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Activity Based Learning

Inspired by the works of Horsburgh,

an English man who set up Neelbagh
school in rural Karnataka
Developed by Radhika Herzberger
of Rishi Valley School to offer
relevant education to village children
Perfected by Padmanabha Rao of
Rishi Valley who introduced
innovative concepts

Program Description
Based on pedagogic principles of learning
through activities
Aimed at improving the quality of primary
education in schools
To change the role of teacher to facilitator
To create a child centered conducive
learning environment and enable learning
at their own pace
To promote the joy of learning

Program Description
Entire textual material had been broken into
small parts
The material was organized into ladders
This allowed children to proceed at their
own pace
Use of illustrated cards and Montessori
materials prepared by the teachers
personally to set the context
Puppetry, Story telling, reading of story
books, paper craft and outdoor games are

Program Description
Language begins with illustrated
cards and short words that are easy
to write rather than alphabet
Math is taught using attractive
Montessori materials designed
systematically for fundamental
Science is taught using cards and
activities that are suggested by the

Innovative Practices
Blackboard is brought from teachers eye
level to the childs
Blackboard space is increased to facilitate
space for childs writings and read each
others writings
Learning materials are color coded for
every class level and logos of animals and
insects are used to differentiate curriculum
A card for self evaluation is also provided
thus making evaluation a part of process
Since there is no failure for children there
is no fear for failure

The need for an examination at the end of
school year has been made redundant
The idea of No child is better or worse
than other has been relinquished
Teacher keeps an eye on learning of child
and pairs an advanced learner with one
who is struggling, thus initiating peer
The Achievement chart clearly shows the
positions of children in each area thus
enabling tracking of childs progress

This gives child to learn at his/her own pace
Vertical grouping has been introduced
where children learn in mixed groups
A classroom size has been consciously fixed
at 40 and may have students from different
Children are encouraged to fill the
attendance everyday on their own
Attendance card
Constant interaction improved cooperation
rather than competition among children

Subject split into objectives
Objectives split into milestones

Milestones are developed into different activitie

Milestones are now arranged into a ladder
in sequence of simple to complex
Each milestone now has different steps
of learning process represented by 6 logos

Students are clubbed irrespective of
their classes
They are then supplied with learning
cards, activity kits, supplementary
reading material
Students generally sit in 6 groups and
work with cards as directed by the
subject and learning ladder
Group 1 students are familiarized with
use of ABL learning material which
happens at the beginning of year

Students in group 2 are introduced to
concept of each milestone
They then move to groups 3, 4, 5 and 6 to
perform different activities pertaining to
practice, reinforcement and self evaluation
During this time students interact with each
other in groups and use low level black
boards, workbooks
Teacher not only familiarizes about ABL to
group 1, 2 but also monitors movement to
other groups
She finally records the achievements in
annual chart

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