Position Papers and Country Research Continued

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Position Papers

and Country

Reminder: Talk to me
in formal debate

Quick Review: Points and Motions

Points: For matters related to your delegation:
Point of Inquiry
Point of Information
Point of Order
Point of Personal Privilege
Motions: For matters related to all the delegations:
For example: The delegation of Vietnam motions to move into an
unmoderated caucus for five minutes to discuss research techniques
necessary to write Position Paper.

Types of Debate
1. Formal debate--speakers list used
2. Moderated caucus
3. Unmoderated caucus

Please please
please give me
your introductory

Thoughts about the

intro paragraphs:
1. What was hard?
2. What do you need more help
3. What was easy?

Four Corners!

Good Introduction that someone

you know that
200,000 homicides occur each year among youth
children? Homicide is the fourth leading cause of death in this age group.
Additionally, beyond deaths, youth violence often leads to mental
problems and bad behaviors, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, and using
drugs. As such, China wants to eliminate the socio-economic factors that
lead to such behaviors, as China has more than 6,000 children on the street
and 90% of them are part of gangs. Therefore, China would like to stop
child violence through a variety of projects, including socially reintegrating
children, ________________, and ________________.

General Reminder:
Remember to write
down the sources you
used to find each fact!!

Reminder: How to create MLA in-text

For a web page with no known author: China is a one of the biggest countries
in the world (name of web page where you found the document).
China is one of the biggest countries in the world (A History of China).
For a web page with a known author: China is one of the biggest countries in
the world (Author last name, name of web page where you found the
China is one of the biggest countries in the world (Johnson, A History of

Second Paragraph: National/Domestic

Action Related to Youth Violence
This paragraph talks about actions your country
has taken within the country to eliminate
youth violence and the socio-economic factors
that cause it:
Actions include: laws passed, petitions created,
initiatives/programs started, etc.


Were going to
start filling out
one of these
worksheets for

Homework, Due Thursday,

Nov. 24th
1. Doing more research if necessary, complete
the handout for paragraph 2 (domestic action).
You dont have to write the sentences yet! Just
fill in the questions.
2. On Tuesday, I will give you back your
introductory paragraphs with comments and
suggestions for edits. I would like you to bring
your edited versions to class with you on
Thursday, typed and with in-text citations!!

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