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Intan Savira (4301414069)

Ita Mawaddah


Navela Rahma Aji (4301414089)

Nurferi Handayani (4301414029)


Observation data
Color of the salt before purified : turbid white (putih kotor)
Structure of salt crystals before purified : large particle (kasar/
kristal besar)
Color of the salt after purified : clean white
Structure of salt crystals after purified : soft powder
Volume of Ba(OH)2 required is : 3 mL
Volume of (NH4)2CO3 required is : 5 mL
The weight of salt crystal from salt recrystallizing : 0,1945 grams
The weight of salt crystal from salt recrystallizing : 2,3076 grams

The percentage of pure salt from recrystallizing process :

The percentage of pure salt = x 100%

Titrations data
Standardization AgNO3
Mass of concentated NaCl : 0,25 grams
Volume of distilled water : 100 mL
Volume AgNO3 that needed :
V1 = 4,7 ml
V2 = 4,3 ml
V3 = 4,4 ml
Average volume of AgNO3 = 4,35 ml


= 0,04293 N
V NaCl . N


= VAgNO3 . N AgNO3

10 ml . 0,04293 N = 4,35 ml . N AgNO3

N AgNO3 = 0,0987 N

Determining the content of dirty salt

Mass of dirty salt

: 0,2512 grams

Volume AgNO3 that needed :

V1 = 3,8 ml
V2 = 3,85 ml
Average volume of AgNO3 = 3,825 ml
Mr NaCl = 58,46
Determining the purity levels of NaCl after recrystallization
Mass of pure salt

: 0,2522 grams

Volume AgNO3 that needed :

V1 = 4,05 ml
V2 = 4,00 ml
Average volume of AgNO3 = 4,025 ml
Mr NaCl = 58,46

The purity levels of NaCl before recrystallization process

The purity levels of NaCl after recrystallization process :

The reaction that occur :

Addition of CaO(s) into solution


Ca2+ + O2-

Ca2+ + CO3 2- CaCO3 (s)

Ca2+ + SO4 2- CaSO4 (s)

Addition of BaOH(aq) into solution

Ba(OH)2 (aq) Ba2+ + OHBa2+ + CO3 2- BaCO3 (s)
Ba2+ + SO4 2- BaSO4 (s)
Fe2+ + OH- Fe(OH)2 (s)
Mg2+ + OH- Mg(OH)2 (s)
Addition of (NH4)2CO3 (aq) into solution
(NH4)2CO3 (aq) 2NH4+ + CO3 2Ba2+ + CO3 2- BaCO3 (s)
Ca2+ + CO3 2- CaCO3 (s)

Addition of HCl


Cl- + NH4+ NH4Cl

Titration reaction
AgNO3 (aq) + NaCl
NaNO3 (aq)




(white precipitate) +

AgNO3 (aq) + K2CrO4 (s) Ag2CrO4 (s) (red brick) + KNO3 (aq)

The purpose is to study the recrystallization method
with the addition of impurity binder material, understand
the methods of NaCl iodisation, and calculate the purity
levels of NaCl. In this experiment performed 3 different
titration, they are titration of standardization AgNO3,
titration to determine the content of dirty salt, and
titration to determine the purity levels of NaCl after

1. Purification NaCl
Salt that has been dissolved in the distilled water, heated until boiling
and then filtered using filter paper. The filtrate obtained then added with
0,05 grams of calcium oxide (CaO). The function of the addition of
calcium oxide is increasing the difference of the solubility between the
salt and the impurities. Beside that, addition of CaO can precipitate the
impurities such as CO32- and SO42- that contained in dirty salt. The
workings of calcium oxide as a coagulant is expected to obtain the purer
salt than salt previously.
The reaction that happened :
CaO (s) Ca2+ + O2Ca2+ + CO3 2- CaCO3 (s)
Ca2+ + SO4 2- CaSO4 (s)

The filtrate that obtained adding with Ba(OH)2 solution 1

M dropwise. The addition in order to eliminate or prevent
the formation of precipitate again due to the addition of
calcium oxide (CaO) earlier. Beside that, the function of
Ba(OH)2 aqueous to bind impurities such as Mg2+, Fe2+,
CO3 2-, and SO4 2- that still contained in the solution.
Ba(OH)2 (aq) Ba2+ + OH Ba2+ + CO3 2- BaCO3 (s)
Ba2+ + SO4 2- BaSO4 (s)
Fe2+ + OH- Fe(OH)2 (s)

Ksp = 4,8 x 10-16

Mg2+ + OH- Mg(OH)2 (s)

Ksp = 3,4 x 10-21

Then, the precipitate that occurs filtered with filter paper. In the
filtrate obtained adding with the solution of ammonium carbonate
(NH4)2CO3. The addition in order to form the saturated solution
and to bind the remaining impurities.
The reaction that happened :
(NH4)2CO3 (aq) 2NH4+ + CO3 2Ksp = 8,1 x 10-9
Ba2+ + CO3 2- BaCO3 (s)
Ksp = 4,8 x 10-9
Ca2+ + CO3 2- CaCO3 (s)

The pH of filtrate obtained can be checked by using universal indicator. The

result of pH solution showed that the filtrate is alkaline. So, the filtrate was
neutralized with an acidic solution (dilute HCl) until the pH of the solution is
The reaction that occur : NH4+ + HCl NH4Cl (neutralization)
After the solution is neutral, it was evaporated until the moisture content is
lost. The shape of salt crystals after recrystallization process is soft powder
with clean white color. Then the crystals obtained are weighed and the result
is 0,2522 grams with the percentage of pure salt is 92,0867%.

Determination of purity levels of NaCl

The resulting standardize is normality AgNO 3 0,0987 N. After that determine the
purity levels of NaCl before recrystallization with 0,25 grams of dirty salt dissolved
in 100 ml of distilled water and doing titration with AgNO 3 by K2CrO4 indicator.
Titration is stopped until the color of the solution changes into a red brick and
produces white precipitate. Average volume of AgNO 3 in the titration is 3,825 ml.
After calculation is resulted the purity levels of NaCl before recrystallization is
87,8593 %.
We also determine the purity levels of NaCl after recrystallization by the same
way. It result the average volume of AgNO 3 in the titration is 4,025 ml with the purity
levels of NaCl after recrystallization is 92,0867 %.
The reaction that occur is :
AgNO3 + NaCl AgCl (s) + NaNO3
white precipitate
AgNO3 + K2CrO4 Ag2Cr2O4 (s) + KNO3
red brick

Crystallization is the separation of a crystalline solid material
from a solution based on the differences of solubility between
the purified substance and impurities in a particular solvent.
NaCl purification is done by recrystallization method with the
addition of impurity binder material such as CaO, Ba(OH) 2, and
The purity levels of NaCl before recrystallization is 87,8593%
and the purity levels of NaCl after recrystallization is

Synthesis of
Potassium Nitrate

Color and structure (solid, liquid, gas) KCl : white
Color and structure (solid, liquid, gas) NaNO3 : bluish
white powder
Color and structure (solid, liquid, gas) KNO3 : white and
shaped like needle

The reaction occurs

KCl (s) + H2O (l) KCl (aq)
NaNO3 (s) + H2O (l) NaNO3 (aq)
KCl (aq) + NaNO3 (aq) KNO3 (aq) + NaCl
After heating and giving setting low
KNO3 (aq) + NaCl (aq) KNO3 (s) + NaCl


The initial stage of this trial is to synthesise potassium nitrate with solids
as much as 4.25 grams of sodium nitrate and potassium chloride solids as
much as 3.75 grams of first reconstituted with aqudes each 7.5 mL. At this
stage, distilled water is heated to accelerate dissolution happened. The
result of the process of awarding hot distilled water in both samples is the
same, namely a clear solution. Meanwhile, based on the ease or difficulty
of solubility that occurs, Sodium nitrate is more soluble than the potassium
The reaction is :
KCl (s) + H2O (l) KCl (aq)
NaNO3 (s) + H2O (l) NaNO3 (aq)


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