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Juan Camilo Vsquez / lvaro de Alba / Miguel ngel

Where and When Did Humans



The Advances Apas is a special group of individuals
who take a keen interest in human evolution. We are
passionate about the various transformations (at least
according to the scientific theory) that ancient
members of the human race underwent before we got
to where we are. We are very fascinated about
exploring this topic, and do so at every chance. In
addition to establishing this blog, the 3 members who
started this site publish on forums, discussions and any
other platform that focuses on the subject of human

Could we direct our evolution in the

Genetic engineering
Humanity now has an unparalleled
means by which to direct our evolution
genetic engineering. By using viruses
and other techniques, we can in theory
modify our genomes, and over time,
scientists may uncover genes
underlyingintelligence, health, athletic
prowess,longevity and other desirable
traits, engineering what might seem
like superhuman progeny. Genetic
engineering is how Ward speculated
new species of humans might emerge.

Charles Darwins Theory

The Premise
Darwin's Theory of Evolution is the
widely held notion that all life is
related and has descended from a
common ancestor: the birds and the
bananas, the fishes and the flowers -all related. Darwin's general theory
presumes the development of life from
non-life and stresses a purely
naturalistic (undirected) "descent with

Thanks a lot!

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