Swot Analysis of Grapes

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Swot Analysis of



Originally from Turkey

Vitis vinifera
Woody vine
juice, jellies, wine, and pies, and the leaves can be used in
Most of the variety of grapes are suitable on temperate country
Red cardinal and Green brazilian

Higher and assured profits from
grape cultivation

Inadequate government support

Few local competitors

Many benefit


Health Benefits of grapes

Aggressive and strong global
Grape is still considered luxury fruit
and consumed less compared to other

Few cultivators
High yield

Lack of varieties for the production

and supply throughout the year

High value crop

High initial investment for

establishing vineyard

Less pests and disease incidence

and easy management during dry
Suitable grape varieties identified
for cultivation in this region

In rainy season theres a

apprearance of downey mildew

FAVORABLE climate and soil

Able to produce premium export
quality grapes that exceed
competitor capabilities

Dependence on few varieties that

are suitable in tropical
Small vineyards
Deteriorated age structure of the

Strong competition from other

countries which produce at much lower
Climate change
High return on investment

Reduce yield and quality due to

increased pest and disease incidence
Lack of cooperative societies and
boards for grapes in this area


Inadequate government support ask for the assistance on department

of agriculture to support the grape production.

Dependence on few varieties that are suitable in tropical - Continued
research on improved varieties
Deteriorated age structure of the vines - prune it to generate new vines
Small vineyards develop a place where vineyards where planted
In rainy season theres an appearance of Downey mildew build a
plastic roof.
Expensive if we produce more supply of grapes price will decrease
High initial investment for establishing vineyard ask for assistance of
Lack of varieties for the production and supply throughout the year
make more research for improving the production of grapes.

Aggressive and strong global competitors Collaborate with

other industries to have a bigger presence and stronger impact

on export markets
Lack of cooperative societies and boards for grapes in this area
Reduce yield and quality due to increased pest and disease
incidence make a technology or a variety that are resistance to
pest and diseases
Climate change - make a variety that are resistance to changing
Strong competition from third countries which produce at much
lower costs - if the importers have a lower price , locally produce
must to low the price
Grape is still considered luxury fruit and consumed less
compared to other fruits- lower the price if the supply is high.

Higher and assured profits from grape cultivation few local competitors
Suitable grape varieties identified for cultivation in this region - Red Cardinal,
Black Ribier, Brazilian hybrid and recently the Miracle grapes were cultivated in
our country.
High value crops in market mostly it is expensive,150 to 200 pesos per kilo is
the range of price,
Few cultivators few farmers are known in growing grapes
High yield 5 to 10 kilos per vine
Since there is inadequate supply of grapes according to FAO - causing an
endless costumers looking for it.since there is an inadequate supply the price of
grapes tends to be high
FAVORABLE climate and soil condition there aree varieties that are suitable
on our climate and soil texture
Many benefit may use as jellies,wine, juice, jam, and can eat raw
Able to produce premium export quality grapes that exceed competitor
capabilities red cardinal variety produce high quality berries.

Deteriorated age structure of the vines - the rate of
replanting of new vineyards is lower, this leads to aging
plantations and reducing their size.
Small vineyards - Often there are no investments to
modernize the facilities
In rainy season theresa apprearance of downey mildew
due to high relative humidity and frequently raining.
Dependence on few varieties that are suitable in tropical
very few varieties are used as planting material.

Health Benefits of grapes - contained natural antioxidants
Few local competitors and Few cultivators -few
competitors like sir Dizon and Sir Lomboy of LA Union is
the well-known cultivator
High return on investment due to high price it will
cover up your expenses.

Climate change - Impact of global warming and drought

on various stages of the vegetation period on the vine additional irrigation causes higher costs
Globalization - Increased competition by Table grapes
producing countries.
Grape is still considered luxury fruit and consumed less
compared to other fruits high price in market
Strong competition from other countries which produce at
much lower costs China is the number one threat on
competition because of large production area and it
overtaken the USA in producing grapes.

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