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Biomedik 2

1. Pengantar Mikrobiologi &

Departemen Kesehatan Lingkungan
Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat
Universitas Indonesia

Pengertian Mikrobiologi
Microbiology could be defined as the study of
organisms too small to be seen with the naked eye
Microbiology is the study of organisms that can exist
as single cells, contain a nucleic acid genome for at
least some part of their life cycle, and are capable of
replicating that genome

Penggolongan Mikroorganisme
By cell structure

A. Procaryotic
B. Eucaryotic
C. Viruses

Penggolongan Mikroorganisme
A. Procaryotic
Single DNA molecule
Only membrane is the cell membrane
Peptidoglycan cell wall
Reproduction by binary fission
Motility by means of flagella in many
Small size, great diversity, high growth rates,
Eubacteria, Archaebacteria

Penggolongan Mikroorganisme
B. Eucaryotic
Larger size
Several DNA molecules organized into
chromosomes and surrounded by nucleus
Presence of organelles
Fungi, yeasts, algae, protozoa, higher plants
and animals

Penggolongan Mikroorganisme
C. Viruses
Obligate intracellular parasites

Modern Developments in
Bacteriology is the study of bacteria.
Mycology is the study of fungi.
Parasitology is the study of protozoa and
parasitic worms.
Recent advances in genomics, the study of an
organisms genes, have provided new tools for
classifying microorganisms.
Immunology is the study of immunity. Vaccines
and interferons are being investigated to
prevent and cure viral diseases
Virology is the study of viruses
Recombinant DNA technology or genetic
engineering involves microbial genetics and
molecular biology

Peran Mikrobiologi Dalam

Kehidupan Manusia
Decompose organic waste
Are producers in the ecosystem by
Produce industrial chemicals such as ethyl
alcohol and acetone
Produce fermented foods such as vinegar,
cheese, and bread
Produce products used in manufacturing (e.g.,
cellulase) and treatment (e.g., insulin)
Normal Flora
A few are pathogenic, disease-causing

Mengapa Mempelajari
Allows humans to
Prevent food spoilage
Prevent disease occurrence

Led to aseptic techniques to prevent

contamination in medicine and in
microbiology laboratories

Pengertian Parasitologi
Parasitology is the study of parasites,
their hosts, and the relationship between
The scope of parasitology is not determined
by the organism or environment in
question, but by their way of life

What is parasitology?
It is the study of a type of symbiotic relationship
known as parasitism
What is symbiosis?
A close relationship between two living
Types of symbiosis

Parasitism is one version of symbiosis ("living
together"), a phenomenon in which two
organisms which are phylogenetically unrelated
co-exist over a prolonged period of time, usually
their entire life, wherein one organism, usually
physically smaller of the two (the parasite)
benefits and the other (the host) is harmed
The requirement for a prolonged interaction
precludes predatory or episodic interactions
(such as a mosquito feeding on a host), which
are usually not seen as symbiotic relationships.

Especially in the field of medical
parasitology, the term "parasite" has come
to mean a eukaryotic pathogenic organism.
Thus, protozoan and metazoan infectious
agents are classified as parasites while
bacteria and viruses are not.
Interestingly, fungi are not discussed in
textbooks of medical parasitology, even
though they are eukaryotic.

Types of parasitism
Parasites that live inside the body of
the host are called endoparasites
(e.g., hookworms that live in the host
gut) and those that live on the outside
are called ectoparasites (e.g., some

Types of hosts and life


Transmission stages
Definitive hosts
Intermediate hosts and indirect life cycles
Paratenic hosts
Reservoir hostsany animal that harbors a
parasite that can be transmitted to

Types of hosts and life cycles

Definitive hosts / hospes definitif:
Hospes tempat parasit hidup, tumbuh mjd dewasa
dan berkembang biak secara seksual
Intermediate hosts / hospes perantara:
Hospes tempat parasit tumbuh menjadi bentuk
infektif yang siap ditularkan kepada manusia
Paratenic hosts / hospes paratenik:
Hewan yang mengandung stadium infektif parasit
tanpa menjadi dewasa, dan stadium infektif ini dapat
ditularkan dan menjadi dewasa pada hospes definitif
Reservoir hosts / hospes reservoar:
Hewan yang mengandung parasit dan merupakan
sumber infeksi bagi manusia

Spesies yang dihinggapi parasit,
yang mungkin menderita berbagai
kelainan fungsi organ sehingga
menjadi sakit

Outcomes of parasitism
Physical trauma
Nutritional diversion
Parasites can release/excrete toxic chemicals that
can have deleterious effects on host
Parasites can elicit dangerous immune responses
that can damage the hosts tissues
Parasites can put pressure on host energy
Blood loss leading to anemia
Parasites can elicit adverse changes in host

Other characteristics of
High reproductive potential
Often have unique morphological or physiological
Often have evolved methods of evading host
immune system
How are parasites typically transmitted?
Ingestion from food/water; also includes inhalation
Direct penetration of skin from environment

Penggolongan parasit berdasarkan kelas

1. Protozoa
a. Protozoa usus
b. Protozoa darah dan jaringan
c. Protozoa atrial
2. Helminth
a. Nematoda (cacing gilik) usus dan jaringan
b. Trematoda (cacing daun) & Cestoda
(cacing pita)
3. Fungi (Mikologi)
a. Mikosis Superfisialis
b. Mikosis Sistemik
4. Artropoda (Entomologi)
a. Artropoda sebagai vektor dan hospes perantara
b. Artropoda sebagai parasit dan penghasil toksin

Pokok Bahasan Mikrobiologi & Parasitologi

1. Pengantar mikrobiologi & parasitologi
2. Klasifikasi/taksonomi & penamaan



mikroorganisme; Tinjauan dunia mikroorganisme;

Peran mikrobiologi dalam kesehatan masyarakat
Struktur mikroorganisme; pertumbuhan
mikroorganisme & faktor yang
mempengaruhinya; transmisi mikroorganisme;
pengendalian & pencegahan
Interaksi host patogen
Foodborne pathogen
Waterborne pathogen
Airborne pathogen
Hewan vektor

Praktikum Dasar Mikrobiologi

1. Pewarnaan mikroorganisme
2. Penanaman & isolasi mikroorganisme
3. Indikator kesehatan lingkungan: uji

bakteriologis sampel air

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