Assessment of Change 2

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By Chloe Walsh and Chloe Challenger

After filming some of our shots we decided that we needed more of a storyline to
make a stronger narrative. Therefore, we decided to make the female artist a
busker on Brentwood High-street and this is how they meet. They meet when the
male artist notices her busking, and gives her a 10 note with his number on. After
this they meet up at a park and have a day together. After this day, the male artist
takes the female home; he stops the car at the end of the road and walks her down
to her house. On the walk there, a male approaches the two and steals Lauren's
bag (slow motion), Conor runs after the robber, however when he gets to the end of
the road he stops (slow motion) as the robber is already gone. He takes Lauren
home and takes her out for dinner the next day to try and cheer her up. He takes
her home, walks her down to her house, and outside they share their first kiss.

Cast Members
After adding to our narrative, we had to add a cast member to make them the
robber. We decided to use a male, as robbers are conventionally male and as the
robbery is against a female, it would make the robber more of an antagonist.

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