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Americas History

Eighth Edition

Growth, Diversity, and Conflict

I. New Englands Freehold Society

A. Farm Families: Women in the Household Economy
1. Husband the head of the household
2. Wife as the helpmate
3. Motherhood
4. Restrictions

I. New Englands Freehold Society

B. Farm Property: Inheritance
1. Family authority
2. Children of wealthy parents
3. Marriage
4. Fathers duty

I. New Englands Freehold Society

C. Freehold Society in Crisis
1. Population increase
2. Changes in family life
3. Household mode of production

II. Diversity in the Middle Colonies

A. Economic Growth, Opportunity, and Conflict
1. Tenancy in New York
2. Conflict in the Quaker Colonies

II. Diversity in the Middle Colonies

B. Cultural Diversity
1. Religious and ethnic diversity
2. The German Influx
3. Scots-Irish Settlers

II. Diversity in the Middle Colonies

C. Religion and Politics
1. Religious diversity

III. Commerce, Culture, and Identity

A. Transportation and the Print Revolution
1. Improved transportation networks
2. Print revolution

III. Commerce, Culture, and Identity

B. The Enlightenment in America
1. The European Enlightenment
2. John Locke
3. Franklins Contributions

III. Commerce, Culture, and Identity

C. American Pietism and the Great Awakening
1. Pietism
2. New England Revivalism
3. Whitefields Great Awakening

III. Commerce, Culture, and Identity

D. Religious Upheaval in the North
1. Old Lights and New Lights
2. Challenges to authority

III. Commerce, Culture, and Identity

E. Social and Religious Conflict in the South
1. The Presbyterian Revival
2. The Baptist Insurgency

IV. The Midcentury Challenge: War,

Trade, and Social Conflict, 17501763
A. The French and Indian War
1. Conflict in the Ohio Valley
2. The Albany Congress
3. The War Hawks Win

IV. The Midcentury Challenge: War,

Trade, and Social Conflict, 17501763
B. The Great War for Empire
1. The Seven Years War
2. Pontiacs Rebellion

IV. The Midcentury Challenge: War,

Trade, and Social Conflict, 17501763
C. British Industrial Growth and the Consumer
1. Resources
2. American consumers

IV. The Midcentury Challenge: War,

Trade, and Social Conflict, 17501763
D. The Struggle for Land in the East
1. Land disputes

IV. The Midcentury Challenge: War,

Trade, and Social Conflict, 17501763
E. Western Rebels and Regulators
1. The South Carolina Regulators
2. Civil Strife in North Carolina

Americas History
Eighth Edition

The Problem of Empire, 1763

I. An Empire Transformed
A. The Costs of Empire
1. Britains national debt
2. British troops in the colonies

I. An Empire Transformed
B. George Grenville and the Reform Impulse
1. The Sugar Act
2. The End of Salutary Neglect

I. An Empire Transformed
C. An Open Challenge: The Stamp Act
1. First imperial crisis

II. The Dynamics of Rebellion,

A. Formal Protests and the Politics of the Crowd
1. The Stamp Act Congress
2. Crowd Actions
3. The Motives of the Crowd

II. The Dynamics of Rebellion,

B. The Ideological Roots of Resistance
1. Intellectual traditions

II. The Dynamics of Rebellion,

C. Another Kind of Freedom
1. Patriot critiques of slavery
2. Southerners responses

II. The Dynamics of Rebellion,

D. Parliament and Patriots Square Off Again
1. Charles Townshend Steps In
2. A Second Boycott and the Daughters of
3. Troops to Boston

II. The Dynamics of Rebellion,

E. The Problems of the West
1. The Proclamation Line of 1763

II. The Dynamics of Rebellion,

F. Parliament Wavers
1. The Boston Massacre
2. Sovereignty Debated

III. The Road to Independence,

A. A Compromise Repudiated
1. The East India Company and the Tea Act
2. The Tea Party and the Coercive Acts

III. The Road to Independence,

B. The Continental Congress Responds
1. Meeting in Philadelphia

III. The Road to Independence,

C. The Rising of the Countryside
1. The Continental Association
2. Southern Planters Fear Dependency

III. The Road to Independence,

D. Loyalists and Neutrals
1. Supporters of the king
2. Proponents of neutrality

IV. Violence East and West

A. Lord Dunmores War
1. Power vacuum in Ohio
2. Colonial action

IV. Violence East and West

B. Armed Resistance in Massachusetts
1. Minutemen
2. Lexington and Concord

IV. Violence East and West

C. The Second Continental Congress Organizes for
1. Congress Versus King George
2. Fighting in the South
3. Occupying Kentucky

IV. Violence East and West

D. Thomas Paines Common Sense
1. Call for independence

IV. Violence East and West

E. Independence Declared

Americas History
Eighth Edition

Making War and Republican
Governments, 17761789

I. The Trials of War, 17761778

A. War in the North
1. Fighting begins
2. Early American retreat

I. The Trials of War, 17761778

B. Armies and Strategies
1. Continental soldiers

I. The Trials of War, 17761778

C. Victory at Saratoga
1. Problems for the British

I. The Trials of War, 17761778

D. The Perils of War
1. Wartime difficulties

I. The Trials of War, 17761778

E. Financial Crisis
1. State governments
2. Continental Congress

I. The Trials of War, 17761778

F. Valley Forge
1. General Washingtons retreat

II. The Path to Victory, 17781783

A. The French Alliance
1. Support for the Patriots
2. British concerns

II. The Path to Victory, 17781783

B. War in the South
1. Britains Southern Strategy
2. Slave combatants: the triangular war
3. Guerrilla Warfare in the Carolinas

II. The Path to Victory, 17781783

C. The Patriot Advantage
1. British mistakes

II. The Path to Victory, 17781783

D. Diplomatic Triumph
1. The Treaty of Paris

III. Creating Republican Institutions,

A. The State Constitutions: How Much Democracy?
1. Republicanism
2. Pennsylvanias Controversial Constitution
3. Tempering Democracy

III. Creating Republican Institutions,

B. Women Seek a Public Voice
1. Postwar demands

III. Creating Republican Institutions,

C. The Wars Losers: Loyalists, Native Americans, and
1. Financial gains and losses
2. Native Americans
3. Slaves

III. Creating Republican Institutions,

D. The Articles of Confederation
1. Approved in Congress November 1777
2. Continuing Fiscal Crisis
3. The Northwest Ordinance

III. Creating Republican Institutions,

E. Shayss Rebellion
1. State governments
2. Rebellion in Massachusetts

IV. The Constitution of 1787

A. The Rise of a Nationalist Faction
1. Money debates

IV. The Constitution of 1787

B. The Philadelphia Convention
1. The Virginia and New Jersey Plans
2. The Great Compromise
3. Negotiations over Slavery
4. National Authority

IV. The Constitution of 1787

C. The People Debate Ratification
1. The Antifederalists
2. Federalists Respond
3. The Constitution Ratified

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