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KG2 Classroom


Week 11

November 13th - November 17h 2016 2016

Upcoming class trip to The Green


The Green Planet is an unparalleled

offering which will appeal to nature
lovers and explorers of all ages while
providing educational insights on the
delicate balance of nature on Planet
Earth. It is built around the desire to
contribute to environmental
consciousness in the region. As part of
this priority, The Green Planet will aim to
not only impress students and teachers
with a novel green oasis in the city, but
at the same time ensure that they enjoy
an up-close educational and fun
experience. Life in the rainforests is
competitive and survival tough.
Rainforest plants and animals have
developed complex relationships with
other species in order to survive this
diverse environment. The Rainforest
Relationships program gives students the
opportunity to explore these complex
relationships and learn about how
working together is key to survival, while
also getting to know the indigenous
plants and animals. We will be focusing
on the differentiation of the rainforests
habitats and the meaning of
November 23rdin
- Thanksgiving
a rainforest lunch
24 observations
Thanksgiving HolidayK-LS1-1.
to No
patterns of what plants
Pd day for teachersNo School
29 - Early Release Day
to survive.
National Day celebrations at school
December 5th: Winter Concert (1:00-2:30)
(Location :CAS gym)
December 8th: Class Field trip

Unit 2: The Five Senses

English Language Arts

Raz-kids continue reading everyday !
Skills: blending, rhyming, syllables, Hearing initial
sounds, consonant sounds, vowel sounds
Helen Keller students learned about who she was
and her contributions
Describe the experiences and challenges of
someone who is blind and deaf
Vocabulary: Deaf, disobedient, frustrated,
Students finished the unit on the 5 senses

Social Studies
Unit 2 : Culture/U.A.E Society and Identity
Students will Distinguish themselves as individuals
from others.
What country is my family from, where do we live
now? Where is my country on the map?


CAS Dates to Remember:

Model and count 10 with objects, write and

represent with number name and written numerals.
Count to answer how many? questions about as
many as 20 things arranged in a line, rectangular
array, or a circle, or as many as ten things in a
scattered configuration
Given a number from 1-20, count out that many
Use a drawing to make 10 from a given number.
Understanding addition as putting together and
adding to, and understand subtraction as taking

Use observations to describe patterns of
what plants and animals (including
humans) need to survive.

Word: Achievement
Theme: Begin with the end in Mind

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