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Air flow over a wind turbine blade

with different airfoil cross-section

Wind power is converting the kinetic energy of wind into other useful

forms of energy with the help of wind turbines for making electrical
power, windmills for mechanical power, wind pumps for water
pumping activities etc.
For a horizontal-axis wind turbine (HAWT) system, the efficiency of the

system is related to the blade design. Therefore it is critical to design

the most efficient blade shape for all possible conditions.

Blade Design

Fig.1 Wind Turbine Blade with cross section (airfoil)

Airfoil Terminology
A number of terms are used to characterize an airfoil: Chord (c): - The straight line connecting the leading and trailing

edges is the chord line, and the distance from the leading to the trailing
edge measured along the chord line is designated the chord.
Mean camber line: -The mean camber line is the locus of points
halfway between the upper and lower surfaces of the airfoil.
Camber: -The camber is the distance between the mean camber line
and the chord line, measured perpendicular to the chord line
Thickness: -The thickness is the distance between the upper and
lower surfaces, also measured perpendicular to the chord line.
angle of attack (): - the angle of attack is defined as the angle
between the relative wind and the chord line.

Airfoil Terminology

Fig. 2 Airfoil Terminology

Forces on Wind turbine Blade

Air flow over an airfoil produces a distribution of forces over the airfoil
surface: Lift force: -Force produced perpendicular to direction of the

oncoming air flow. The lift force is a consequence of the unequal

pressure on the upper and lower airfoil surfaces.
Drag force: -Force parallel to the direction of the oncoming air flow.

The drag force is due to both viscous friction forces at the surface of the
airfoil and to unequal pressure on the airfoil surfaces.
Pitching moment: -Moment about an axis perpendicular to the

airfoil cross-section.

Forces on Wind turbine Blade

Fig.3 Forces on Blade Airfoil

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