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Scholarship Hunting: Make it Easy

Dr. Yu Nandar Aung


Have you got 2 yrs, preferably 3 yrs experience in

humanitarian work?

Then you can dream of getting a scholarship for graduate

study in world top universities!!!

Objective of this presentation

I am not coming here today to show off my abilities or
You can here see and feel my objective
This is.....
To increase the number of internationally qualified
professionals who can contribute to the development of
Myanmar in a more effective way

Let's see world top university first!

2010 QS world university ranking

Where do you want to study?

First, decide in which country you want to study!

Language requirement will differ from one country to
UK.....prefer IELTS
Other countries.....either IELTS or TOEFL

Check your preferred university official website

Some of the universities offer their own scholarship
For eg: Oxford university has plenty of full and partial

Timing of application

USA universities: normally 1 year in advance

UK universities: normally terms start in September, start
application from January
Australia universities: 2 terms...February & August, start
application 8 months in advance

Gather necessary documents

Undergraduate academic transcripts
Recommendation letters: both from academic and
professional referees
Application essays: explore websites for sample essays but
never copy all or part of them directly
o Remember application essays are important

Application phase
Either paper or online application
Some universities demand application fee
For eg: Ausi universities claim 100 Ausi$ for 1 subject!

Normally, universities take around 6 weeks for application


Scholarships to my knowledge
Fulbright scholarship: only for USA universities
World bank scholarship: some of the universities in USA,
UK, some Asian countries like Japan, Thailand
Prospect Burma scholarship: any university but they prefer
to support universities in Asia
Chevening Scholarship: only for UK universities

Scholarships to my knowledge Cont.

Supplementary grant program: any university but they also
prefer to support universities in Asia
OFID (OPEC Fund for International Development): any
ADB (Asia Development Bank) scholarship: universities in
Australia, Japan and some Asian countries
AusAID scholarships: only for Australian Universities

Fulbright Scholarship
Full scholarship
To study in USA universities
Just need to apply scholarship
Include personal interview at American centre or Embassy
Once you have been selected, they will apply the nominated
university for you
Normally, application starts to accept around April or May for
study commencement in next year September

World Bank Scholarship

Full scholarship
University application and scholarship application are
separate entities
First, you apply the university (Check the desired
universities for WB scholarship)
With university admission offer letter, you will have to apply
the scholarship (without offer letter, your application will not
be considered)
Normally, application closes at the end of March

Prospect Burma Scholarship

Partial scholarship
Need university offer letter
Any university around the globe
But they prefer to support universities in Asia, especially
Normally, application closes at the end of March

Chevening Scholarship
Full scholarship (may change from time to time)
Only for UK universities
University application and scholarship application are
separate entities
But you don't need university offer letter (rules may change
from year to year)
Include personal interview at the British Embassy
Normally, application accepts around March

Supplementary Grant Program

Partial scholarship
University application and scholarship application are
separate entities: Accept any universities in the world
First, you apply the university
With university admission offer letter, you will have to apply
the scholarship (without offer letter, your application will not
be considered)
Normally, application closes at the end of April

OFID (OPEC Fund for International

Full scholarship
University application and scholarship application are
separate entities: Accept any universities in the world
You need university offer letter
There are some barriers to winning: only 1 2 scholarships
per year, scholarship committee policy on applicant's
Normally, the application closes around April

ADB (Asia Development Bank)

Full scholarship
For some universities in Australia, Japan and some Asian
Normally, you just need to nominate that you want to apply
for ADB scholarship when you apply for the School
So, you better check the terms and conditions of a particular

AusAID scholarship
Full scholarship
Given by Australia Government
To study only in Australian universities
Include ADS (Australian Development Scholarship) & ALAS
(Australian Leadership Award Scholarship)
Only one application needed to be made for both type of

AusAID scholarship Cont.

Normally, application opens around Feb till May
Include personal interview at the Australian Embassy
Once you have been selected after the personal interview,
the Embassy will apply the University you have nominated
in your scholarship application

My personal experience on Scholarship

I have got AusAID scholarship (Australian Development
I am going to The University of Sydney for Master of
Medicine in HIV, STD & Sexual Health in January/ 2012
Actually, I first tried to get scholarship to study in UK
But I did not get scholarship
However, I regard it as a favorable turn of my fate
Because I was later endowed with this particular chance to
study the subject which I am passionate about (HIV&STD)
in a World top 50 university

What I would like to point out here is "Don't just stick to one
university, one country!"
You should try as many scholarships as possible
Opportunity is there for you if you open your mind, eyes and

General selection criteria for scholarships

Academic excellence: undergraduate transcripts, English
language proficiency
Professional experience: at least 2 yrs, preferably 3 or 4 yrs
Relevance of study program: development subjects
Applicant's potential on contribution of his own country's
Do not forget that scholarships are highly competitive and
you should make sure of yourself that you are well prepared
in every aspect of the application

Interview tips
Dress & appearance: neat, tidy and smart (Remember first
impression is very important)
You need to sell yourself well but not in exaggerated

Even if your English is fluent, be prepared in advance of

the possible questions

If your English is not good enough, don't be afraid!


Interview tips Cont.

Here are some common questions that are asked in the
Your job?
Why do you want to study this particular subject in this
particular country?
Your leadership role and style in your job?
People whom you can influence in your life? And why?
What kind of challenges do you expect when you arrive there?

Interview tips Cont.

Your future plan?
This part is very important
You need to assert yourself that you have clear vision on your future
Find out what the aim of the scholarship awarding body is
Even if their aim is a bit controversy to the subject you want to study,
you can convince them if you could give a good explanation
For eg, I could make the interviewers understand how critical the
situation of HIV in Myanmar is even though the scholarship priority
was to Maternal and child health

A very useful website for scholarship

information update
Register there and the website will send you regular emails
of various scholarship updates

My sincere suggestion!!!
Getting scholarship should not be the final goal
Getting degree from the world top universities should be the
Life is short
Do not try to waste your precious time, studying in a lowranking university with low quality of teaching
When there is a will, there is a way! You all can make it if
you have strong passion on it!


There is always an opportunity out there

for you all

All you need is to be READY when this

opportunity arrives

I wish you all good luck!!!

For further enquiries.....

Feel free to contact my email.....


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