Existentialism in Personal Development

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& Personal

Master of Science in Guidance and Counseling

emphasizes individual existence,
freedom and choice. It is the view that
humans define their own meaning in life,
and try to make rational decisions
despite existing in an irrational universe.

Existential therapy
We are the authors of our lives, and
we design the pathways we follow.
We are not victims of circumstance
because, to a large extent, we are
what we choose to be.
The major aim of therapy is to
encourage clients to reflect on life.

Existential Tradition seeks a

balance between recognizing the
limits and tragic dimensions of
human existence on one hand and
the possibilities and opportunities
of human life on the other hand.

Existentialism: The Capacity

for Self-Awareness
We are finite and do not have unlimited
time to do what we want in life.
We have the potential to take action or not
to act, inaction is a decision.
We choose our actions, and therefore we
can partially create our own destiny.
Increasing self-awareness, which includes
awareness of alternatives, motivations
factors influencing the person and personal

Personal Development
Imagine yourself looking into a mirror. What do
you see? Do you see your ideal self or your
actual self?
Your ideal self is the self that you aspire to be.
It is the
one that you hope will possess characteristics
similar to that of a mentor or some other worldly
Your actual self, however, is the one that you

The actual self and the ideal self are two

broad categories of self-concept.
Self-concept refers to your awareness
of yourself. It is the construct that
these two selves. In other words, it
connotes first the identification of the
ideal self as
separate from others, and second, it
encompasses all the behaviors evaluated

The actual self is built on self-knowledge.

Self-knowledge is derived from
social interactions that provide insight into
how others react to you. The actual self is
who we actually are. It is how we think,
how we feel, look, and act. The actual self
can be seen by others, but because we
have no way of truly knowing how others
view us, the actual self is our self-image.

The ideal self, on the other hand, is how

we want to be. It is an idealized image that
we have developed over time, based on
what we have learned and
experienced. The ideal self could include
components of what our parents have
taught us, what we admire in others, what
our society promotes, and what we think is
in our best interest.

Existentialism: Anxiety as a
Condition of Living
Existential anxiety unavoidable result
of being confronted with the givens of
existence death, freedom, choice,
isolation, and meaninglessness
Normal anxiety appropriate response to
an event being faced
Neurotic anxiety out of proportion to
the situation; out of awareness

Personal Development
Stress emotional factor that causes bodily or

mental tension.
A practical way of defining stress is the feeling one
gets from prolonged, pent-up emotions. If the
emotions you experience are pleasant and desirable
joy, elation, ecstasy, delight you usually feel free to
let them show. They are not suppressed.
Therefore; positive emotions do not usually cause
stress. Negative emotions, on the other hand, are
more often held inside. They are hidden. You suffer
quietly and you experience stress. Do not confuse
positive situations with positive emotions. A wedding,

Causes and Effects of Stress


Everyday frustrations cause stress buildup

From the time you wake up until you go to sleep, you may
be confronted with a succession of stressful situations.
Managing to get yourself (and possibly a spouse and
children) out of bed and ready to face the day can be a
challenge to your patience and ingenuity.
Driving to school or work can be harrowing especially if
youre running late.
frustration in arranging to get the car repaired.
conflicts in school or at work, such as coping with
unrealistic deadlines, equipment failures, or unexpected

Problems in our personal life can

be devastating
long-term stress.
separation from loved ones
personal illness, or
illness of a loved one
death of someone you care about or
conflict with a spouse or close friend. Other major
causes of stress are
problems with drug and alcohol abuse, domestic
violence, care of children and elderly relatives,
chronic mental illness, injury,

A common cause of stress is

dealing with lifes transitions

This is especially true when a person must

cope with too many transitions all at once. For
example, Ellen has just completed a program
in fashion merchandising. She is eager to get
started on her new job. Her mother is ill and
requires care. Her father died a
few months ago. Ellens new job requires that
she relocate to a town 100 miles from home.
The move, a new career, and a change in


As humans according to the existentialist view,

we are capable of self-awareness, which is the
distinctive capacity that allows us to reflect and
to decide. With this awareness we become free
beings who are responsible for choosing the way
we live, and influence our own destiny.
This awareness of freedom and responsibility
gives rise to existential anxiety, which is another
basic human characteristic. Whether we like it or
not, we are free, even though we may seek to
avoid reflecting on this freedom.


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