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Learnings from an
Interaction with

Mr. Percy Avari

Regional Manager, South Asia - Aramex

Professional Journey

in logistics industry - Key role in expansion of Aramex from 4 to 60 offices

in accountancy and a CA in 1991


been an active member of Express and E Commerce industry in India


member on the EICI and IAMAI - Has been awarded the CEO of the year by Express
logistics and Supply Chain conclave 2008
Career and Choices.

the beginning of his career he was inclined towards the services sector and more
particularly towards the logistics and supply chain business.

working with a UPB partner company called LB services as a finance manager from
1991 to 1997

to Aramex


in 1996 and started operations in 1997


with 4 offices in India as a wholesaler for the Middleast - and wanted to create a
sustainable business in India

as a transportation solution provider to the global markets - building a network of

offices covering all ranges of industry

Choices in career are not always a result of your qualifications but more to do
with your personality and that of the organization

Logistics Industry and Aramex.

The Logistics industry in India is at a nascent stage.

Hampered with limitations in policy and infrastructure, the industry growth has not been
close to the international standards.

The industry leaders have partnered together and formed a lot of associations to fill

Being an international company, the secret of its success has been mainly attributed to
its ability to adapt to local operations.
At the heart of Aramex

A central unit acting like a control tower for its daily operations OQCC

Regular feedback and benchmarking at each stage of operations

Employee centric approach concerned about career path & growth with company

Business Model / Strategy - Culture & Technology innovations

Exploring new and upcoming markets rather than developed markets

The industry has seen a bad phase where growth rate has dipped, but the ability to
adapt and plan has made sure the business continues to perform.

Sluggish markets, poor infra and all other hindrances can be overcome with meticulous
planning, Strong principals and perseverance. Referred to as the Jugadu Approach
Referred to as the Jugadu Approach by Mr. Percy

Working with Aramex and looking forward.

Changed from an introvert aggressive to a extrovert and calm individual

Realized the importance of partnered approach and working with the ecosystem

Would like to take up teaching and opportunities to groom the next generation once he

The industry has started expanding to unsuspecting markets like Africa

India acts as a reservoir of resources to expanding markets

With the boom in e-commerce and opening up of the social media Aramex too has
moved to multiple social platforms to make its presence felt

Work needs to be done in the country in a synchronized manner the 9% growth rate
though tough is still achievable.

The industry, Aramex and Mr. Percy all have to have an attitude of ever learning and ever
changing with times only then every thing becomes achievable.

Percy does not know everything and he has to learn a new

thing every day including from the person at the ground
level... Mr. Percy Avari
Markets are unpredictable and times are ever changing, the only
thing permanent is Change. .

Learnings from an
Interaction with

Mr. Rajdeep Mhatre

Director SCM, CHEP

Professional journey

Hard core supply chain professional

Set up distribution and logistics network for Chep at a pan India level

Specializes in setting up warehouse and distribution solutions , planning and analyzing, vendor
development, contingency planning, managing cold chain, retail and wholesale.

Hands on experience made him successful. Journey is satisfying and not the end.

Career and Choices

Started with Konkan chemicals -Stores Manager-In bound and Out bound

Moved to Gulf and came back with hard core supply chain experience

Radha Krishna food lands- 10yrs of exp

Metro cash and carry Bangalore based MNC

Joined Chep as Project Manager in 2010

Growing with Chep

Asked if could take up the job, first year gave enough contribution to the company and was given
added responsibilities.

Asked to take over international logistics and operations.

Promoted to the position of director

Excessive global exposure and contribution to Global Projects lead to continuous growth

Supply Chain and Chep

Limitations in policy and infrastructure has not allowed the industry to grow at its full capacity

Increasing customer expectation and amongst the fastest markets in the world

Indian markets for supply chain are a mix of challenges and opportunities

The Chep Network

Integral part of global supply chain helping customers to move their products & protect it.

Operating in more than 45 countries.

Care about customers, 5lac collections and delivery points globally.

More than 3 million loads are shipped on chep pallets every day.

Strategic network of 18 service centres with 7900 employees worldwide

What separates Chep from Others

Strictly adheres regulations

Focused on its impact on environment and giving back

Cost efficiency is the mantra

Actively involved in varied industry forums

too activeand
on social
Customer centric
An Not
base approach
with extensive demands
under challenging infrastructure tackled with a well planned approach
towards cost and reach has made CHEP a success today

Looking forward

A Growing sector with organized business

A common platform for all participants of the industry

Mr Mahtre with Chep

Looking forward to bigger role with the firm

Is dynamic man and has learnt from his experiences

Shares credit of success with his team

Dedication, hard work and focus Key words to success

One should know your role and look to excel with patience and
Continuously improve and learn every day Success will follow

Learnings from an
Interaction with

Mr. Ajay Tiwari

HR Director, Unilever

Professional Journey

in various fields like hospitality, FMCG, Automotive etc


been HR for Tata Nano project


had varied exposure in terms of role, experience and challenges.


as HR officer in Taj


to work with larger role.

HR at Unilever

designation HR Director - Global Supply Chain

it was called personnel manager


it is called human resources


further progressed to be called as human resource business partner.


is no longer a lagging indicator, it is a leading indicator


now enabling the business to show that there is effective business partnering that is
going to happen.

for the entire Personal Care business (with 8000 employees with brands
such as sunslik, lifebuoy, etc)

Human Resources A Part of the whole

HR plays an important role in shaping the business

Should be a part of board of directors.

HR plays people agenda part - they ensure that all the integrity of related agenda is
tied on

Strategic planning is a regular agenda - manpower planning

Implement hr culture in the organization

HR is highly matrix driven and number oriented and very clearly performance oriented
which talks about what is the quantum of growth that the organization wants to have - It
is as much as CFO talking

Create workplace diversity in terms of human capital - sex, caste creed, color and even

2009 crisis has put a lot of knowledge (unwillingly accepted culture of contingent labor)

HR as a function has always wanted to be customer centric, biggest

customer is the employee of the organization.

HR and Mr. Tiwari the road ahead

Experience has taught how to deal with ambiguity and never lose your heart
and never give up.

Looks forward to HR head of an organization for larger business.

HR is increasingly becoming an integral function of businesses

Industry has realized that HR provides the people who take the company

Gone are the days when hr used to sit back and create personal records.
Today HR is about how do you enable the business to show that there is
effective business partnering that is going to happen

WE Tube

By Sagar Narsian

We School - HPGD / JAN15 / 0112

06 Jan 16


What is internet?

Internet is the marketing channel.

It is the distributing channel.

Increases business efficiency.

Business implementation tool.

Types of web presence



Commerce enabled.


Simple,intutive navigation

Easy to find merchandize/goods.

Good online/offline services.

Business to business focus.

Why should we adapt internet marketing now?

Internet marketing is the cheapest and easiest way to sell product.

Any queries can be cleared online by customer and the seller

Increased client satisfaction./service.

Improved efficiency and effectiveness.

Good business sense.

Fast mover advantage.


We School - HPGD / JAN15 / 0112

06 Jan 16


What is HIS?

Hospital information system is responsible collection ,processing ,

storage and analysis of data from all departments.

Information for Radiology ,clinical ,pharmaceutical department is

sent to HIS.

HIS can connect to any hospitals from around the world having HIS

Functions of HIS

Receive data from all departments.

Processing the data received.

Connecting the hospital staff to other hospital in the world.

Secure the stored data.

Modern day hospitals are very complex organizations.

manual ,collection ,processing ,storage ,integration of data
would be a herculean task.

What is HIS?

MIS is a very crucial sub system of HIS

It is extremely important for planning , controlling and monitoring the performance of



Improvement in quality of care

Ready record of all activities

High speed and accuracy

Valuable aid in research and education.

By-Swati S Panicker

We School - HPGD / JAN15 / 0112

06 Jan 16


Social Media

Marketing is in booming from last 5 to 6 years.

Social media is an vital element for online business.


Helps to build important business contact and run the business.

Usefull to track sales and add exposure.

Starting our own website of business can connect to the world and provide information
they need.

simple way to increase sale.

Social Media Marketing

Implementing various social media network.

Bulding a marketing plan.

Content is king.

Consistent brand image.



Track competitors.

Measure success with analytics.

How to use social media for marketing

know your platform.


Facebook-create pages and make groups

Google+ -create circles.


Youtube-make your own channel and post your advertise etc

n to capital
Dr. Aditya Srinivas

We School - HPGD / JAN15 / 0112

06 Jan 16


What is stock exchange?

It is a platform where the seller and buyer meets.

Place to buy and sell the shares.

It is the bridge between demanders of fund and suppliers of fund.





Retail investors.

Mutual funds.

What is IPO?

It refers to the initial public offering.

Company goes to the public offering.

Known as primary market.

Classification of stocks:

Large cap stocks- greater than 9000 Cr.

Medium cap stocks- 2500 to 9000 Cr.

Small cap stocks- 250 to 2500 Cr.

Micro cap stocks- less than 250 Cr.


We School - HPGD / JAN15 / 0112

06 Jan 16


What is record management?

Record-it is the proof of existance.

In industry record means tangible record application forms filled by


In new business-operation team-record management is storage of

application form.

Preserving documentsforms must be scanned which creates an copy in an electric form.

Need of integrated system.

Cost reduction and revenue-information should be stored in servers

rather than cds.

Automationit increases productivity and saves times.

Future avenues:

Initiate innovative processes


Shifting the processing MVB

Introducing new external vendor

Introducing RMC software




Specialisation : Marketing
Industry : Retail Store
Subject : Tourist Centers The Next Hub
for Malls

Current scenario Increase in


Now a days jobs are more stressful than in

previous generation

Increasing the level of income and standards of

living,Indian professional started travelling

Generally a middle/highier class Indian plans

one big foreign trip a year and 3-4 smaller
domestic trips a year

Gradually increased need for malls at tourist spots in India.

The demand for travel and tourism in India is expected to grow by 8.2 % from
2010 - 2019 & will place India at 3rd position in the world

Tourist spots always have a mall with multiplex as an added attraction.

Internationally, Dubai and Singapore are the tourist centers that have become
shopping destinations or retail hotspots

Darjeeling is the trendsetter. It was the first tourist town in India to have a mall.

Challenges Ahead :
1) Striking a balance with the environment:
- Tourist centre are in small towns, Mall Design must be environment friendly & small.
2) Seasonal demand:
-) The retail companies find drastic footfall in off season period. Have to cater to local
-) During the peak season sees a huge influx of tourists.
3) Right retail mix:
- The mall should have some store for indigenous products. Eg : Mall in Lonavla
should have a chikki or chocolate fudge.
- Scope for having healing centres-Spas to enhance pleasure of holidaying/relaxing.
4) Right retail brands in food courts:
-) Interesting to have an well known restaurant of that particular place in the mall
-) Will attract local population and also for outsiders to taste cuisine of that place.
5) Finding entertainment partners:
- These places have to be peaceful and yet generate curiosity and attract tourists to
kill some time in case someone is bored.

Top 10 Customer Experience Trends

for 2016

Specialisation : Marketing
Industry : Sales and Marketing
Subject : Top 10 Customer Experience
Trends for 2016

10 customer experience trends :

Temkin Group, a leading customer

experience firm, has published its annual
list of customer experience trends

Here are the 10 customer experience

trends to watch in 2016


Effort Metric Expanding. Companies will increasingly use customer effort

as a key customer experience metric.


Customer Journey Designing. The rise of customer journey mapping will

help firms to go beyond designing interactions, to designing experiences that
customers really want to accomplish.


Mobile, Mobile, Mobile, Continuing. Mobile will continue to gain momentum

and companies will design experience that go beyond apps and mobile


Speech Analytics Piloting. The improvement in speech analytics will entice

many companies to start pilots for extracting insights from their contact center
conversations with customers.

10 customer experience trends :


Predictive Analytics Personalizing. Richer data hubs will enable companies

to personalize experiences based on predictive models.


Metrics to Action Realigning. Voice of the customer programs will shift focus
from collecting feedback to driving change across their organizations.


Value-as-a-Service Emerging. As consumers get comfortable with companies

like Uber and AirBnB and use more iTunes and cloud-based apps, more will be
pushed to break apart their offerings into bite-sized pieces.


Employee CX & Empathy Training. Companies will look for ways to train
large groups of employees to teach them basic CX concepts and to instill a
sense of customer empathy.

Three Innovations to shape the future of

online retail in India

Specialisation : Marketing
Industry : Retail Store
Subject : Three Innovations to shape the
future of online retail in india

Globalisation and the Internet. :

Indian eRetail will bridge the technology gap
completely in the next 5-10 years and possibly
emerge as the world leader in e Retail innovation.
World getting technologically advanced, the
market retail structures too trend for e-retailing.

Many young and energetic entrepreneurs have upgraded their marketing

strategy by getting connected with technology

In the United States, decades of mail order catalogues and home shopping via

TV channels facilitated the shift from traditional to online retail

Within eCommerce, India had transitioned much faster to mobile commerce -

50-60% of transactions of major eRetailers in 2014 were via mobile devices, as

opposed to under 5% in 2013.

Three Innovations :

Brick-and-mortar hypermarket chains, have an established network of stores

and warehouses, possibly wider and better located than their eRetail
counterparts, especially in major residential areas
Brand value and consumer trust is much higher than eCommerce.
By applying good omni-channel strategies, they can harness this network and

build large-scale and profitable eRetail practices.

The future of Marketing :

Why data will meet its destiny in 2016

Specialisation : Marketing
Industry : Sales and Marketing
Subject : The future of Marketing : Why
data will meet its destiny in 2016

5 interlinking themes :

The Festival of Marketing is right around the

corner where, marketing and data will collide
as brands, agencies and individuals come
together to shape the future of the
1. Customer experience : Most overused term in marketing.
-. There was a time - brands could influence how consumers thought and acted.
-. Now customer can enter a store, compares prices on their smart phone. If found

their desired product cheaper at an alternative retailer, or online, they will not
hesitate to buy. Technology has empowered
-. Brands still dont understand their customers complete journey, the touch points
and interactions that make up that journey.
2. The multichannel, cross-device puzzle .
-. The picture of the consumer and their purchase journey is becoming ever more
-. Brands need to be able to see the totality of their data to be able to campaign
seamlessly across every customer touchpoint

5 interlinking themes :
3. Using data insights .
-. Marketers need to know how possessing data to be used, to gain a 360 degree

view of their customers

-. With data sitting in silos, it becomes hard to understand what channels are
performing well for your brand and delivering real value
-. crucial questions to be answered in order to reach the right customers, in the
right places, with context and relevancy
3. Prioritising brand vision over technology .
-. Marketers often jump ahead of themselves and look for technology that doesnt

prioritise design over functionality

-. Instead consider which technology will best support them to implement an
exceptional customer experience.
-. The technology should be flexible and adaptable enough to support the business
and its vision
5. Valuing data visibility .
-. Companies will continue to want granular analysis of customer service and

creative campaigns, and marketers will increasingly seek evidence that their
actions are yielding the right results
-. Too often brands pay for ads, yet are unable to track their impact. This is the
reason why viewability and ad-blocking become such intense topics

The Fourteen steps approach to

Rural Marketing

Specialisation : Marketing
Industry : Marketing & Brand Promotion
Subject : The Fourteen steps approach to
Rural Marketing

The Fourteen Steps Approach:

The total commitment of the top
management to any kind of rural initiative is
the first step for any company to take, on
the long journey to successful marketing

Commitment from the top management.

Setting clear objectives.
Choosing the right product to be promoted in rural markets.
Understanding the mindset of the rural consumers.
Getting a dedicated task force.
Ensuring availability.
Choosing an agency with specific skills in rural marketing.
Developing a focused communication strategy.
Developing a communication delivery (media) strategy.
Below-the-Line (BTL) activities or Experiential Marketing integral part
Rural Marketing
AV van (Video on Wheels) an effective medium.
Developing foolproof implementation plans.
Providing adequate funds for rural marketing in the organisations
Evaluating the results

Mobile ads are fast becoming

central to Marketing Strategy

Specialisation : Marketing
Industry : Advertising
Subject : Mobile ads are fast becoming
central to Marketing Strategy

Mobile advertising :
Mobile advertising has evolved from SMS and
call-based marketing in 2006-07 into a more
sophisticated phenomenon that includes mobile
web and in-app ads, mobile search and social

Google has a new trick in mobile advertising by using its latest version of the
Android operating system


If you are an online shopper, you are likely to see ads from start-ups like Limeroad
and Myntra pop up on your mobile.


As cheap smartphones proliferated, Internet penetration increased and customers

shifted to mobiles as the preferred medium to consume information


From a $25 million market in 2011 in India, mobile advertising has expanded to
$70-$80 million in 2015, growing at 60-70% annually, according to industry


Firms are spending 2-4% of their overall media advertising budgets on mobile ads

Mobile advertising :


According to a Groupe Speciale Mobile Association report, the number of

Indians accessing the Internet over mobile devices expanded from less than
100 million in 2010 to nearly 300 million at the end of 2014. This is likely to
double to 600 million by 2020


People are spending a disproportionate time on their mobiles as compared to other

mediums like TV, laptop and tablet, which is the main reason for advertisers


Internet companies like Google Inc. and Facebook Inc. caught on the trend in India
early ona move that helped them become two of the largest entities in the
countrys mobile advertising space


InMobi focuses on mobile displays, a category that makes up about 50-70% of the
mobile advertising market. In 2013

Godrej Natures Basket Adds 3 New


Specialisation : Marketing
Industry : Retails Store
Subject : Godrej Natures Basket Adds 3
New Stores

Godrej Nature's Basket :

Through the new omni-channel strategy,
Nature's Basket is looking to tap into new
emerging markets across India. As a result,
the orders are widely spread catering to tierII and tier-III cities, it said.

Gourmet foods retailer Godrej Nature's Basket today is expanding its omnichannel footprint with three new stores,now total number of physical stores is 36

The new stores have been launched in the key and growing markets of
Gurgaon, Pune and Mumbai, the company said in a statement.

"Godrej Nature's Basket has been a pioneer in the gourmet space for a while
now and through our successful Pan-India online operations we have been able
to hit our targeted revenue levels," Godrej Nature's Basket MD Mohit Khattar

Besides, the retail chain has consistently grown in its e-commerce business
since the launch of its pan-India operations in September 2015. The store is
now operational in 125 Indian cities across 3,000 pincodes.

Dont let Management of remote

Workers run the Customer Experience

Specialisation : Marketing
Industry : Sales and Marketing
Subject : Dont let Management of remote
Workers run the Customer Experience

Customers :
Telecommuting and remote positions are
quickly becoming the norm for small
business. Essentially, allowing staff to work
from home can save business owners a
great deal on overhead costs
As customers are the lifeline of any business, finding strategies to effectively
manage your remote workers will be important..
Setting the Standards - Before deciding to offer this opportunity to your


staff it is beneficial to talk with your managerial team and discuss what is
expected of each employee to get the job done.

Time Management Systems - Ensuring that you have staff on hand to


answer phone calls, emails, place orders or tend to the needs of the

Chat Rooms for Instant Communication - Email providers such as Gmail


have free chat options which would work great for remote employees.
Whether you need to talk to one employee or you need to address the
entire team chat rooms are fairly easy to use and are also very private.

Customers :
4. Cloud Based Filing Systems
-. If your remote crew is working on a collaborative project that requires the creation and

updating of files or documents, then cloud based filing systems can help improve
customer service.
-. By having a filing system from which everyone working on the project can access files
and see changes in real time
-. you cut down on the potential for duplicate work, missing documents,
miscommunication, or even worse, missed steps
5. Incorporate Meetings -. Procrastination however leads to poor performance which can really do a number on

your customer service efforts

Weekly meetings are ideal when working with remote employees
video conferencing platforms that you can use for that face to face contact
Talking about upcoming projects, getting a progress report, and talking about any
issues is imperative on the weekly basis
This lets you know that your team is on target and keeps you on top of issues.

CCD to deliver at your Doorstep

Specialisation : Marketing
Industry : Retails Store
Subject : CCD to deliver at your Doorstep

CCD to deliver at doorstep:

Cafe Coffee Day will now deliver its coffee
and snacking items at your doorstep. It has
tied up with online food delivery startup
Swiggy for the initiative.

- Competitors like Starbucks - as also a host of smaller snacking, beverage

and dessert ventures including Corner House, Juice Junction, Vasudev

Adigas and Goli Vada Pav - already offer home and office delivery.
- Cafe Coffee Day can do it would probably dwarf everybody, given that it

has 1,538 cafes across 219 cities.

- For now, the initiative is restricted to Bengaluru, where it has designated

50 cafes from where Swiggy will pick up the orders. Customers need to
place their orders through the Swiggy app
- "Delivery for snack time and quick meal was an area where we saw a clear

gap," Coffee Day Enterprises marketing president Bidisha Nagaraj

CCD to deliver at doorstep :

Demand for online food ordering has surged across the country due to a rapid growth
of the urban middle class with high disposable incomes and popularity of
smartphones. Cafe Coffee Day expects its average orders for delivery to be between
Rs 275 and Rs 300.

The company plans to take this partnership to seven other cities, including Mumbai
and Delhi NCR, within the next six months

Nagaraj said the Bengaluru pilot project will be used to understand customer
feedback about menu, and things like whether beverage is being served the correct
way. "We will fine tune depending on the feedback," she said

Coffee Day Enterprises, promoted by V G Siddhartha, went public in October. The

company had a revenue of Rs 2,549 crore last year, with a net loss of Rs 87 crore.

Caf Cofee day to launch mobile

app to allow pre - orders

Specialisation : Marketing
Industry : Retails Store
Subject : Caf Cofee day to launch mobile
app to allow pre - orders

CCD launch Mobile app :

The mobile phone app, to be launched in

early 2016, will allow customers to pre-order
beverages before reaching cafes and pay
through mobile wallets
- Cafe Coffee Day will launch a new mobile phone app next year that will allow

customers to pre-order beverages before reaching cafes and pay through mobile
- The app will be launched in early 2016, as the coffee chain looks to make greater

use of digital technology, nearly two decades after it opened its coffee chain
- Digital investments for the cafe chain that recently raised funds through an initial

public offering (IPO) are not about advertisements on the Internet but using
smartphones to deliver orders
- FourthLion, a Bengaluru-based technology and data analytics company will develop

Cafe Coffee Days mobile app. The company has previously helped build tools and
applications for Infosys co-founder Nandan Nilekanis political campaigns.


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