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Control is the last functional chain in the management process

Through control, managers can determine whether

organizational goals have been successfully achieved or


According to Stoner, Freeman and Gilbert (1995), managerial

control is a process to ensure that actual activities are
conducted according to the planned activities

According to Mockler, control is defined as a systematic effort

in determining a set of performance standards based on the
objectives of planning the formation of a feedback system, and
the comparison between the actual performance and the set

According to Robbins and Coulter (1996), control is a process

to ensure activities are implemented as planned and activities
that are considered to be incorrect are corrected

As a whole, managerial control is a process whereby managers

ensure that actual activities are conducted in line with the
planned activities and take corrective actions to correct any
mistakes that occur in order to achieve organizational goals


Cost is one of the aspects that managers attempt to control.

Managers may either bear high costs or fail in achieving
organizational goals

The criteria that determines the effectives of a control system is

how far managers control the activities that are conducted to
achieve organizational goals

Every organizational practices as a different control system in

order to achieve its goals

Managers always emphasize two aspects of control in order to

ensure a high level of employee performance and the
achievement of organizational goals

Output control / performance control

This control is used to determine the actual performance or

results exhibited by employee in an organization

Output control is measured by taking into account three aspects:

Efficiency managers obtain an overall picture of the employees

level of efficiency

Quality managers determine whether the actual performance

of employees fulfils the established standards of quality

Feedback managers obtain feedback from

employees to

ensure all activities are well conducted and take corrective

action if problems occur during the implementation of the

Behavior control

This control is performed to ensure employee behaviour is in

accordance to what is desired by the organization. Control is
implemented so that organizations do not face problematic
employees or employee who show undesired behaviours such
as being absent, lazy, tardy, not punctual, not trustworthy, share
company secrets, careless and tend to make mistakes,
irresponsible, and day dream while at work. Budget the
organizations financial performance

In order to implement both these controls, managers must use

the following techniques:

Budget the organizations financial performance

Quality control to control employee behaviour

Self-evaluation by managers

Financial statement


If not perform managerial control will not know whether the

organizational goals and plans have been achieved or whether
corrective action needs to be taken in the future

If no planning, a control system would not be needed in the


Control measures the progress of goals which are achieved and

enables managers to detect the level of quality and weaknesses in
planning in order to take corrective action before it is too late.


Strong and Smith stated that good management required

an effective control system. The combination of wellplanned objectives, a strong organization, effectives
instructions, and motivation will not bring success to an
organization if a suitable control system is not practiced
by the organization


a) Internal and external changes in an


An organizational tends to due to

internal and external changes in the
ii. Examples of internal changes in an
organizational structure.
iii. Examples of external changes in an
organization are the increase in the
production and labour costs, changes
in consumers taste, and the
introduction of new production of
new products in the market.

b) Organizations size and decentralization


The organizations growth in size

will increase the number of
employees and jobs. The managers
duty to supervise the increasing
number of employees will become
ii. Decentralization in an organization
also requires control to be performed
in order to avoid the abuse of power.

c) Mistakes


d) Allocation of power and responsibilities.


Employees can make mistakes.

Through control, managers can correct
these mistakes before it becomes

Although managers allocate their

power and responsibilities to the
employees, they are still responsible
for each task performed by the
ii. managers should monitor the duties
performed by each employee in order
to ensure the duties are completed in
accordance to the established
organizational goals.


a) Set the standards.


This step involves the formation of

standards for each management
activity such as sales and production
target, attendance of employees, and
safety records.
ii. Standards are the benchmark for an
aspect that requires control. Managers
must know the standards which have
been established.

b) Measure the actual performance.


Just like control, the measurement of

performance is a repetitive process.
For example, a teacher will evaluate
his students performance through
quizzes, assignments, and projects
from the beginning until the end of the
ii. If the standards are met, the activities
were conducted as planned. On the
other hand, if the standards are not
met, mistakes might have occurred and
corrective action must be taken
promptly to amend those mistakes.

c) Compare actual performance with the



After the actual performance is

evaluated, managers need to compare
the actual performance with the
established standards to identify
whether the actual performance has
met the standards.
ii. If the standards are met, the activities
were conducted as planned. On the
other hand, if the standards are not
met, mistakes might have occurred
and corrective action must be taken
promptly to amend those mistakes.

d) Take corrective action.


If the standards are not met, managers

must identify the cause of the
ii. Managers can overcome this problem
either by re-evaluating the standards
(high standards will be difficult to
achieve) or taking corrective action,
for example repairing faulty machines
or providing training for unskilled

iii) Sometimes, corrective action

involves changes to one or several
activities in the organizational
Set the standards
Measure the actual performance
Compare the actual performance with the standards

Take corrective action

a) Flexibility

b) Accuracy of information

Managers must obtain correct, valid

accurate, and trustworthy information.
Managers must explain to employees what
must be done and what has been done.
Information must be told accurately in
order to avoid confusions and
misunderstandings. Some information must
be kept confidential in order to protect the
organizations interests.

Control activities requires flexibility

and should be adjustable from time to
time according to changes in the
environment. For examples, flexibility
is required when the management sets
standards with the organizations profit
in mind, whereby managers would be
able to increase and decrease the
standards based on the total sales and
operational costs incurred at that time.

c) Timeliness

Information must be delivered at the right

time and at a suitable place.

d) Focus on important factors

Controlled activities must only comprise

important activities and focus should be
given to either the performance aspect or
the employees aspect. If organizations want
to increase the quality of employees,
managers must concentrate on the
performance aspect. Meanwhile, if
managers want their employees to show
good behavior, concentration
must be given on the employee aspect.

e) Acceptance by employees

An aspect that is controlled must obtain

consensus from all the employees in the
organization. For example, if the
organization sets the working hours from
8.00 a.m. until 4.00 p.m., all employees
must adhere to this policy.

a) Accurate information.

Information obtained must be accurate,

measurable, and comparable to the
standards. The accuracy of information
received by employees is important to
rectify the problems.

b) Comprehensive objectives

The established objectives must be

understood by the individuals assigned to
achieve it. A control system that is difficult
to understand can cause undesired mistakes
to occur.

c) Timeliness

Control must be conducted at the suitable

and right time in order to bring progress to
the organization.

d) Easy to operate

An effective control system should be

able to detect any irregularities that occur
in a quick and easy manner so that
corrective action can be taken promptly.

e) Economical

The implementation of a control system

must be economical, logical, and realistic in
terms of costs.

f) Flexible

The control system must be flexible in

order for organizations to grab new
opportunities and act promptly to any
changes that occur.

g) Acceptance by employees

The implementation of a control system

must have certain meaning and goals so that
it can be easily understood and accepted by
all the employees.


The right level of control is needed because controls that are

rigid or flexible can bring a negative impact to the

The problem that may occur in forming a rigid or a flexible

control system are depicted.





Employees become rebellious

Employees perform their tasks

half -

Employees will face pressure


Employees discipline will


Low productivity

Low productivity

Relationship between

Wastage of resources

employees and managers will be

affected due to limited
Job performance will decline

Job performance will decline

These problems must be eliminated as it can obstruct the

achievement of organizational goals. Managers always face
difficulties in determining the type of problem that really exist

If would be difficult to control a larger number of employees as

employees might take advantage of this situation to be absent
or late to work. Dissatisfaction of employees towards the
management will cause employees to be lazy, rebellious, and
work half heartedly.

Unexpected problems are unavoidable although organizations

plan a control system.


There are 4 basic types of control :


Feed forward control


Concurrent control


Filtering control


Feedback control


Feed forward control is performance before an activity starts

Managers who conduct feed forward control are usually

involved in making policies, procedures, and rules to eliminate
any undesired behaviors

The objective of feed forward control is to avoid mistakes that

occur before the activity is implemented

The advantage the management can avoid any problems


Concurrent or steering control is performed during the implementation of a job

or activity

Since control is conducted while the activity is being implemented, management

can take action promptly to correct the mistakes that occur before it becomes
serious. This can reduce the cost of taking corrective action

Concurrent control is not only conducted on employees performance, but it is

also conducted on human and non-human resources such as equipment,
machinery, and the office layout

Even though concurrent control can slow down and activity to the minimum
level, however this type of control can avoid bigger problems from occurring

Concurrent control is more effective if managers obtain

accurate information regarding environmental changes
and the development of desired organizational goals
at the right time

Concurrent control enables managers to grab unexpected


Although the actual performance might deviate from the

performance standards or original plans, it is not too late from
managers to take corrective action. Managers can allocate
organizational resources to sectors that will bring profit to the


Filtering or yes/no control involves a filtering process, whereby

certain procedures must be approved before an operation is continued

Filtering control is usually performed after the organization

implements the activities and the result are obtained

Managers will take corrective action after seeing the organizations

achievement in a certain period

Filtering control is important and it is performed widely compared to

other types of control

Filtering control is suitable for reviewing and evaluating the

effectiveness of an activity


The objective of feedback control is to measure the results of an


Through feedback control, any source of weaknesses in plans or

standards can be identified

This control is also used as the basis for giving rewards or motivating

The speed of information flow is an important factor in ensuring an

effective feedback control. If weaknesses are detected early,
corrective action can be taken promptly


Managers practice various control techniques and systems to handle

different problems in an organization

Financial control is widely used because information can be measured and

compared easily. The financial control techniques are financial statements,
audit, and budget

Traditional non financial control techniques comprise statistical data,

special report and analysis, internal operation audit, and self evolution by

Modern non financial control techniques comprise of the Gantt Chart,

Milestones Budget, Critical Part method (CPM), and Programme Evaluation
and Review Techniques

Financial statements

Financial statements are used to calculate the financial value of an

organizations internal and external product and service

Financial statements are usually used to measure the following

aspects :

Liquidity position ability to turn assets into cash in order to meet

the organizations current financial needs or obligations

Long term liability and equity position

Profitability position ability to earn a profit in a certain time

period of time

The financial statements of and organization comprise 3 main

statements, that is the break even analysis, balance sheet, and
the funds flow statements

Break even analysis

The break even analysis is used to study the relationship

between sales or revenues and costs and determine the break
even point whereby total sales will be equal to total costs

The different between total sales (total revenue) and total costs
(total expenditure) is the profit or loss earned by the
organization in a certain time period

Organization can use the above information to forecast

profitability, control expenditure, plan marketing activities, and
select profitable project

The break even point in the break - even analysis can be

determined by using graphical and algebraic methods

Balance sheet

Balance sheet is a statement that lists the assets, liabilities, and

equity of an organization at a specific date

Balance sheet provides a snapshot of the organizations at a

investment in assets and the financial resources used to finance
these assets. In summary, balance sheet shows the
organizations financial position on the last date of the financial

Funds flow statement

Funds flow statement reports the organizations sources

and usage of founds for a certain financial period. Funds
are defined as a group of cash. Through this statement,
managers will be able to determine the inflow and
outflow of the business for a specific financial period


Audit is the process of analysing and identifying detail that

have mistakes, correction the mistaken, and updating the
financial statements after taking into account the mistakes

Usually, audit will be conducted by external auditors who do

not have any interest in the organization


Budget is a quantitative statement stated in monetary value. It describes the

managements plans to achieve certain objectives in a given time frame

The budgeting period depends on the requirement of the users and is

prepared before the start of a financial period

An organization has several department or units that has its respective

functions. Each unit will prepare a separate budget according to the units
plans and goals

Budget prepare by each unit or division are known as component budget.

Component budget can be divided into operational budget and financial

Operational budget comprise budgeting statements such as the sales budget,

the direct material budget, and the production budget

Financial budgets comprise balance sheet budget, cash budget, and capital
expenditure budget. These budgets show the financial resources required to
finance the expected operations and other assets required by the

Budget can be preparing in a fixed or flexible format. In fixed budgets,

estimates are based on a single level of activity. In flexible budget, estimates
are based on several levels of activity

Besides preparing budgets for the purpose of planning, budgets are also
used as a control tool through the preparation of the budget performance
report. This report compares revenues with the actual cost of activities and
the budgeted cost for the operational level that was achieved

Budget performance reports are prepared by each division,

department, or unit in the organization according to the suitable
frequency. The more often reports are prepared, the
organizations operations and financial position will be more in

The differences between actual and planned achievements in

the budget are known as variances. Position variances show
that actual achievements are better than the planned
achievements, while negative variances show that the planned
achievements are better than the actual achievements


Statistical data

Data usually exists in the form of facts, figures, and events

Statistical data is data obtained in the form of figures

In order to determine the actual performance, managers must obtain

information on the results that have been achieved

Control are made on statistical information to ensure that

organization goals can be achieved

Although statistical data is easy to read and measure, this data

provides limited information on the activities performed in the

Special reports and analysis

The wide usage of computer in organizations encourages managers to

use statistical report to measure the actual performance

Statistical report not only cover computer output, but also include
graphs, charts, and figures in any form that can be used by managers
to evaluate performance

The actual performance can be measured through written report.

Similar to statistical data, even though the preparation of report and
analysis involves time, information shown in the reports have a high
level of reliability. In addition, the reports can be stored in a file for
future reference


Audit is process of verifying the organizations financial statements and

records by an external party or employees who possess relevant

There are 2 types of audit :

(a) internal operation audit
(b) external operation audit

Internal operation audit performance by internal auditors who are

employees in of organization. The objective is to evaluate the effectiveness
of organizational operations and ensure that no fraud occurs in the usage of
assets and finances. Organizational records must be kept systematically in a
secured place so that financial statements can be prepared accurately

Internal operation audit is usually performed by managers or full

time audit officers. Internal operation audit can also be conducted to
evaluate the organizations control system. The auditors will evaluate
the usage and accuracy of the organizations financial reports and if
needed, suggest ways to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of
the organizations control system

External operation audit performance by qualified external officers

to evaluate the effectiveness of the organizations control system.
External auditors are independent officers and they can provide a fair


As traditional non financial control techniques have their own strengths and
weaknesses, managers should practise all the techniques so that control can be
conducted comprehensively

The collection and dissemination of the organizations information is important

in ensuring the success of a control process. Managers will face difficulties in
controlling organizational activities and performances without an effective
control system which managers the collection and dissemination of information

The difficulties in implementing a control process in an organization have

motivated managers to make a self evaluation in order to select the control
technique that should be used for the benefit of the organization as a whole


Gantt chart

Henry Gantt (1861-1919) created the Gantt Chart in order to control the
progress of projects easily. Gannts work is taken from the Taylor incentive
system, a result of his cooperation with Taylor in several projects

The schedule of the whole project is created by setting the starting time and the
completed time for each activity in the project. The activities must be completed
according to the right sequence until the project is over

The managers will be test and compare the actual implementation of activities. If
the project is completed earlier that scheduled, certain resource such as human
and machinery can be loaned to other projects facing a shortage of resources. If
there is a delay in schedule, managers can take prompt action to perform the
delayed activities and ensure that the project is completed within the set time



Form a project team comprising members who have wide knowledge of the
project and will be involved in the whole project. The team can consist of 4
to 6 members

Prepare a list that contains all the activities that will be performance in the
project. For the purpose, the brainstorming technique can be used

Build a chart by listing all the activities that must be performed to complete
the whole project on the first column on the left side of the chart. The
activities are arranged according to its sequence. The first activity to be
performed to start the project will place on the top of the first column. The
last activity that needs to be completed at the final stage of the project will
be place last on the first column

Determine the time unit ( days, weeks, months, and years) that will
be used and build a grid using the selected time unit

Estimate the time needed to complete each activity in the first

column and form lines based on the completion period of each

Determine the system that will be used to monitor the

implementation of the project ( f )

During the implementation of the project, team members must meet

at a suitable time to update the status of each activity on the chart
according to the agreed system in step ( f )

Concentrate on additional activities not listed in the schedule. The

project team must make decisions and promptly take corrective
action if any problem occur during the implementation period until
the whole project is completed


If managers select a date to accomplish a certain activity, decision, or

event, and shows the date on the charts lines, this is known as

Milestones refer to the date set to determine the target deadline to

male non financial control decision. This is usually done when a
project is being re evaluated

Milestones are dates selected to ascertain the completion date for

several phases in the project (such as for activities A, B, C, and E).
Therefore milestones help to provide additional information to the
Gantt Chart

Milestones provide a formal re evolution of information

whereby the costs, progress, and requirements to re plan or
modify the schedule can be evaluated

The Gantt Chart shows the relationship of milestones for

similar tasks in the period. In order to overcome the
weaknesses in the Gantt Chart, a formation of network analysis
such as PERT is developed



Even though Gantt Chart is easy to build and use, it is only

suitable for monitoring simple projects. The relationship
between activities that must be performed in order to complete
a project is not shown in the chart

The milestones budget is used to divide big projects into sub

activities to enable managers to conduct control easily

However, the Gantt chart and milestones budget cannot be used

to manage a complex programmer or project. Therefore, a
form of network analysis is required

Nowadays, new methods that are more effective must be used to

mange a complicated project. For this purpose, 2 analysis techniques
was introduced, which are Critical Path Method (CPM) analysis and
Programmer Evaluation and Review Techniques (PERT)

Even though both CPM analysis PERT techniques were developed

separately, they were used to control the United States of Americas
defence system

CPM analysis was introduced in 1957 by Du Pont in the United

States of America to control the implementation of complicated
industrial project

PERT was used for the first time in 1958 by the United States of
Americas navy to plan and control of building the Polaris missile

The PERT and the CPM analysis uses a graphical approach to

manage a project. A network or diagram of arrows will be built
specifically fir each type of project to show the relationship and the
sequence of activities in each project

The PERT/CPM analysis can also be used for construction projects

such as highways, dams, oil pipelines or bridges, installation of
computer systems, introduction of new products, and new housing



When the project can completed?

Among all the activities, what are the most critical activities in the project?

Among all the activities, which are the non critical activities in the project?

What is the probability of completing the project before a certain date?

Will the project be completed on time according to the schedule, earlier or later?

Is the implementation cost of the project over or under the budget?

Are the available resources sufficient to complete the project on time?

Among all the activities, which activity must be given more attention in order to
complete the project earlier but minimum additional costs?


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