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The Unreal Conditional

Viviana Marsiglia
Javier Negrette

Unreal Conditional Sentences

with if Clauses
The unreal conditional sentences
describe unreal or imaginary
situations that express possibility or
wish in present or future tense, that is
to say, what would happen or how
things would be if the situation were

Unreal Conditional Sentences

with if Clauses
There are two forms for this kind of
-Present Unreal Conditional
-Past Unreal Conditional

Unreal Conditional Sentences

with if Clauses

Its structure is as follows:

The if clause refers to an unreal condition

and the main clause describes the

Conditional Sentence Type II

is used for unreal impossible or
improbable situations. This
conditional provides an imaginary
result for a given situation. It isvery
unlikelythat the condition will be

Conditional Sentence Type II

E.g: If I had a lot of money, I would travel

around the world.
With to be verb, we use were for all
pronouns. The was form is also possible.
E.g: If Iwereyou, I would be more careful

Conditional Sentence Type III

It isimpossiblethat the condition will
be met because it refers to the past.
They express hypothetical results to
past given situations.

Conditional Sentence Type III

E.g: If he had been careful, he

wouldn't have had that terrible

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