images, to accelerate and deflect the electron
beam to the fluorescent screen to create images
The advantage to using this type of CRT monitors that
the price is relatively cheaper. On the other hand there
is the weakness of this monitor requires considerable
electrical power as well as the emission of
electromagnetic radiation can make eyes tired

2. Monitor LCD (Liquid

Crystal Display)

Monitor is a media type that uses liquid

crystal display as the main ingredient. LCD type
is already very popular used in many electronic
goods such as televisions, computer screens,
etc of using this LCD monitor is in
addition to the model is sleek and does not take
place, another advantage is the highly-efficient
LCD monitors use about 20 watts of electrical
power and low radiation. The disadvantage is the
type of LCD monitor prices are relatively more
expensive, and in case of damage the LCD monitor
is much more expensive in terms of spare parts
than any CRT monitor

3. Monitor LED (Light

Emiting Diode)
Monitor type LED (Light Emitting Diode)
technology with nearly the same as the LCD. LED is
a further development of LCD display which has the
effect of an increase in color display that has a
quality and more color variation.
Some of the advantages of LED monitors is such a
contrast, sharp images up to millions of pixels, use much
less power efficient than LCDs, the service life is longer,
more slim and better lighting in the appeal monitor LCD
type. In terms of types of LED monitors shortage of
course the price is still relatively more expensive that
many users who still prefer CRT type monitor or LCD,
LED monitor shortfall next is likely to be more sensitive.

4. Monitor Plasma
Type plasma monitor is a combination between CRT
and LCD technology. The presence of plasma
monitor is able to make the screen becomes thinner
resemble LCD and CRT-wide viewing angle.
Some of the advantages of plasma monitor type is found
in the quality of which resembles a CRT display with a
high contrast is 10000: 1. Besides plasma also has
excellent color and shape look slimmer.
In terms of disadvantages of course, the plasma has a
relatively expensive price, than that of plasma also has
a large pixel pitch size and power consumption and high
temperature operasional

Specifications Monitor
1. Screen Size
The most common monitor sizes are 14 ",
15", 17 "and 19", but the Monitor now appear in
various sizes from 14 "to 42".
2. Resolution
Resolution is the amount of detail that can be
provided by a monitor. Various sizes on the monitor
resolution is 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768,
1280x1024, 1600x1200.
3. Dot pitch
The smaller the dot pitch, the more vivid
colors generated.

4. Refresh Rate ( screen display refresh

rate )
The higher the refresh rate, the display
will be more stable.
5. Pixels ( element image )
The display screen is composed of pixels
or small dots, pixels are arranged in rows
across the screen. Each pixel consists of
the 3 colors : Red, Green, Blue ( RGB ).

6. Video RAM ( VRAM )

Memory that is owned by the video card. The
higher the VRAM in the video card, the more colors
that can be displayed. The video card also sends
signals to control the refresh rate.
7. Color Depth
Number of different colors in each pixel can be
displayed. It is measured in bits. The higher the
depth, the more colors produsced.
8. Display Color
Color are made by changing the light intensity
of the three primary colors.

Monitor is one of the most important hardware

of the computer, which is used to display

images on the screen. Moreover monitor is






between the computer user. The more pixels

on the screen, the better the resolution. The
higher the resolution of the screen, the better
the quality of the display on the monitor. The
smaller the dot pitch, the more vivid colors
generated. The better the characteristics of

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