Barthes Codes: by Hamzah Ali

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By Hamzah Ali

This code refers to the puzzle or mystery presented in a film that the
audience have to piece together to solve. It is anything that is not fully
explained to the audience.
Enigmas work with narrative to keep the audience invested in the story
and take an active role to work with the characters to solve the mystery
in the film.
Some films tend to end on cliff-hangers or end without tying up subplots,
therefore leaving unanswered enigmas. This is typically because studios
want to invest in a franchise and by leaving these enigmas unanswered,
audiences will want to come back and watch the sequel to find
resolutions to the stories they are invested in. However sometimes
enigmas are never resolved and so frustrate the audience.

This code builds tension by referring to an action or event that suggests
something else is going to happen, which in turn gets the audience
guessing as to what will happen next.
This code works in unison with the enigma code as they both build
tension by giving clues to the audience but never fully explaining them,
leaving them guessing.

This code is about the connotation within the story that gives additional
meaning over the denotative meaning of the text.
This applies to film as locations, props and costumes have different
connotations that the audience understand and make meaning of. For
example if a character in a suit with a silenced pistol appears on screen
then the audience can associate the gun and smart attire to a hitman or
This allows the director to present characters without being explicit about
their motivations and background.

This code is similar to the Semantic code, but goes beyond it and
develops deeper meaning.
This is commonly seen as new meanings arising out of opposing or
conflicting ideas.

This code refers to cultural and historical issues that can be challenged.
It typically involves ideas about science or religion.

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