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Career spotlight

Jocelyn Munoz
Ricky Flores

Preparation ( college majors, degrees, professional

-You need a bachelors, or associates degree.
- They could also work with a CDA (child development associate) credential.
- Public programs
- head start programs

Preparation ( college majors, degrees, professional

- Requires a Bachelor's degree
- A Teaching Certification and State Licensure
- On going education; Keeping up-to-date

The field (job availability, industry growth geographic

- There will be more access to this career between 2012 and 2024
- Employment change will increase with 29,600 available spot

The field (job availability, industry growth geographic

- Employment growth of 576,960 more jobs between 2014 and 2024, job
availability will grow during these years.

Expectations (responsibilities, required skills

schedule, work week hours)

- You have to have a lot of patience since you are working with children from
ages 3 to 7 there are some advantages and disadvantages in working with
children of this age.
- work or stay longer with other children helping them in some type of way.

Expectations (responsibilities, required skills

schedule, work week hours)
- Youd have to be well prepared for in-class assignments, projects, supplies,
handling students, and study plans. Most important, keep up with studies.
- You work 10 hours a day, five days a week, with teens which would typically
be well behaved.

The long haul (compensations, salary, potential

advancement, longevity)
- An average salary for a teacher would be a median of 28,120 dollars a year.
- Top salaries were more than 50,880 a year
- The lowest salaries were 18,680 or less.
- You need a minimum education with at least a bachelors degree
- CDA certification (Child development associates)
- CPP certificacion (certified child care)

The long haul (compensations, salary, potential

advancement, longevity)
- Lowest wages:$37,540
- Average wages:$56,310
- Highest wages:$88,910
- Professor, requires a masters or doctoral
degree no further documents needed.

Day to day (types of assignments, work

environment, collaboration colleagues)
- Prove a variety of materials and resources for children to explore.
- Establish and enforce rules for behavior
- Organize and lead activities designed to promote physical, mental and social
- Observe and evaluate childrens behavior
- Identify childrens showing signs of emotion, development or health related
- Meet with parents and guardians to discuss their childrens problems and

Day to day (types of assignments, work

environment, collaboration colleagues)
- Deliver lectures, moderate classroom discussions.
- Collaborate with colleagues to address teaching and other issues.
- Keep up on studies by reading literature, articles, colleagues; Updating
relevant knowledge.
- Provide professional consulting services, maintain availability time.
- Create, assign and grade exams.
- Document & record information.

Highs and lows (interesting, exciting what is

appealing about the profession what is not appealing
for the profession)
Appealing thing about this profession:
- You get to be a role model for those children
- The job never gets boring, its never the same thing
- You get a passion for early education
Not appealing things about this profession:
- You need to focus in each kid.
- You cant wear valuable clothing

Highs and lows (interesting, exciting what is

appealing about the profession what is not appealing
for the profession)
Appealing Things About This Profession:
- Great Knowledge of Surrounding World.
- Always being up to date.
Not Appealing Things About This Profession:
- Long work days
- Extra Studies After (4-8) Years of Studies.

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