Microsoft Selects Icertis Contract Management Software Platform To Accelerate Velocity of High-Volume & Complex Contracting

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Company Profile

Micro s of t is a w orld leader in

soft w are, services, devices
and t echnol ogy solutions.
Micros of t s Nex t Generati on Volum e
Licensing (NGV L ) plat f orm is the
foundation fo r its $ 6 0 billion per
year Enterprise Volum e Licensing
and OEM businesses global ly.


Microsoft Standardizes
on the Icertis Contract
Management Platform
to Manage its Enterprise
Volume Licensing and
OEM Business
W orldwide

Handle peak co n t racti ng periods

fo r the com panys rapidly g rowi n g
w orl d wi de cl oud business across
m ultiple g e o g raphies and

A u to-scaling t o handle peak
dem and at 175
a gre em e nco
t sn/m
i ncut te
t ra
cycle t i m e
from 9 0 days t o 15 days
Support s clauses, t em plat es
and agreements global ly f o r all
regions and languages wh e re
Micro s o f t licenses its p roduc ts
Support s familiar standard
Mic ro s of t CRM User Interface

The p ow erful combination o f Micro s o f t A zu res a u to scaling e n terprise cloud, cou ple d wi t h the Icertis
Co n t ra c t Management (ICM) plat f o r m s ability t o
handle the co mp lexit y and p ace o f a US $ 6 0 billion
clou d business, ensures sm o o t h handling o f surges
in d em an d whe n salespeople rush t o g e t sales

a greements
Due t o the rapid g row t h o f Micro s o f ts cloud business, the
comp anys e nterprise volume licensing and OEM co n t racting
p ro cesses needed t o be quickl y enhanced t o deliver m o re
velocity and scale supporting co n t racting needs across the
w orld and in multiple languages. In addition, the sales t eam
demanded conti nued w orld-class co n t racting velocity, especially
during the critical q u a r ter-end and year-end periods.

Empowering our sales

t eam with self-service

The Icertis Co n t ra c t Management plat f orm s clause and t emplat e

contract t emplat es has

managemen t sub-syst em easily handled the 100s o f t emplat es and

reduced contract cycle

1000s o f clauses across multiple g e o g raphies and languages.

time fro m 9 0 days t o

only 15 days.
Tony Ulkekul,

Rules f o r dynamic clause assembly helped quickly and

au tomatically c reat e co n t racts based on any metadata,
e m p ow ering the sales t eam t o self-serve themselves, d ramatically
reducing co n t ra c t cycle time f rom 9 0 days t o 15 days.

Head of Enterprise

Micros o f t A zu res au to-scaling and ICMs ability t o handle

& Corporat e IT

high concurrency loads ensured smooth handling o f the

surge in deman d at the end o f the qu a r ter and year, when
salespeople are pushing hard t o close deals and need a
co n t ra c t managemen t syst em that w orks wi t h and f o r them.

A b o u t Icertis
Icertis is the leading p rov i de r o f
co n t ra c t lifecycle m a na g e m e n t in t he


cloud. Icertis Co n t ra c t M anagem en t is

W ith the Icertis Co n t rac t Management plat f orm, w e are p rovidi ng

an inn ov at iv e, easy- t o-us e plat f orm t ha t

is high ly c o n f ig u rable and continually
adapt s t o yo u r c o m p l ex business needs.

o ur sales t eam wi t h a robust, hyp er scale co n t ra c t management

solution t o handle the high qu a r ter-end and year-end volumes,
says Tony Ulkekul, Head o f Enterprise Co mm e rce Engineering.

Today, t he Icertis plat f o rm is used

t o man ag e 2+ m illion c o n t racts, b y

Even wi t h the multiple regions and languages involved,

5 0 0 ,0 0 0 + users, in 9 0 + countries and

the Icertis plat f orm is meeting and exceeding our

4 0 + languages. W ith its i n telligent

SLA expectations by generating complex, mul ti-page

w or k f l o w and built -i n analytics, t h e

volume licensing agreements at peak times.

Icertis plat f or m p rovides o n g o i n g

co n t ractua l insight s and best - o f b reed c o n t ra c t m a n a g em e n t enabling
cust om ers t o inc rease c om plian ce,
i m p rov e g ov ernance and m it ig a t e risk.

w m
+1 8 4 4 - 4 0 4 - 2 24 4
14711 NE 29th Place, Suite
Bellevue, W A 9 8 0 0 7

Al l ri ghts reserved. Icertis 2 0 16

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