Personal Habits of To Become Best Version of Yourself

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Dealing with people

Take disciplined action
Accept reality as it is
Make progress towards results
Stay Healthy
Living with purpose
Personal growth


You will not change them .let it go
Who will cry at your funeral?
Never miss a moment to encourage someone.
You will become who you spend the most time with
Communication is measured by what is understood, not how
well it is articulated.
It takes two to fight
Confrontation may be necessary.
Other people can handle more than you carefull with
white lines.
Real listening is requires 100% attentation
There is no such thing as a self made man be greatefull

Ask more questions

The one asking the question is in control.are you asking the
Remain curious the 4th why often gets the real reason
Learn to attract and use mentors and advisors
Build network before you need them
Get really really good at conciesly presenting your ideas
Learn to sell
Aggression begets aggression.
Surround yourself with people strong enough to change your
If you dont do politics then others will do you

Learn to defferentiate skeptics (good for you) fron cynics( bad

for you)
In the end,people wont remember what you said or did,they
will remember how you made them feel
Build lifelong friendship
Be kind to your mum
Hire well manage little
Spend time with people who want you to succeed.some friends
dont want you to groe or change
Nobody will ever tell you that you made them laugh to much
What is your label ?


Change is painful. Growth requires pain no gain
Everyday changes less. Change that
Incremental changes always win
Perfect is the enemy of good. Good is the enemy of great
The best indicator of mastery of big things is mastery of small
things.master the small things
Do not wish it were easier.wish you were better
Get a coach
Learn to ask for advice and help
In the olympics,nobody wins both marathon and 100 m

Routine sets you free

Get good at motivating yourself.
Knowing what to do and not doing it is the same as not
knowing what to do
The most dangerous place is in your safety zone
I will try is never enough.remove try
Kindness and hardwork will take you further than intelligence
If you never act,you will never know for sure
Delayed gratification is necessory
We must all suffer from one of the two pains: the pain of
discipline or the pain of regret.

If a problem has no solution,it is not a problem its a fact
Bad things do sometimes happen to good people
Perfectionism messes you up.
Make allowances for incompetence
Pain is gauranteed,suffering is optional
Very very little is truly under your control
The past is gone except in your head.learn to forget
Ignore the little things
No one cares about it as you do
Stop any negative comments about people not in the are
not helping them and are likely positioning yourself In the victim

If we all threw our problem in a pile and saw everyone

elses,we had grab ours check.


There is no they
Love is discipline. Love is work
Laziness is the life killer.lazines is the original sin
When in doubt,just take the next small step
Commitment before success .always
Stop justifying
The most reliable predictor of what you will be doing 5 minutes
from now is what you are doing now
If you desire a specific effect in your life you must put in motion the
cause of that effect
Break inertia.every hour ask-is this giving me long term benefit or
short term happiness.if no stop them.

Success is a process,not a on your process and

the product will come.
Every time you blame someone,you give away your power to
change things
Leadership doesnt happen when things are is the final
1 % that makes you world class
Dont see the wall
A problem is only a problem if you choose to view it as a is an opportunity
A dream will remain dream untill it is converted into disciplined
daily actions
If you see yourself victim,you will always be one
Stop being victim(start enjoying others pity)
The circle of pity-the more you feel sorry for yourself,the
worse your life will get

Excuses are a way of not facing up to reality,for pulling out

whaen things get a bit difficult
One small srep completed is a million times better than one big
plan thought about.
Act,,instead of talking about it
Next time you are about to complain,stop explain what you are
going to do about it
The world does not owe you a living
You have to pass the thrones to get to the roses
The grass is not greener on the other side
Refuse to use your past as an excuses.
Stop saying yes, but.

You dont need permission (for what is worth,you have mine)

The problems contains the solutions.
It takes 10 years to become an overnight success
If you dont ask,you dont get
Justification is much,much easier than the hard reality of
Do it now
If you rest too long,the weeds take the garden.activity finishes
the miracle

You canot be great if you dont feel great
Keep fit
Eat well
Brush your teeth
Dream play like child
Dont smoke
Daily exercise is an insurance policy against future
leaders are the fittest leaders


Life is a gift
Does todays schedule reflect your deepest values
Good students delivers what the teacher wants.great students
delivers what they know to be right
The best is yet to come
Dont ask why me ask what can I learn ? What can I do? Who
can I help?
Sieze the day remember you shall die.
Integrity is much more than the intention to be is
having a system in place to deliver on your promises.
Say no more

Chains of gold is no less than the chains of iron.

Reason is the rudder.passion is the need both
You are not your little voice
Success always starts with ambitious gives what you
asks of it
We are educated or busyness,not for listening to our own
minds at work
Poverty is sbout much more than money
Being everything to everyone is really being

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