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Respiratory Disorders


Table of Contents

Respiratory Disorders




COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)

Lung Cancer


Signs and Symptoms



Respiratory Disorders




Asthma is a chronic and allergic

condition that makes the breathing
airways narrow and swollen, and
causes them to produce extra

Bronchitis is the inflammation or

swelling of the breathing
passages, the pathway between
the nose and the lungs.

Emphysema is a long-term
disease of the lungs caused by
prolonged exposure to
respiratory irritants like tobacco
chemicals and air pollutants
such as factory fumes or coal.

COPD (Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disease) is the term
associated with a group of lung
diseases: emphysema, asthma, and
chronic bronchitis.

Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is one of the most
common causes of leading deaths
among men and women. Its
usually acquired through smoking.

Further information about these

respiratory disorders on the
following panels.

Asthma is a common long term disease that causes inflammatory in the airways of the lungs. The exact
cause of asthma is unknown but several factors or allergens help trigger asthmatic attacks.
Some of these include:


Dust Mites

Dander (animal dead skin cells)

Approximately 3-6% of the population have asthma. Although some may treat it as a mild nuisance, it can be
life-threatening. Asthma can not be cured but its symptoms can be controlled. Sometimes, asthma
can disappear by the time a child reaches adolescence.
Relieving asthmatic symptoms involve the elimination of the triggering agent, the use of a bronchodilator, or
a short-term dose of corticosteroids.

Bronchitis is the inflammation of the bronchi (breathing passages or
bronchial tubes. The small passages of air and its lining may become,
inflamed, infected, narrower, and clogged by mucus.
People suffering from bronchitis have difficulty breathing and cough with
phlegm. There are two forms of this disease acute and chronic.
Acute bronchitis occurs when a patient experiences a nagging cough that
lasts for 1-3 weeks. If this condition lasts for a long time, (perhaps 3
months or more), it becomes chronic bronchitis.
Chronic bronchitis can lead to the scarring of the bronchial tubes, the
production of excessive mucus, and the infection of microorganisms.

Emphysema is a disease of the lungs that also make up COPD.
This pulmonary disease damages the alveoli of the lungs as well as the
breathing passages. As a patient inhales air, the air sacs expand, break,
and are damaged, forming a scar tissue.
The alveoli turn into large, irregular pockets with holes in them, making
them less elastic and inefficient. People with emphysema do not get
enough oxygen supply and cannot efficiently eliminate carbon dioxide. The
patient may experience difficulty and pain during breathing and shortness
of breath during resting.
Currently, there is no cure for emphysema.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is mostly associated with
a group of lung diseases:



Chronic Bronchitis

Patients experience a progressive and long-term obstruction of airflow that

makes breathing difficult. COPD is preventable since its most common
cause is smoking. Pulmonary infections can be slowed down using
antibiotics, but no cure will be available if emphysema sets in.

Lung Cancer
Lung cancer, or lung carcinoma, is a malignant lung tumor characterized
by uncontrolled cell growth in tissues of the lung. It can be acquired
through the long-term exposure to tobacco smoke.
These carcinogenic chemicals can cause the uncontrolled growth of
malignant cells, called tumors, which may take up the space in the lungs
used for gas exchange.
If left untreated, the cancer cells can migrate or metastasize to other parts
of the body.

Signs, Symptoms and Precautions

Find out what are the signs and symptoms of each respiratory disorder.
Here is also where you can find precautions/preventions.

Signs & Symptoms: Asthma

Asthma is characterized by:


Shortness of breath

Chest tightness


Some people with asthma rarely experience symptoms, usually in

response to triggers, whereas others may have marked and persistent
The most effective way to relieve asthma is do identify the trigger, such as
pets, cigarette smoke, or aspirin, and eliminating exposure to them.
You can also prevent asthma by early exposure to pets and staying away
from smoke.

Signs & Symptoms: Bronchitis

Bronchitis is often caused by viral lung infections but can also be triggered by
industrial pollutants and tobacco smoke.
Signs and symptoms include:

Cough (lasting more than three weeks)


Shortness of breath

Slight fever and chills

Chest discomfort

Bronchitis can be prevented if you dont smoke, and dont let others smoke
near you.

Signs and Symptoms: Emphysema

One of emphysemas most common signs is shortness of breath.
Shortness of breath may be a result of lung damage, mostly because of
smoking. Asides shortness of breath, there are also:



Chest Pain

One of the ways to prevent emphysema is not smoking.

If you have emphysema, you may also experience depression, low
sleep quality, loss of appetite and weight loss.

Signs & Symptoms: COPD

Like the other respiratory disorders, signs of having COPD are cough,
shortness of breath, wheezing, and chest tightness. Catching colds often
is also another symptom.
And in order to prevent it:

Dont smoke

Dont inhale smoke

Dont let others smoke near you

Avoid air pollution

Overall you can see that in order to be able to breathe correctly and
enjoy your life, you must not smoke. Everyone knows that smoking can
damage your lungs which play a big part in having to keep you alive.
Protect your lungs and you wont have to go through these respiratory

Thank you for reading,


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