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Have got

Have got
Have got is a verb. It means tener (de

I, you, we, they = have got
For he, she and it = has got
He has got a new camera.
We have got a great DVD player.

Positive Sentences

I, you, we, they + have got

He, she, it + has got
I have got a great boss.
She has got a beautiful daughter.
They have got three amazing lamps.
Shes got a pretty face.
Ive got a comfortable desk.

We can make it shorter:

I have got = Ive got
We have got = Weve got
They have got = Theyve

She has got= Shes got
He has got = Hes got

Negative Sentences
I, you, we, they + have not (havent)
He, she, it + has not (hasnt)
We havent got a car.
She hasnt got a big house.
They havent got a video camera.

Have + I, you, we, they + got + ?
Has + he, she, it + got + ?
Have you got a computer?
Has she got a cat?
Have we got any CDs?
Have they got a camera?

Short answers
Yes, I- you-we-they have.
No, I- you-we-they havent.
Yes, he-she- it has.
No, he-she-it hasnt.
Have you got a pet?
Yes, I have/ No, I havent.
Has she got a beautiful car?
Yes, she has / No, she hasnt.

Extra information

use any
negatives and questions.
We havent got any CDs.
Have I got any letters?


Possessive s
We use name + s for the possessive.
Kate is Lisas sister.
Pat is Chris and Emmas grandmother.
For plural nouns the apostrophe () is after the

My parents names are Pat and Bill

s can mean possessive, is or has.

Bill is Lisas father.
Kates her sister.
Shes got a brother.

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