Resolutions Homework and Mock Conference

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Homework Mock

1. Due on Wednesday by the start of class: the third and fourth (final!!!)
paragraphs typed (written on the computer)--well talk about the last paragraph

As your are completing your

first drafts, I will be sending
you suggested edits. Please
return your edited versions on
or before the date I tell you

Fourth and Final Paragraph:


The idea: you get to come up with

solutions to the problem of youth
violence and crime!

Format of the Paragraph

1. Propose resolution #1
2. Explain how youre going to make resolution #1 happen
a. Who should make it happen?
b. Where should it happen (in schools? In poor neighborhoods? Within families? At doctors offices,
c. When should the action happen? Is there a date by when it should be finished?
d. How is the project going to be funded??? This is the most important question!!

3. Propose resolution #2
4. Explain how youre going to make resolution #2 happen
5. Make clear what role you expect other countries to take in helping with your
resolution--in fighting to reduce the incidence of youth violence and crime.

Sample Resolution
Talking about gender equality, our first proposal is based on giving economic help to
women in Kuwait so that they can build their own business, or to give a subvention
to the businesses that hire women as employees. The money would be from the UN
Women and also from our government. Our second proposal is based on promoting
politics in schools in other to encourage women to participate in politics. There
would also be volunteers to give them talks to be more self confident and to take
advantage of the right of becoming involved in politics. We believe that the first
proposal will help many people, as they will receive help from the volunteer
teachers, but these women can also give help back to other women when they had
finished their studies. The second proposal may also be helpful for women who have
no confidence in themselves and for the ones who do not receive the support of
their family by encouraging them to do what they really want, not what their families
impose on them.

Lets brainstorm!!!
Talk briefly with
your partner(s)
about what you
think the best
solutions for your
country would be-remember, where
would the money

Conference Procedure Review

1. Points vs. Motions
2. 3 kinds of yields
3. 4 kinds of points
4. What do we say to show that we want to move
from formal debate to a moderated caucus?
5. Flow of debate

TO SAY: Im listening to the other side.

I see your point, but I think
Yes, I understand, but my opinion is that
That is all very interesting, but the problem is that...
Im afraid I cannot quite agree with your point.
I think Ive got your point, now let me respond to it.
We can see what youre saying. Here is my reply
TO SAY: I need to say something now.
Im sorry to interrupt, but you have misunderstood our point.
Excuse me, but that is not quite correct.
Sorry, I just have to disagree with your point.
Let me just respond to that, please.
Forgive me for interrupting, but I must respond to that.
Hold on a moment, that is not correct.
If you would allow me to add acomment here...
If you do not mind, I would like to take issue with what you just said.

TO SAY: You have not replied yet.

We would like the other side to explain why...
We said thatbut the other side has not replied toour point yet.
I would like to focus on two points thatthe other side has failed to address.
There are two points thatwe have succeeded inestablishing
I want to call your attention to an important point that the delegation of has not
addressed yet.
I would like to point out that there are two issues ouropponents have failed to dispute
TO SAY: Well, I think that
The first point I would like to raise is this
Our position is the following
Here is the main point I want toraise
I would like to deal with two points here. The first is
The delegation of has still not addressed the question we raised a moment ago
The other side has failed to answer our point about
Let me just restate my position.
Just to be clear, here is what I mean

A few more!

TO SAY: So finally, we
To sum up, here are the main points
We pointed out that
Other delegations have claimed that
To recap the main points
Lets sum up where we stand in thisdebate.
Let me summarize our position in this debate.
In summary, we want to point out that
Lets see which arguments or problems are still standing.
Lets think about where we are in this debate.

+Can you think of a way to say

these things more formally?

Be quiet!!!

What you said is stupid.

Hey, whats up, were Rwanda

Hey, listen to this everyone!

LOL that doesnt makes sense.

Youre wrong, Canada!

+ Lets practice!
Use as many of the formal phrases and words as you
can during this debate.
Each time you use a formal phrase from the handout, your
country gets a point.
Each time someone from your country makes a point
(point of order, point of inquiry, point of information, point
of personal privilege), your country gets a point.
Your country must debate the proposed resolution using
what you have learned about the topic of violence against
The country with the most points at the end is the winner.


Instead of an opening speech...

Youre going to use your introductions! -- you can

use one or combine them or each read them if you
think it will take less than a minute and a half

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