4 Mark Release Recapture

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(Capture) mark release recap

(Capture) mark release recap

Step 1.
Capture a sample of organisms.
Note: ensure the technique for trapping
them matches the organisms being
studied e.g.
Pitfall trap for crawling insects
Longworth trap for small mammals

(Capture) mark release recap

Step 2.
Mark the animals in some way.
Note: ensure the technique matches the
organisms being studied e.g.
Nail varnish blobs on the back of
Tags in small mammals ears
Rings for birds

(Capture) mark release recap

Step 3.
Release the animals.

(Capture) mark release recap

Step 4.
Recapture a second sample and
count the number of marked
Note: ensure the animals had time to
mix with the rest of the population
before capturing again.

(Capture) mark release recap

Step 6.
Estimate population size using
the formula.

(Capture) mark release recap

The # of organisms in the population
does not change between samples.
Marked animals mix randomly with the
rest of the population.
Trapping and marking do not affect
the animals in any way.

Objective Estimates
Absolute estimates - numbers/unit area
capture recapture (mark-release-recapture)
capture animals, mark, release, recapture; determine proportion of marked and from
this make total population estimate
major assumptions:
(i) marking doesn't affect animals (behaviorally, physiologically, or ecologically)
(ii) marked animals are completely mixed in population
(iii) probability of capturing a marked animal is the same as capturing an unmarked
animal (closed population)
(iv) marked animals don't lose their marks
(v) marked mix naturally with unmarked
(vi) some other assumptions

Mark-Recapture Study
Capture, mark and release 64 monarch butterflies
Capture monarchs at a later date. The number captured was 98 of which 22
were marked
The population size is estimated to be 285 butterflies

1. Blue tits are common British birds. Some aspects of the

behaviour of blue tits at different times of the year are
summarised below.
March April
Adult birds establish breeding territories.
April July

Breeding season. Eggs laid and young hatch.

Adult birds collect food for their young from
within their territories.

July March

Birds form flocks which forage for food over a

wide area.

(a) In a study of winter feeding flocks, 36 blue tits visiting a

bird table were trapped, and before release each bird was
marked by placing a small metal ring round one of its legs.
The following day 43 blue tits were trapped. Of these, 21 were
ringed. Estimate the size of the blue tit population visiting the
bird table. Show your working.


Working or explanation of figures;

Correct answer = 74/73.7;

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