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Outline: Musical Literacy and

Becoming a Better Student


Musical Background

Middle School: asked to take art or PE, but was put into band

Learned French Horn

6th: Kutylo

7th: Smith

8th: Kutylo and Smith

School wasnt too difficult

Introduction of MPA: Musical Performance Assessment. Prepare a

piece of music and perform it for judges

High School: Freshman Year

Learned to play Trombone and Mellophone, continued to play

French Horn

One AP class, member of the marching band

Learned trombone by being thrown into it, forced me to do my

own research and spend a lot of time practicing

Learned to balance school and band slowly

Member of the lowest concert band

MPA performances now included a sight-reading aspect, my

ability to analyze a new text quickly and sufficiently improved

High School: Sophomore Year

Joined Winter Guard, forced me to stay after school in the spring

as well

Learned a new form of equipment, spent even more time practicing

Forced to improve my visual learning skills, since I learned the

choreography by watching

Became a drum major, joined the highest concert band

increased responsibility within the band program, increased time

spent at band

High School: Junior and Senior


Added two kinds of Steel Drums to my repertoire (5 instruments


Became Head Drum Major: in charge of 200+ kids

Took on more AP classes

Was able to adapt to multiple teaching styles and learn in several

different environments

Took a band trip to Virginia 2 weeks before AP Exams, was forced

to study on the bus

Got a job (more time management) and was able to connect

what I was learning in my classes (biology and vet class) to my

Member of two concert bands, the middle and the highest

Concert Band Analysis: focusing

on skills and development

Observation of the band

Much lower level

Focuses on the basics of music

Very little homework, but requires practicing for weekly playing tests

Students are forced to be held accountable for their music, by playing

in front of the class and receiving a grade for these playing tests

Challenged as players, forced to audition for the higher bands and

attend outside concerts

Concert Band Members learn study and practice skills, and learn that
they need to work for what they want (chair challenges). With a better
understanding of the basics, they can succeed in higher levels

Wind Ensemble Analysis: focusing

on skills and development

Much more in depth with the Wind Ensemble, more

understanding of the music

Held at a higher standard

Wind Ensemble students learn to compare the composer and his

history to the feelings in the music. Learn to express those
feelings while were playing

Writing assignments required for wind ensemble students

Memorized pieces of music and scales for auditions.

Wind Ensemble students show higher levels of analyzing skills

and the ability to connect over different genres, which can help
them with connecting what they learn in separate classes

Summarize: How does a musical

literacy improve the academic skills of
a student?

Time management

Analyzing skills

Practicing/study skills

Adaptability to teaching styles (total of 6 directors)

Adaptability to surroundings

Application of knowledge to real world situations

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