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Once Cross check all the details in

the Drawing.
Give Proper Instructions to the Bar
Before starting Beam rod bending
provide 1 Stirrup at all Columns.
For all Outer Beams, Top & Bottom
Main Rods should be given an L
structure with minimum 9.

Provide the Proper Curtail Length for

Extra Rods.

Follow the Stirrups spacing as per

mentioned in the drawing at Midspan & Edge supports of the Beam.
Maintain cover for the beam with
minimum 1 inch on both side.

Proper Binding should be provided.

Place all Extra Rods by using the pin rods of minimum

25 mm dia.

Don't cut the Length Rods with out proper Calculation.

Try to use all the waste Rods where ever it can be used.

At Discontinuous Beam Bottom Main rod should

be given a L Structure & Top main rod should
be extended minimum 16 on the Roof.

Before Beam downing provide 1 stirrup at middle of Beam

& column junction.

Before Beam downing provide cover

at 3 sides of the beam min 25 mm.

Once Cross check all the details in
the Drawing.
Before starting the Bar Bending clean
the slab.
Provide only the required Lubricant
on the slab.

All the Rods Should be Straight.

Provide the main & distribution rod with

spacing as per mentioned in the drawing.

Crank should be in 45

Provide Top extra rod as per

mentioned in the Drawing.

Main & Distribution rod should be

extended to next slab as per
mentioned in the Drawing.

One Chair should be provided per

sqm with minimum 12 mm dia.

Column lapping should be done before concrete for

minimum Developement Length

Provide a minimum of 15 mm cover.

Provide Concealed Beam as per

mentioned in the drawing.

Before Laying concrete chip the

previously laid concrete.

Main Rods Should be Alternatively


Staircase Rods should be bonded

with beam and then extended to
slab with min of 16

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