Oracle Ebusiness Financials R12 Oracle Receivables Functional Overview

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Oracle eBusiness Financials R12

Oracle Receivables Functional Overview

TCS Oracle Practice

Balance Forward Billing

Balance Forward Billing provides enhanced billing options that replace the
consolidated billing functionality of prior releases with a more complete and
flexible solution

November 24, 2016

Balance Forward Billing

Setup and Process
How to set up the feature
How to use the feature
Dependencies and Interactions

November 24, 2016

Balance Forward Billing

Generate bills based on new Billing Cycles
Easily create daily, weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, and annual billings
Bill on specific days of the month, or days of the week
Choose to exclude weekends
Consolidate billing activity at the level of customer Account or Site
Consolidated activity across account sites, or by each billing site
Not all billing sites need to consolidate their invoices, or be included in account
level billing
specific invoices can be excluded from the Bill

November 24, 2016

Balance Forward Billing

Enhanced viewing and printing
Bill Presentment Architecture (BPA) configured formats provide a more
appealing layout that can be easily modified
View the completed bill online
Streamline processing with fewer programs to run and maintain
three programs compared to five used by consolidated billing feature

November 24, 2016

Balance Forward Billing

Increased flexibility provides billing consistent with business practices and customer
Expanded billing period definitions, varied levels of consolidation, exclusion of
specified invoices, unlimited print formats

Clearer communication with the customer

User views the balance forward bill online exactly as the customer sees it

Improved accuracy of Aging

All invoices on the same bill have the same due date, guaranteeing the individual
invoices will age simultaneously

November 24, 2016

Setup and Process

Balance Forward Billing

Setup and Process


Billing Cycle


Manually Create

Payment Term and
assign Billing Cycle
Run Generate
Balance Forward
Bill Program

Balance Forward Billing
for Customer Account
or Site
Balance Forward
Print Program

Run Confirm
Balance Forward
Bills Program

Automated process

November 24, 2016

Balance Forward Billing

Setup - Define Billing Cycle
For Daily,
choose how
often and
whether to use
work days only

For Weekly,
choose how
often and day
of week



November 24, 2016

Balance Forward Billing

Setup - Define Billing Cycle
Choose number
of months to
create bi-weekly,
quarterly or biannual billing


specific date or
multiple dates

Choose to
create exclude

November 24, 2016

Balance Forward Billing

Setup - Define Payment Term

Assign Cycle
to Payment

Cutoff dates
are now
assigned to the

Due Date is calculated

November 24, 2016

Balance Forward Billing

Setup - Customer Profile Class

Enable Check box

Bill Level
Imported (if Level = Site)
Payment Term
Balance Forward (if Enabled)
Non-Balance Forward (if not enabled)
Override Terms
Default term can be updated

November 24, 2016

Balance Forward Billing

Setup - Account & Site Profile

Must enable Balance Forward at Account and Site Profile

Bill Level is set ONLY at the Account level
Allow override of terms to exclude invoices from the bill

November 24, 2016

Balance Forward Billing

Setup - Account Level Bill Example
Bill Level



Payment Terms and Type ignored on Site profile

Transactions summarized on one bill from Sites 1-3
Individual transactions only from Site 4

November 24, 2016

Balance Forward Billing

Setup - Site Level Bill Example
Bill Level



Payment Term and Type ignored on Account profile

Transactions summarized on individual bills from Sites 1 and 2
Transactions detailed on individual bill from Site 3
Individual transactions only from Site 4

November 24, 2016

Oracle BPA Rules Setup

Rules for Balance
Forward Bills use the
Primary Data Source of
Oracle Receivables
Balance Forward

Use existing BPA templates

or create your own

For the same print

formatting as
Consolidated Bills,
use the attribute
Display Format

November 24, 2016

Balance Forward Billing

Process Enter Transaction
Payment Term defaults
from Site profile if Bill Level = Site
from Account profile if Bill Level = Account
Billing Date derived from transaction date and
billing cycle
Due Date derived from billing date and
payment term
Optionally select non-Balance Forward term if
Override Terms = Yes

November 24, 2016

Balance Forward Billing

Process Imported Transactions
AutoInvoice will derive the billing date
Billing Date is a new mandatory grouping rule
Billing Date value is mandatory if cycle = External
Transaction API will derive the billing date
Billing Date value is mandatory if cycle = External
Legacy Invoices must be imported with specific billing date if the seeded
External cycle is assigned to the payment term
Imported Billing Number feature used by OKL and legacy systems is still
supported and does not use the balance forward programs

November 24, 2016

Balance Forward Billing

Process Creating Bills
Generate Balance Forward Bills program
Replaces Print Draft Consolidated Billing Invoices
Replaces Print New Consolidated Billing Invoices
Confirm Balance Forward Bill program
Replaces Accept Consolidated Billing Invoices
Replaces Reject Consolidated Billing Invoices
BPA Balance Forward Print Program
Replaces Reprint Consolidated Billing Invoices

November 24, 2016

Balance Forward Billing

Process Generating Bill Logic

November 24, 2016

Balance Forward Billing

Use Cases
Case 1:
Billing Cycle = 10th of every month
Last Bill Generated = Dec 10, 2004
Todays Run Date = Jan 12, 2005
1 bill generated for Jan 10, 2005
Case 2:
Billing Cycle = 10th of every month
Last Bill Generated = Dec 10, 2004
Todays Run Date = Jan 8, 2005
No bill generated
Run date must be Jan 10, 2005 or later

November 24, 2016

Balance Forward Billing

Process Generate Bill program
Choose Print Option
Draft bill
Final bill
Print Output
Default Yes calls the BPA Print Program
Must be Yes to view online
No, if plan to print later
Specify Billing Cycle
This limits customer and available payment terms
to chose from

November 24, 2016

Balance Forward Billing

Process - Confirm Bill
Confirm Option
Concurrent Request ID
ID from Generate Run
Allows batch confirmation
Required if no other parameters selected
Use other parameters to limit the bills affected

November 24, 2016

Summary Balance Forward Bill

Balance and

Each bill has balance and summary information

In summary format, built-in links allow drill down to details

November 24, 2016

Detail Balance Forward Bill

Balance and

All lines for

each invoice
In detail format, all lines for all invoices are included on the bill

November 24, 2016

Balance Forward Billing

Process BPA Print Program
Can be initiated from Generate
print draft bills
print final bills
Use to Reprint
Select specific bill number, batch
or customer

November 24, 2016

Balance Forward Billing

Process Disable Payment Terms

If you are planning to disable balance forward billing for a customer, do the following:
To bill the existing invoices:
Prior to disabling balance forward billing, a final balance forward bill can be generated that picks up existing
After disabling balance forward billing, change the payment term on all existing transactions to a non-balance
forward billing payment term
To bill future invoices:
Change the default payment term on the customer account
Disable balance forward billing at the site and change the default payment term

November 24, 2016

Balance Forward Billing

Change Payment Terms
You can change the billing cycle for a customer by changing the payment term on the customer profile
Existing transactions with the old payment term, billing date, and due date will be picked up on the next bill run
Transactions that do not have activity against them will inherit the Payment term, billing date, and due date
from the new payment term
Transactions that have activity will not inherit the new payment term, billing date, and due date
This could cause an aging discrepancy since the due date for these invoices will differ from that of the other
invoices on the bill

November 24, 2016

Dependencies and Interactions

Balance Forward Billing

Dependencies and Interactions
Oracle Bill Management
This product provides the user interface and the customer print format for all
Balance Forward Bills
It also provides the rules engine that determines what print/display format
will be used
It delivers seeded rules that perform the same as the consolidated billing
functionality (summary vs. detail)
Users can create new rules and print templates

November 24, 2016

Upgrade Information

Balance Forward Billing

Functional Upgrade Script

The upgrade script will run automatically

It will update consolidated billing proxima payment terms to billing cycle terms
It creates cycles based on the cut-off dates of existing proxima terms
It assigns them to the existing payment terms
Balance forward billing payment terms cannot be assigned to Transaction Types and customer Site Uses
If a consolidated (proxima) term was assigned at these levels prior to upgrade, the upgrade script will
override the assignment with a null value

November 24, 2016

Balance Forward Billing

Functional Upgrade Script
It will update customer profiles
Enable Balance Forward Billing
Checkbox will be enabled at the account and site level for all validated consolidated billing customers
If payment term assigned to customer was not updated to billing terms, Enable checkbox will be null
Bill Level
Will be set to Site level because consolidated billing was only done at the site level.
Users will need to update the customer record after upgrade to create bills at the account level

November 24, 2016

Balance Forward Billing

Functional Upgrade Script
Will not be changed by the script
The values of Detail or Summary will be used by default print formats
Customers with the Type of Imported will not be included in the upgrade
Allow Override of Terms
Will not be changed by the script
Will cause different functionality if default payment term is overridden on an invoice
If checked, payment term other than the default can be assigned to an invoice. That invoice will not be included on the
bill. It must be printed separately
Users may want to confirm and modify this value either prior to or following upgrade

November 24, 2016


Balance Forward Billing

Enhanced billing for consolidating invoices
More billing options
Flexible billing cycles
Customer Account or Site level consolidation
Exclusion of specified invoices
Enhanced viewing and printing of bills
More appealing and easy to modify bill layouts
View printed bill exactly as customer sees it
Rules engine selects from unlimited formats


Billing practices consistent with customer needs

Improved communication with customer
Accurate aging information

November 24, 2016

Thank You

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