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Describing a Project for Developing

a Product or Service ()

1. Provide the rationale for taking on the project.

2. Present market data that justifies the projects feasibility.

3. Spell out the immediate and long term goals of the
4. Describe the projects distinguishing features, while
pointing out the strategy employed to successfully
complete it. :
5. Conclude the presentation by pointing out the
anticipated merits of the project and the positive impact
that it will have.

3. Spell out the immediate and
long term goals of the project.

More than an alternative to petroleum, as
an unlimited power source that does not
extract an environmental cost, solar
energy represents a growing
environmental consciousness aimed at
protecting the worlds natural resources.

The government should encourage this initiative
in two ways. Legislation governing health food
standards should be implemented, as is already
done so globally. Second, efforts should be
directed towards strengthening the production
capacity of the health food sector locally
because the mostly imported health food
products currently available do not necessarily
suit local tastes and consumer demand.

To satisfy a broad spectrum of consumer tastes
and demand for certain flavors, producers will
develop an extensive product line of homemade
style cookies and other snack varieties, including
bread, cake and candy. Substantial investment
must also be made in machinery and
preservative containers to ensure that the
cookies maintain their freshness and avoid the
use of unhealthy additives that contribute to

4. Describe the projects distinguishing
features, while pointing out the
strategy employed to successfully
complete it. :

Unlike non-renewable sources, solar
energy is unique in that tremendous
amounts of capital are not necessary to
develop its potential and make it
applicable for human needs, further
eliminating the need to pose an
environmental burden.

Under the BOT scheme, the Taiwanese
government initially holds the property rights of
an infrastructure project and then transfers them
to the private sector. The private sector is then
responsible for investing in the project and
implementing it for an agreed upon period. Once
the period expires, the private sector transfers
the project assets to the government with or
without compensation.

Given consolidation of medical personnel and
subsequent increased workload in the
healthcare sector, hospital administrative strive
to effectively manage human resources as
flexibly as possible. As clinical management
adopts various outsourcing strategies to
alleviate the above predicament, whether
outsourcing will extend to nursing personnel,
which account for the largest portion of the
hospital staff, to control expenditures and better
allocate human resources remains to be seen.

5. Conclude the presentation by pointing
out the anticipated merits of the
project and the positive impact that it
will have.

While successful development of Taiwans
hi-tech industry is reflected in the Hsinchu
Science-based Industrial Park and the
Tainan Science Park, the new
transportation network will further
accelerate access and technological
progress between the northern and
southern parts of the island.

County government officials hope that the
newly established THSR stations will spur
tourist and economic growth.

Its projected completion in 2006 will
significantly transform the islands
transportation market sector.

Further details can be found at

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