Group 6 Presentation Leadership

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Leadership For Change:

Enduring Skills For Change

Made By GROUP 6:
Avantika Mishra - 201600206
Aditi Chauhan

- 201610314

Siddhartha Patra

- 201601144

Suvajit Khan

- 201601245

Sonali Galkate

- 201600327

Prateek Mittal

- 201601325

Jaydev Patel

- 201611226


Change Masters are people who conceive and lead productive & effective projects, initiatives, or
ventures to bring new ideas to life

Change takes place in diverse forms in an organization: Innovations, Business models, Social and
Cultural shifts etc.

Regardless of the change, seven fundamental skills can be utilized by leaders (or Change Masters)
to bring about the change successfully in a climate others can also benefit from the same



Keep a wide vision of your surrounding

Sense the threats and be the first mover

Customer avoidance trap:

Assumption about the customer, indifference to negatives, not open to future changes

Challenger avoidance trap:

Interacting only to followers

Skill 2: Kaleidoscope Thinking:

Stimulating breakthrough ideas

By changing angle, open new possibilities.

Challenge and question current assumptions.

Encourage Kaleidoscope thinking:

Master second guess on success as well as failure
Encourage out-of-the-box thinking.
Blue sky Events Great brainstorming
Show your talent

SKILL 3: Setting the theme communicating inspiring visions

Shape the ideas into theme

Build a strong aspiration

The silent veto power

Vision is shown by change masters enthusiasm, passion and is communicated by him over
and over again

SKILL 4: Enlisting Backers & Supporters:

Getting Buy-In, Building Coalitions

Identifying key influencers

Seeking minimum number of investors

Developing a network

Gaining support of power holders

Stages of building coalitions:


Making deals

Getting a sanity check

SKILL 5: developing the dream:

Nurturing the working team

Lead actor to producer director

Translate an idea into implementation, a promise into a prototype

Two tasks of a leader :

Team Building Encourage the members
Team Nurturing Care and feed them

A team has: Common identity, Strong respect, Desire to help

Skill 6: Mastering the difficult Middles:

Persisting and Persevering
Constant monitoring is important to keep ideas on track
4 common problems arises in the middle:

Shortages of time and resources arise.

Unexpected obstacles pop up and everything looks terrible.

Difference among the team member slow things down.

After the start when ideas get little clearer to people, Critics comes into play.



One of the most critical leadership skill is to: Recognize. Reward & Celebrate accomplishments

Recognition: Brings the change cycle to its conclusion, also at the same time motivates people
to attempt change again

Rewards: Are a way to boost reputations and highlight accomplishments

Celebration: Drives the desire to take initiatives and innovation

The Rhythm of change

The skillsets explained so far can be broadly divided into 3 phases of change:
The first two involve generating ideas
The next two involve selling ideas
The final three involve developing and implementing ideas

Depending on the nature of effort, projects move through different phases at different rates of speed

Certain kinds of decisions appear simple and fast due decisions that are Bold Stroke

But Change is not just a decision, Real Change requires people to adjustment in Behavior, and
behavior is often beyond the control of top management.

Individuals respond to changes in different rhythms as well.

The Rule of thirds 1\3 with you, 1\3 against you, 1\3 that can be converted


All of the skills must be possessed by a leader so that he can bring about a change in
imagination, conviction, passion, and confidence among his group members

Position of Power is not enough. People must believe in their leaders

Winning supporters takes time but one must stop trying

Leaders must utilize relationships to get maximum resources

Should listen to resistors and try to work in co-operation not domination

Choose the rhythm that fits the situation

Recognize. Reward & Celebrate accomplishments

Thank YOU!

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