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Big Idea: Play

Julia V.
Hannah M.
Paola V.

About Lesson plan

Lesson Title: Assemblage Identity Sculpture

Big Idea: Free Choice Play
Grade 3rd
Lesson Overview: Our lesson involves play and
holistic integration. The students will preform a
VTS session of a photo, which will untimely help
them brainstorm ideas for their art making. They
will build a sculpture that incorporates humor,
and how their identities have been perceived by
others regarding sex, race, and religion.

Lesson Objectives
Literacy- The students will be able to identify and
describe verbally, the stereotypes and assumptions others
have made about them related to their culture, race, etc.
Visual Art- The students will be able to visualize, and
build the assemblage sculpture using personal items and
other mixed media materials in order to celebrate their
culture, personality and race.
History- The students will be able to explore the prior
information they have learned about the history of their
culture in order to incorporate it into their final
assemblage sculpture work.

Summative Assessment
strategy (of studio

Literacy will be
assessed through
discussion of the article
Visual art will be
assessed through
students ability to
describe and create the
imagery for this project
History will be assessed
through students
relating their cultural
history to this project.

Lesson Procedures
Students Do- A student will read an
article as the home work assignment
that will relate to the understanding of
the big idea
Teacher Do -Teacher will perform
VTS in order to identify specific
meanings of Fred Wilsons art work.
Teacher Do- The teacher will present
an artist and his background
information. Students will be shown a
power point of an artist Fred Wilson.
Teacher Do- Teacher will explain the
Think Sheet to the students.
Presenting Key Concepts for play,
Essential Questions and Objectives.
Teacher Do- The teacher will show the
students to build a base out of a
cardboard for their assemblage


Inspiration artist
Fred Wilson -1954
American Artist
Received BFA 1976
Installation artist and a political activist
He brings together objects that are already made,
manipulating them, working with spatial
arrangements, and having things presented in the
way he wants to see them.
He Creates multi-media installations, his
elaborate Venus work focused on representations
of African in Venetian culture.

Fred Wilson
Wilson juxtaposed historically
important artifacts with each
other to address the injustice in
history and the injustice of not
being properly exhibited.
Wilson transformed the
Maryland Historical Societys
collection to highlight the history
of slavery in America.
His exhibitions were successful
in that it made visitors more
historically conscious of the
racism that is an integral part of
American history.




Key Concepts: What you know

students to know.

Play is adventure
Humor is the ability to recognize the ludicrous
Paradox promotes fantasy
Transformation is the altering of a form that creates hybridization and
Play works with and against rules and structures
Contradictions create opposing meanings used is paradox and irony
Play is experiments with materials, techniques, and meanings

Essential Questions:
How does humor expressed through play contribute to a
meaningful discussion among peers?
In what ways does play strengthens the bond between
How does learner directed approach, help students create
meaningful art work?
How does appropriation of images contributes to the
exploration of stereo-types, puns, and irony?
What responsibilities come with freedom to create?
How can play encourage students to be comfortable with
failure and uncertainty?
How does exaggeration contributes to stereo-types in
todays society?

Objectives: Students Will

Prior to creating the project, explore the
information you have learned from the home work
assignment and Fred Wilson video in order to
integrate the ideas into your artwork.
Curate a small-scale assemblage sculpture from
mixed media materials available to you.
Identify and describe verbally, the stereo types
and humorous assumptions others have made
about you related to your culture, race, sex, etc.
Visualize the artwork and assemble a sculpture
using personal items and other mixed media
materials in order to celebrate your culture,
personality and race.
Take a photo of your final art work.

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