Transport in Plants

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Absorption of water


Sap in the root hair cell is relatively concentrated. Thus the cell sap in the root hair cell has a
lower water potential than the soil. Water enters the root hair by osmosis across the cells partially permeable membrane.
Sap is now diluted and gas a higher water potential than the next cell. Water passes by osmosis from the root hair cell into the inner cell.
Similarly, water passes from one cell to another until the water enters the xylem vessels and moves up.

Absorption of mineral salts or ions


By active transport, when the concentration of ions in the soil is lower than the root hair cell sap. Ions move against a concentration gradien
By diffusion when the cell sap of root hair cell is less concentrated than the soil. Ions move along a concentration gradient without energy.

Moving water against gravity up the stem


Via root pressure when water potential in xylem vessel is low when living cells use active
transport to pump ions into vessels.
2) Through capillary action by the interaction of water mo9lecules and the surface of vessel.
3) Through transpiration, when plants evaporate excess water a suction force pulls
water up the xylem vessels. The force is known as the transpiration pull. The stream of
water up the plant is known as the transpiration stream.


Transport in Plants

Reduces transpiration by

Humidity of airCauses wilting

reducing exposure to sunlight
as guard cells become flaccid,
closing the stomata.

As stomata are closed, CO2

entering is reduced. Hence, it is
a limiting factor, decreasing rate
of photosynthesis.


Root Hair Cells

Conducts water and dissolved mineral salts
Conducts food from leaves to other parts.
Absorbs mineral salts and water
from the roots to stem and leaves.
Consists of sieve tubes and companion cells.
from the soil.
Provides mechanical support for the plant
Sieve tube consists of sieve tube cells separated by sieve plates.
Long and narrow to increase surface
Xylem vessel has an empty lumen without protoplasm or cross walls
Companion cells have many mitochondria to release energy to load sugars
area to volume ratio to increase rat
which reduces resistance to water flowing through the xylem.
from the mesophyll cells into the sieve tubes via active transport.
of absorption per unit time.
Walls are thickened with lignin to prevent collapse.
Holes in sieve plates allow rapid flow of manufactured food through sieve tubes.
Cell surface membrane prevents cell
When bundled together they provide mechanical support for the plant.
sap to leak to maintain water poten
Vascular Tissue

Vascular Tissue

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