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Created by:
Maratus Solikhah
Nindi Rahmadani
Nurul Lutfiyah

Definition of Left Brain

The human brain is a complex organ
Institute of Neurological Disorders and
Stroke, 2007,1). The halves of the brain
the right brain and the left brain
communicate information with each other
through a band of nerves that connect
them. The left side of the brain controls
most of the movements and functions of
the right side of the body.

Left-brain characteristics include a gift

for language, analytical skills, and
mathematical concepts such as time and
sequence. The left brain "thinks" in
language. It's that "calculating intelligence"

You may find that individuals with this

brain dominance are good with letters,
numbers, and words (Sousa, 1995, p. 88).
These individuals seem to have a knack
Language skills including reading,
writing, and speaking

Definition of Right Brain

The right side of the brain
controls most of the movement
and functions of the left side of
the body. Other right brain
functioning includes visuo-spatial
recognition (imagery),
autobiographical memory, stress
modulation and holistic thinking.

Right-brain characteristics include creativity, the

ability to see patterns, spatial awareness, and the
understanding of how things relate to one another
in different contexts. You may find that individuals
with this brain dominance are good at recognizing
faces, places, and objects (Sousa, 1995, p. 88).
These individuals seem to have a knack for:
Art, including the ability to draw, paint, sculpt, etc.
Imaginative thinking
Music, including the ability to play instruments
with ease or to recognize a song
melody and play it back upon hearing it
Keep in mind that right-brained individuals may
exhibit one or several of these traits.

The right side of the brain also has an

integrative map of the body.
1. The right brain in counseling: When
you're in counseling it's often useful to understand
the role that the right brain plays in the process.
Because it's the center for processing emotion and
of our sense of identity, it has a huge influence on
how we feel about ourselves and how we manage
our relationships.

2. The right brain defined: We use the term

"right brain" to refer in a general way to those
brain systems responsible for regulating our ability
to interpret, navigate and thrive in the world. In
particular, these systems also determine the
quality of our relationships with others, including
the ability to form secure emotional attachments.

3. Developmentally: Not all areas of the brain are

online when we are born. We learn about ourselves
and the world through direct experience, not through
words. Our experiences, especially with our
caregivers, will be encoded in procedural memories
that form the basis of our emotional life. Perhaps the
most important characteristic of procedural
memories is their non-conscious operation. Analysis,
thought, and language are all conscious operations of
the mind and are characteristic of "left brain"
abilities, whereas the influence of the right brain
occurs largely outside of our awareness.

Left and Right Dominant

1. Left brain dominant
The left-side of the brain is considered to
be adept at tasks that involve logic,
language and analytical thinking. The leftbrain is often described as being better at:
. Language
. Logic
. Critical thinking
. Numbers
. Reasoning

2. The Right Brain

According to the left-brain, right-brain dominance
theory, the right side of the brain is best at expressive
and creative tasks. Some of the abilities that are
popularly associated with the right side of the brain
Recognizing faces
Expressing emotions
Reading emotions

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